Dion to promise that carbon tax won't increase price at pumps
From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
June 17, 2008 at 8:07 PM EDT
OTTAWA — Stéphane Dion will make a “solid promise” Thursday that his new carbon-tax plan will not include an increase at the pumps, a source says.
The long-awaited “green shift plan” would be revenue neutral and deliver “substantive” tax cuts to Canadian families, the source said.
On Tuesday, Liberal caucus members were told that their weekly Wednesday caucus meeting had been rescheduled to Thursday. The source said the change was made to prevent leaks to the media before Mr. Dion announces his plan.
It is believed he will explain his proposal in detail to his caucus Thursday morning and then to the public in the afternoon.
The Liberal Leader is hoping that he can explain to Canadians that his plan would be good not only for the environment but also for the economy as he will outline how it would produce a “new generation of green-collar jobs,” says a source.
The plan, according to sources, would shift the 10-cent federal excise tax on a litre of fuel at the pumps into a broad-based carbon tax that would also apply to other fuels, such as those used for home heating. It would not increase the price of gas, however, the sources added.
Mr. Dion flagged some of the details and framework of the green shift plan in a speech Tuesday to the Canadian Club of Winnipeg.
He called his plan “as simple as it is powerful,” saying that it would make polluters pay and “put every single penny back into the hands of Canadians.
“We will put this in law and the Auditor-General will ensure every year that the green shift is revenue neutral,” he said.
He said that income taxes would be cut for households and businesses to offset the costs of a carbon tax.
The Liberal Leader has been signalling for weeks that he was about to release a major carbon-tax plan. But a restive caucus, nervous about how well he could communicate such a plan at a time when gas prices are increasing at warp speed, helped stall the launch.
The delays allowed the Harper Conservatives to attempt to frame the debate, launching a series of aggressive attack ads branding Mr. Dion as a tax-and-spend Liberal.
And the Tories have not let up. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Stephen Harper characterized the yet-to-be-released Liberal plan as “insane.”
“Now the Liberal Party wants to raise taxes across the board as part of its insane environmental and economic policies,” said the Prime Minister. “That is wrong for Canada.”
Environment Minister John Baird chimed in: “I think Canadians, you know, this tax will be revenue neutral it's like the cheque is in the mail, it's like I'll respect you in the morning. It's just not believable.”
The House is scheduled to break for the summer on Friday, allowing MPs to return to their ridings.
Mr. Dion will tour the country this summer, explaining his new policy, which he hopes will be the centrepiece of his election platform.
“This is the core proposition of Dion becoming prime minister,” says the source.
The Dion plan is very simple, says the source: “The more you pollute, the more you pay. The less you pollute, the less you pay. The big polluters pay more. It's the same concept as a consumption tax. You buy lots of cars, you pay more taxes on them.”
However, the policy would allow a transitional period for industry to adjust.
The source also says that the plan is designed to work in harmony with the carbon taxes in British Columbia and Quebec.
The Liberal Leader has also acknowledged that this is a risky move but he says it's the right move and compares what he is about to do with the criticism he had over the Clarity Act, which makes it more difficult for Quebec to separate.
“But I knew that Canadians, including my fellow Quebeckers, wanted clarity instead of confusion. And more importantly, I was convinced, as I am today, that good policy makes for good politics,” he said in his speech Tuesday.
Meanwhile, many in his caucus are nervous about how this new policy will be communicated and whether Canadians will be listening over the summer.
“The challenge is communicating,” said the source.
Ladies and gentlemen, Dion is officially the dumbest public figure since Dan Quayle.
This is my favourite line:
"He called his plan “as simple as it is powerful,” saying that it would make polluters pay and “put every single penny back into the hands of Canadians."
Fantastic! Because Canadians are not polluters. It's those damned polluters that come into Canada and heat their homes and drive their cars and buy merchandise transported by planes, trains, and trucks that ruin it for the rest of us.
I hope we get this magic tax. It won't increase the cost of energy AT ALL. It'll result in MORE MONEY for everyone. And the environment will be SAVED. It will also create more jobs, which Dion calls "green-collar" jobs! Isn't that awesome?
What's not to like?