Originally posted by Zkribbler
Lot of reasons. The biggest being:
Government protections have been eroding. Reagan himself broke the Patco strike. Management violations of labor laws are seldom prosecuted. Pro-Big-Business Republicans have been in control of the White House for most of the period from '80 to now and control of the Congress since 92 until 2004.
Outsourcing. The union's strength used to be in manfacturing. But most of our manufacturing base has been shipped off the China. Canada now manufactures more cars than Detroit does. As was pointed out above, organizing non-skilled workers in much harder than organizing skilled workers.
Workers have become apathtic. Unless layoffs or paycuts are imminent, it's very hard to even get workers to show up at meetings.
And then, because corporations have such a resevoir of cash assets, they can withstand a long strike, whereas the workers lose their savings, cars and homes.
Lot of reasons. The biggest being:
Government protections have been eroding. Reagan himself broke the Patco strike. Management violations of labor laws are seldom prosecuted. Pro-Big-Business Republicans have been in control of the White House for most of the period from '80 to now and control of the Congress since 92 until 2004.
Outsourcing. The union's strength used to be in manfacturing. But most of our manufacturing base has been shipped off the China. Canada now manufactures more cars than Detroit does. As was pointed out above, organizing non-skilled workers in much harder than organizing skilled workers.
Workers have become apathtic. Unless layoffs or paycuts are imminent, it's very hard to even get workers to show up at meetings.
And then, because corporations have such a resevoir of cash assets, they can withstand a long strike, whereas the workers lose their savings, cars and homes.