Maybe this is the article you speak of.
Circumcision and HIV infection: review of
the literature and meta-analysis
R. S. Van Howe MD FAAP
Department of Pediatrics, Marshfield Clinic, Lakeland Center, USA
Summary: Thirty-five articles and a number of abstracts have been published in the medical literature looking at the relationship between male circumcision and HIV infection. Study designs have included geographical analysis, studies of high risk patients, partner studies and random population surveys. Most of the studies have been conducted in Africa. A meta-analysis was performed on the 29 published articles where data were available. When the raw data are combined, a man with a circumcised penis is at greater risk of acquiring and transmitting HIV than a man with a non-circumcised penis (odds ratio (OR)=1.06, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.01-1.12). Based on the studies published to date, recommending routine circumcision as a prophylactic measure to prevent HIV infection in Africa, or elsewhere, is scientifically unfounded.

Given how much genuinely conflicting information there is out on this, I'd have to question the integrity of doctors who recommend routine circumcision on the basis of "preventing HIV" which:
1) Is scientifically unproven, and in fact it may be the opposite
2) Is stupid anyway, as if you don't want HIV, you use a condom
Circumcision and HIV infection: review of
the literature and meta-analysis
R. S. Van Howe MD FAAP
Department of Pediatrics, Marshfield Clinic, Lakeland Center, USA
Summary: Thirty-five articles and a number of abstracts have been published in the medical literature looking at the relationship between male circumcision and HIV infection. Study designs have included geographical analysis, studies of high risk patients, partner studies and random population surveys. Most of the studies have been conducted in Africa. A meta-analysis was performed on the 29 published articles where data were available. When the raw data are combined, a man with a circumcised penis is at greater risk of acquiring and transmitting HIV than a man with a non-circumcised penis (odds ratio (OR)=1.06, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.01-1.12). Based on the studies published to date, recommending routine circumcision as a prophylactic measure to prevent HIV infection in Africa, or elsewhere, is scientifically unfounded.

Given how much genuinely conflicting information there is out on this, I'd have to question the integrity of doctors who recommend routine circumcision on the basis of "preventing HIV" which:
1) Is scientifically unproven, and in fact it may be the opposite
2) Is stupid anyway, as if you don't want HIV, you use a condom