Originally posted by Wezil
I don't like government being in business. I want government to do only those things government is required for...
I don't like government being in business. I want government to do only those things government is required for...
If government departments can make a profit then all the better for the taxpayer. Every dollar in profit means one less dollar the government needs from the taxpayer.
Hong Kong's subway system is largely financed by selling property around a new subway station. The place I live in is part of a complex built by the subway company that only exists because the company built a station here. And people want to live here because there is a subway station. So the company profits from real estate sales and it gets riders.
The People's Liberation Army gets about half of its funding from companies it owns so that's less of a drain on taxpayers and it has the added bonus of the PLA being more interested in making money than making war.

As for essential services, a strike of a couple of months isn't going to harm them in the long run. so there's nothing essential there, not like say if doctors went on strike for a week. If that happens people die. Calling teacher essential service in this context is stupid.