Originally posted by Oerdin
If she's that deep into a Penticostal then the answer is no.
About the only advice I can give the OP poster is to explain your feelings about the current church, tell her you do have faith but that the current church is not one which you wish to attend, then ask her to come with her to find a new church which you can both agree on. 75% chance she's to deep into this wacky church to ever leave and will dump you but there is still that 25%. Either way you will be happier and if she doesn't go then she is unwilling to compromise on anything and you'd end up being a bitter man if you faked it anyway.
If she's that deep into a Penticostal then the answer is no.
About the only advice I can give the OP poster is to explain your feelings about the current church, tell her you do have faith but that the current church is not one which you wish to attend, then ask her to come with her to find a new church which you can both agree on. 75% chance she's to deep into this wacky church to ever leave and will dump you but there is still that 25%. Either way you will be happier and if she doesn't go then she is unwilling to compromise on anything and you'd end up being a bitter man if you faked it anyway.
The perfect response.