It seriously does.
Whenever I've come across Christian ethics in modern culture, they've struck me as particularly insipid and pathetic.
However, a few days back I resumed by reading of the NIV Bible, Old Testament, and it's a very refreshing change. War, murder, rape, killing thousands with donkey jaws, mutilating hundreds of penises, genocide, prostitution, drunken incest, treachery, it's got it all.
What I like is the complete unselfconsciousness displayed by the authors. No moralistic BS. God is Isarel's pimp, Israel his beach, and that's very very clear. Israel prostitutes herself to Baal and Asherah, God delivers Israel into the hands of her enemies. Israel is the faithful to the LORD, the LORD provides. It's a very clear relationship, no moralising, no preaching, no nothing.
Who else likes the OT far better than the later "love they brother" and "mercy" and other boring-to-death stuff?
Whenever I've come across Christian ethics in modern culture, they've struck me as particularly insipid and pathetic.
However, a few days back I resumed by reading of the NIV Bible, Old Testament, and it's a very refreshing change. War, murder, rape, killing thousands with donkey jaws, mutilating hundreds of penises, genocide, prostitution, drunken incest, treachery, it's got it all.
What I like is the complete unselfconsciousness displayed by the authors. No moralistic BS. God is Isarel's pimp, Israel his beach, and that's very very clear. Israel prostitutes herself to Baal and Asherah, God delivers Israel into the hands of her enemies. Israel is the faithful to the LORD, the LORD provides. It's a very clear relationship, no moralising, no preaching, no nothing.
Who else likes the OT far better than the later "love they brother" and "mercy" and other boring-to-death stuff?