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Explain to me why MY life is worth living?

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  • Does Thorn now receive admission to the Hall of Fame?


    • Sigh. This is getting tiresome. Again with the wild and innacurate.

      This time.

      What makes you think anti-depressants are designed to mask pain?

      What makes you think anti-depressants cloud your mind?

      This time, please answer with facts and information, not your own biased observations and conclusions.
      Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
      "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


      • My mind wasn't clouded by effexor but I got real irritable when I didn't take it for a day or two. Was on a low dose.


        • I would get episodes of dizziness and disorientation when I didn't take my Lexapro. That sort of withdrawal side effect really bothered me, and was one of the reasons I stopped taking the drug. Despite everything I've said in this thread, I really don't like taking medicine, and I was depressed for a very long time before I convinced myself that, after having tried everything else, it was time that I should try drugs too.
          Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
          "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


          • Scientologists also have a ban on psychiatry and don't believe in it.
            "Truth against the world" - Eire


            • Could we stop all this AD talk now and turn tothe real issue at hand: the Hall of Fame admission to Thorn?


              • Still no go on that obituary... what a goddamn phony.


                • Have you got a clue what his name is? No you don't... his first name is Chris though IIRC.. .like every other guy in the US


                  • Well it's a reasonable guess he isn't geriatric, and there isn't any Chris on that list at any rate.


                    • Are you checking by age?

                      Maybe he's really been planning to kill someone his age and wants us to believe it's him who killed himself.


                      • Obviously, Thorn's from Asheville. Anyone know if he's gone from Apolyton? Has he, in fact, cleared all the data related to himself? Getting out of a group can be viewed as a kind of suicide, a step in a bad direction.

                        Lorizael, stop baiting Mr I-have-experience, it just upsets you. Much like the bear in bear-baiting, your reactions bring out the irrelevant and trivial in him.

                        Those of us who have had bouts of paralyzing negative self-worth (Depression with a capital "D") have little use for those who say, "Buck up, face yourself, accept your faults, get off your a**, quit whining." These people do not, and will not comprehend. Clearly, the drugs do help us get up and get on with life. Whether they are overprescribed (clearly they are), based on only fuzzy scientific understanding (again, they are -- nobody seems to be able to explain why inhibiting the uptake of Seritonin and Norepenephrin should enable the beneficiary to function more ably), and can be used as a crutch (as can any aid device), THEY WORK. If you someone does not get what we are saying, ignore them.

                        Interesting that Mr. I-have-experience seems to say almost exactly the same words as Tom Cruise, and yet claims not to know it. Would suggest he look into that viewpoint, if we weren't busy ignoring him.
                        No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
                        "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


                        • Originally posted by Aivo½so
                          I think depressive symptoms signal a need to develop as a human being, to step out of the ordinary routines and see things in a new light. Depressive people like to torture themselves with thoughts like, "I will never have the happiness-bringing things that other people have, therefore I have to destroy myself/others..." etc, ad infinitum. Maybe it's time for the depressive person to reconsider what the things are that actually bring happiness?
                          and what are those things? I'd really like to know. .


                          • Originally posted by Darius871

                            Eh, correlation and causation are two different things.

                            I don't necessarily agree with Neomega but if he is right, perhaps the personal choices regarding one's environment, illogical assumptions about the future, refusing to accept that life is unfair, etc. all gradually alter brain structure.
                            they most likely do alter the brain structure. But what Neomega doesn't understand is not everyone can be strong, and overcome their problems. If everyone was strong, there would be no people who can't take care of themselves. People living on the streets etc. Sometimes people need help. I'm one of them. I can't will my depression away. It usually takes some outside factors to boost my esteem and confidence. I know life is not fair. But that doesn't make anything any better.

                            Sure there are people who can "cure" themselves. But not everyone can do it.


                            • Originally posted by Dis
                              Depression can be overcome through sheer will alone.
                              Only for mild cases. Other things need to change first.
                              Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                              • The real question is when Thorn will return. We should take bets.

                                I miss him already. He's an entertaining poster.

