The waters existed before God entered the picture in Genesis. Reading the first verse into the story is a mistake, the first verse sets up the story like a chapter heading. What follows the first verse is the Bible's description of God's creation of Heaven and Earth.
The Earth wasn't made by God, it appeared when the waters below the firmament receded.
Remember, "Earth" literally means "dry land", it doesn't mean this planet or even the surface. So its illogical for God to create the dry land (Earth) if the dry land is without form after God created it. Your interpretation requires us to believe God created Heaven and Earth twice.
Remember, "Earth" literally means "dry land", it doesn't mean this planet or even the surface. So its illogical for God to create the dry land (Earth) if the dry land is without form after God created it. Your interpretation requires us to believe God created Heaven and Earth twice.
Alot happens before God creates Heaven and Earth, the scene awaiting God is described - the waters, the breath or wind of God blowing across the face of the Deep, let there be light, etc...