Actually, the CAD has always displayed LESS fluctuation (as measured against a basket of major currencies) than the USD has.
Get a ****ing clue. Never mind the fact that the USD has the exact same variability against the CAD as the CAD has against the USD, of course. The only differences are, as I said, that US customers are more important as a percentage of customers of Canadian businesses than the other way around, and the greater familiarity of Canadians in general with the USD than vice versa.
WTF are you on about? Banks ANYWHERE in the US accept CAD at competitive exchange rates. I change Canadian currency all the time.
I'm curious, which bank do you use in the US? The Bank of America that I went to acted as if it had been years since they last took Canadian dollars.
And the fact that the USD is low doesn't prove that it's "vulnerable to fluctuations"?
Well I believe it's up to you to show the claim you are making. Is it true that historically the Canadian dollar has shown less fluctuation against a basket of currencies?
I love learning stuff, so why don't you start by defending yourself sweetheart.