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Does anyone know anything about a repressed libido?

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  • Originally posted by johncmcleod
    Porn, however, puts you in a situation that is real, and when you are in that situation, the porn will influence it.
    Nearly all porn that I watched (admittedly, it was long ago) made a point at being completely different from reality. Ordinary people just don't have group sex, don't have a harem of sluts, don't use these positions (which are optimised for the camera) etc.

    I've seen an interview of a porn director who explained that porn doesn't emulate real life, because that would bore the watcher to death.
    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


    • Also, the stuff in porn that I like is also the stuff that you have in real life. So it's not like bizzaro world that you believe to be real, either.


      • Originally posted by Kuciwalker
        Try this one:
        I have experienced Jesus. Thank you kuci.


        • Now honestly, some of you guys (UR, Ted, Spiff) seem to treat the whole matter from a rather distant and patronising way. you don't know how people like Dis and John perceive their social environment, so your advise is rather worthless. The only advise oyu can give those people is...


, is getting professional help.


          • Now honestly, some of you guys (UR, Ted, Spiff) seem to treat the whole matter from a rather distant and patronising way. you don't know how people like Dis and John perceive their social environment, so your advise is rather worthless. The only advise oyu can give those people is...

            It's just like me in the immigrant thread. When you're after the hilltop, you know that it's far from being impossible - so you laugh at the people who have trouble.


            • I knew the feeling once, now the hill has caught me again


              • Yeah, I know that, too. I now have the hilltop firmly in my sights, though ( in two weeks, when she returns from the army )


                • "
                  -I know some kids who are christian but are hooked on porn!
                  -They need to seek help from a pastor!



                  • No, they need Jesus.

                    Where is that comic where one guy explains to the (Jewish) father of his g/f why the Catholic Church is so evil in suporting the holocaust denial and then turns him from a non believer into some non-Catholic Christian during one single evening?

                    "I have seen Jesus!"


                    • Originally posted by Ecthy
                      I knew the feeling once, now the hill has caught me again
                      Same here. Life's a *****
                      "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                      "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                      "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                      • Not according to that poll.

                        *sigh8* have a :mrfun:


                        • Originally posted by johncmcleod
                          Most people view porn negatively, and it promotes lusty, unaffectionate sex. Whether or not you confuse lust with love, watching porn is going to have an effect on you, at least subconsciously. It will change your sexuality, and I don't think there is anything you can do to stop this. But what really scares me is that a lot of people get addicted to it. I think there are psychological problems with it that we probably don't understand, and the fact that it is something that you can get addicted to (in fact I've heard an internet porn addiction is as strong as an addiction to nicotine) sets off some red flags in my mind. Not because I am afraid I'll get addicted to it (but that could be a valid concern, being addicted to porn would be horrible), but anything that someone can get addicted to is not something to be taken lightly and should be viewed with suspicion. It seems to me that it is something that is quite powerful that shouldn't be messed with.
                          *bangs head against desk*

                          Listen to me very carefully: you are not one of Pavlov's dogs. You are a rational being by nature. You have the amazing ability to think not only about your environment, but also to think about your own thoughts, and think about your thoughts about your thoughts, and so on.

                          Yes, pornography (or at least most pornography) objectifies women. Yes, you find that reprehensible. Still, you are capable of using porn for a three-minute period twice a week, and then thinking to yourself "ok, this was a miniscule indulgence for the simple, utilitarian purpose of getting the maddening baby batter out of my brain - women are not in fact objects as this smut I just clicked off my computer screen seemed to suggest. Women are not objects. Did I mention women are not objects? Yes. Good. Ok. Women are not objects for reasons A, B, and C. Ok, glad that's settled. Now I can go ahead treating every girl like a ***king princess."

                          Forget this "subconscious influence" bull****. An influence only ingrains itself in your subconscious if you fail to consciously address it.

                          If someone repeated "Pearl Harbor was the greatest war film of all time" into your ears while you slept every night, does that mean you'd drive to Michael Bay's house and give him a gobknobble? NO! Using the miraculous gift of rational thought, you'd come to the obvious conclusion that movie was utter cowflop. So it goes with porn.
                          Last edited by Guest; November 14, 2005, 11:00.


                          • just disregard all I've said in this thread till now. I feel great. I think I have a chance with 2 lovely ladies. Hell, I'm feeling so cocky right now, I think I have a chance with all of them. I even think the one will divorce her husband to go out with me. . Okay maybe I'm not that cocky.

                            It's weird though. Until I developed this crush recently, most of my feelings towards women were long dormant (for a few years). Yeah I still thought about sex constantly, but not a relationship. A lot of things have re-activated recently. This past month has been good to me. I still don't have a girlfriend. But I feel pretty good about myself.

                            The only bad thing is I should be able to find confidence on my own, and not rely on others to boost my confidence. This is still something I cannot do.


                            • What should I do? I'm not sure about continuing to hold it back.
                              The choice between imagination, and porn? Imagination is very much a part of who you are John, and while I agree with you that sometimes you think about things that you find unpleasant, there is nothing that you have done wrong to bring about these feelings. Also, if you don't want to think about these things in particular, try thinking about other things that you find more pleasant. I can see why it might make things more uncomfortable to imagine things about other people, but that's really a fact of life to imagine these things.

                              Secondly, I wouldn't worry about your imagination affecting your relationships with other ladies in a negative way, it can also work to the positive. Who knows, perhaps one of them will dream about you in the same way.
                              Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                              "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                              2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                              • I have heard it from a lot of places. And in fact, interent porn is considered so potent that the catholic church won't let you be a priest if you have ever looked at it. And the catholic church doesn't normally have requirements like that for being a priest, they just believe that you can put your past life behind you and become a man of God. So it shows it is kind of a big deal.
                                I didn't know about the deal for the priests. Do you recall where you heard that john? I agree that for many folks it is a huge problem, and will continue to be so.
                                Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                                "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                                2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!

