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Koran being flushed story was fake.

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  • On a (sortof) related note, the best Chinese food I have ever tasted is a Muslim version of it. At least, the Muslim-American version of it. We have a couple of Muslim Chinese restaurants and they are THE BEST. UN FREAKIN BELIEVABLE.

    This food is so freaking good and clean I could eat it every day and never get tired.

    We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


    • Originally posted by CharlesBHoff
      You are than supid idiot who doesnot unstand the basic of International Law and have no mortal value.
      Actually I was trying to pin you down on a specific since yo're running around make wild accussations about everything under the sun.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • There are Asian muslim and white muslim also not only black muslim. You japonese blias against black people is showing.
        The Head of Israel Intelligence told me once he distrust some of the data in the CIA world Fact Book. They figure on number of people of different faith is only than estimates make up by egghead scholar who make up number. They new methord they use is looking at satile picture to see how woman are wearing the Hijab and how many man look muslim. Which he said is supid on they part. El Paso Texas have other 5000 muslim but you will not see alot of muslim wearing the Hijab every day in public due to criminal harment from Pat Robson Red Neck in America They only wear it to the Islamtic center when go to prayer. Alot of then dress up in modest western sytle clothes when they go out in public. Only Muslim Woman in Europe are ask to wear the Hijab as the non-muslim woman in Europe arenot haveing than enought baby to replace they populate and it was going on for the last 25 year. It seem the most man in Europe donot want to have childern at all. The average rate for Europe is 1.4 baby per woman, the replacement rate is 2.2 childern per woman over they fertile egg peroid in the womb. The European nation is the lowest rate is Spain with 1.07 baby per woman. Japon will be the first modern nation with a population that will decline each year untril it stop.

        Only Muslim Albania in Europe is the birth rate is over 2.2 baby per woman. In Bosnia and Herzegovine where the State oppress Islam are moslim woman learning how to be good muslim woman to wear the Hijab when going to pray in the Islamist Center. In europe only muslim woman in general are have 3 or 4 babies which will bring than future benfit of Islan being the main religion in Europe 20 or 30 year in the future. In England Muslim are increase they number in Parliament as muslim in general are anti-labor and anti-tory party because of they support of the illegal Iraq war.
        By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


        • Originally posted by Oerdin

          Actually I was trying to pin you down on a specific since yo're running around make wild accussations about everything under the sun.
          America went to war against Iraq as we knew our claim of WMD where false which is in my option perjury. Bush greed for oil wealth to pay down our debt national debt and to pay for the Iraq war and occuptrate which is illegal under international law. Bush isnot getting any money from the Iraq oil as pipelines are haveing explosion in then for some odd reason. America arenot well like around the world later due to our terrorist government and terrorist military terrorise people around the world.
          By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


          • As horrible as all of this is, I couldn't help but find this one amusing.
            Attached Files


            • I was watching a "protest" in London today were a group of Arab militants were chanting that they wanted to kill Tony Blair and George Bush. These **** bags were urging people to "Kill all Americans every where" and that they were going to "drop a nuclear bomb on Washington". Many of them had rags covering their faces which the MSNBC announcer in London said was a violation of British law.

              My question is why aren't these people in jail right now for making terrrorist threats? I'm all for free speech but urging that people be killed is inciting to violence and that is a crime. I would love to see them stuck in a dank hole and forgotten about for the next 50 years.
              Try for discussion and debate.


              • Originally posted by CharlesBHoff
                The Head of Israel Intelligence told me once he distrust some of the data in the CIA world Fact Book.
                Suuuuuuurrrrrrrre... Hof says he hangs out with the head of Israel Intelligence and they have private conversations.

                Hof, if you're going to lie then at least make it sound semi plausable.
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • Originally posted by CharlesBHoff
                  Bush greed for oil wealth to pay down our debt national debt and to pay for the Iraq war and occuptrate which is illegal under international law.
                  And he's bad at math too.
                  Try for discussion and debate.


                  • Originally posted by Oerdin
                    I was watching a "protest" in London today were a group of Arab militants were chanting that they wanted to kill Tony Blair and George Bush. These **** bags were urging people to "Kill all Americans every where" and that they were going to "drop a nuclear bomb on Washington". Many of them had rags covering their faces which the MSNBC announcer in London said was a violation of British law.

                    My question is why aren't these people in jail right now for making terrrorist threats? I'm all for free speech but urging that people be killed is inciting to violence and that is a crime. I would love to see them stuck in a dank hole and forgotten about for the next 50 years.
                    At least they weren't shouting to kill the Japanese.
                    “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                    "Capitalism ho!"


                    • Originally posted by Oerdin
                      I was watching a "protest" in London today were a group of Arab militants were chanting that they wanted to kill Tony Blair and George Bush. These **** bags were urging people to "Kill all Americans every where" and that they were going to "drop a nuclear bomb on Washington". Many of them had rags covering their faces which the MSNBC announcer in London said was a violation of British law.

                      My question is why aren't these people in jail right now for making terrrorist threats? I'm all for free speech but urging that people be killed is inciting to violence and that is a crime. I would love to see them stuck in a dank hole and forgotten about for the next 50 years.
                      Tony Blair dare not to do any thing against Tony Blair is very unpoplar in England like now his party is just barely in power. I than reading in the Muslim Observer about "Muslim
                      Deliver Election Victory to Blair Opponent"
                      Following a tense and protracted count at the Canary Wharf district Galloway was declared the new Member of Parliament for Bethnal Green and Bow
                      The Victory for George Galloway expelled by Lador for his strong and vocal oppositon to the Iraq conflict- came at the
                      end of an often acrimonious and sometime violent campaign by Tony Blair supporter. Representing the Respect Party, Galloway stood on the strong antiwar ticket and defeated the sitting pro-war, Blairite incumbent Oona King by just 823 votes, overturning her comfortable 10,000 majority in a safe district for Labor and creating one of the major upsets of the 2005 election. So for Blair to anything about peaceful muslim protect he needed to clean up the violion party member in his party who act like SS men and what about all the Muslim man and woman Tony Blair murder in cold blood in Iraq.
                      By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


                      • Man I;m drunked. I opened this hoping to hear about the Korean who'd beenn phucked.
                        Only feebs vote.


                        • Originally posted by Oerdin

                          Suuuuuuurrrrrrrre... Hof says he hangs out with the head of Israel Intelligence and they have private conversations.

                          Hof, if you're going to lie then at least make it sound semi plausable.
                          It is true. The KGB and they counterpart under the new name sent people over to talk to me as well as China Second Department He want me to know a very far right wing Israel group plan to use than bioweapon to kill all non jew was stop by his department the man who make the weapon was exectute on ther spot and all notes where destory as well as the bioweapon turn over to the SECOND DEPARTMENT to be destory by being drop into the sun. He more worry about his own PM and far right wing group than anything also.
                          By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


                          • Originally posted by Oerdin

                            And he's bad at math too.
                            3% of 298,000,000 is 8,940,000. You are bad at math. 1% of 298,000,000 will be 2,980,000. 10 % of 298,000,000 would be 29,800,000.
                            By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


                            • You're crazy.
                              “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                              "Capitalism ho!"


                              • Originally posted by CharlesBHoff
                                It is true. The KGB and they counterpart under the new name sent people over to talk to me as well as China Second Department He want me to know a very far right wing Israel group plan to use than bioweapon to kill all non jew was stop by his department the man who make the weapon was exectute on ther spot and all notes where destory as well as the bioweapon turn over to the SECOND DEPARTMENT to be destory by being drop into the sun. He more worry about his own PM and far right wing group than anything also.
                                Welcome back! I missed you. You're more fun to talk to than Serb. I'm going to need to take a few days off to get warmed up.
                                "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
                                "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
                                2004 Presidential Candidate
                                2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)

