Originally posted by Wiglaf
When Taiwan is nuked, and you and everyone you know, from your great grandmother and her pathetic knitting store to your uncle and his horribly unfunny attempt at being Western and useful (I'm referring to his 'IM WITH STUPID' tshirt), are vaporized and propelled into millions of particles by the Chinese arsenal, I doubt anyone will notice enough to bother making a thread about it. Where is Taiwan again anyway?
When Taiwan is nuked, and you and everyone you know, from your great grandmother and her pathetic knitting store to your uncle and his horribly unfunny attempt at being Western and useful (I'm referring to his 'IM WITH STUPID' tshirt), are vaporized and propelled into millions of particles by the Chinese arsenal, I doubt anyone will notice enough to bother making a thread about it. Where is Taiwan again anyway?