Originally posted by Flubber
On the northern thing, I don't know if what the Conservatives propose is a good use of funds but I believe Canada should have a a northern ice-breaking capability. IF we want that terriitory to be ours we should start acting like someone that takes the region seriously.
AS for basing troops in Iqualuit, maybe its not the preferred posting but a military should be out around the country, not all sitting within an hour of Toronto-- The fact that this decision will alos be an economic boon for Iqualuit isn't a terrible thing either.
On the northern thing, I don't know if what the Conservatives propose is a good use of funds but I believe Canada should have a a northern ice-breaking capability. IF we want that terriitory to be ours we should start acting like someone that takes the region seriously.
AS for basing troops in Iqualuit, maybe its not the preferred posting but a military should be out around the country, not all sitting within an hour of Toronto-- The fact that this decision will alos be an economic boon for Iqualuit isn't a terrible thing either.
As for posting troops in Iqualuit, we would have to base their families up north too.
The reg forces will go where they are told to go, but it is important to realize that a posting like Iqualuit is hard on military families, just as the constant postings overseas are hard on the families left behind. The spouses will be forced to move to a place that has no jobs, or stay down south away from their spouse.
Now if there is a vital need, that's different, but in this case, the troops would be up north doing nothing.