Originally posted by Kuciwalker
Damn, I forgot the shared name bit (and thought that the other person also had a duel with the Marquis). Theodor Herzl and the Dreyfus affair (different Dreyfus). "Other historical things" = founding Zionism.
no, there was yet another duel.
Ok, look, this isnt so hard. How many famous Theodores were there? Put your HEART into the answer.
Ok, look, this isnt so hard. How many famous Theodores were there? Put your HEART into the answer.
Damn, I forgot the shared name bit (and thought that the other person also had a duel with the Marquis). Theodor Herzl and the Dreyfus affair (different Dreyfus). "Other historical things" = founding Zionism.
Drumont was also involved in L'affair Dreyfus, but i dont think Mores was still with him at that point.
Mores also assisted Drumont during his attacks on French pols during the Panama scandal, (the other Panama connection) which also contributed to weakening the Republic, and to antisemitism, setting the stage for l;affaire Dreyfus.
And yes, Herzl did want to be an engineer as a child, admired De Lesseps, and wanted to build a canal at Panama (this before De Lesseps started - DeL was admired for his success at Suez) He attended a technical school from age 10 to 13, before leaving for some combination of poor grades and antisemitism, switching to the more conventional (for upper middle class Jews) liberal artsy school.
You got it young Padiwan, your turn.