The Governator's ****ed. According to the Fields Poll (which is insanely accurate), he's losing to both of the Dem challengers (2/05 results in parenthesis):
And both challengers have far-lower name identification (63% for Angelides and 71% for Westly), so those numbers are basically ceilings for Arnie. His approval rating (37% of registered voters) is not that much better than Davis just prior to his recall.
Treasurer Phil Angelides (D) - 46% (35%)
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) - 42% (52%)
Controller Steve Westly (D) - 44% (33%)
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) - 40% (52%)
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) - 42% (52%)
Controller Steve Westly (D) - 44% (33%)
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) - 40% (52%)
And both challengers have far-lower name identification (63% for Angelides and 71% for Westly), so those numbers are basically ceilings for Arnie. His approval rating (37% of registered voters) is not that much better than Davis just prior to his recall.