The Georgians didn't put any effort in properly planning this thing. Even arm chair generals know that first you cut the enemy off and then you kill them. The very first thing they should have done was destroy the only road into South Ossetia from Russia to make sure the Russians wouldn't be able to move large numbers in quickly or at the very least they'd be limited air mobile forces (so limited artillery and little to no armor).
Next if Russia has recently been upgrading rail lines and road ways in Abkhazia then you destroy the rail line and and bridges then cluster bomb them try to mine the road to prevent forces from advancing. At the very least they could have cluster bombed the roads leaving tons of unexploded ordnance just waiting to go off should someone try to use the road. That leaves just redeployment by sea or by air. Instead of buying tanks which have limited mobility in the mountainous terrain they should have been buying boat loads of portable anti aircraft missiles and hundreds of cheap $30,000 speed boats loaded with cheap hand held anti ship missiles. don't try to go toe to toe with a superior enemy just keep them from effectively using their advantages constantly threatening their expensive ships and planes with cheap hand held missile systems which can be carried by a single man.
If the Russians come in with infantry because they can't move their armor up then you concentrate on choke points which you turn into hard points by digging in, using landmines, and claymores, and dug in artillery positions. the Georgian goals should have been to cut off the rebel areas, hold them, and then wear the Russians down over a couple of weeks until international pressure makes the Russians give up.
Next if Russia has recently been upgrading rail lines and road ways in Abkhazia then you destroy the rail line and and bridges then cluster bomb them try to mine the road to prevent forces from advancing. At the very least they could have cluster bombed the roads leaving tons of unexploded ordnance just waiting to go off should someone try to use the road. That leaves just redeployment by sea or by air. Instead of buying tanks which have limited mobility in the mountainous terrain they should have been buying boat loads of portable anti aircraft missiles and hundreds of cheap $30,000 speed boats loaded with cheap hand held anti ship missiles. don't try to go toe to toe with a superior enemy just keep them from effectively using their advantages constantly threatening their expensive ships and planes with cheap hand held missile systems which can be carried by a single man.
If the Russians come in with infantry because they can't move their armor up then you concentrate on choke points which you turn into hard points by digging in, using landmines, and claymores, and dug in artillery positions. the Georgian goals should have been to cut off the rebel areas, hold them, and then wear the Russians down over a couple of weeks until international pressure makes the Russians give up.