Originally posted by MOBIUS
No he wasn't.
That's a desperate reach by a desperate person struggling to avoid admitting he's wrong.
No he wasn't.
That's a desperate reach by a desperate person struggling to avoid admitting he's wrong.

Was the dispatcher in Texas? You know, the one saying not to do it? Or did the gunman call California 911?
Why would Sloww ask if the dispatcher was from Texas in the first place?
As both of us have already pointed out, the dispatcher was the one acting in a nonviolent manner. If Sloww thought that this incident took place in California, why would he ask if the nonviolent person in this story was from Texas? It doesn't make sense for him to do so.
If instead Sloww is attempting to show that, despite being from Texas (which is obvious if he believes this incident took place in Texas), the Texan dispatcher still acted in a nonviolent manner, then his question makes perfect sense.