Originally posted by David Floyd
No, the more immigrants who come, both legally and illegally, to this country, creates more poor people. The US has a HUGE influx of immigrants from developing nations, who don't exactly start off rich.
No, the more immigrants who come, both legally and illegally, to this country, creates more poor people. The US has a HUGE influx of immigrants from developing nations, who don't exactly start off rich.
We also have a large number of poor minorities, such as blacks, who are poor NOT because of Libertarian policies, but partyly because of the existence of NON-LIBERTARIAN policies (slavery, Jim Crow, etc.).
Crime isn't linked to race, and the root cause of crime also isn't the tools used to commit crime. Crime is linked to poverty. Or do you disagree?
You're blaming poor people for all of your problems, but the policies you support help keep them poor and raise the gap between rich and poor. You are creating the immense amount of poor people and then giving them guns to kill eachother, shrugging, and saying it's all 'cause they're poor...