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History of Colonization: The Colonies 3.12 PBEM Game

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  • #61
    The year of our lord 1669

    Word has reached my ears that the Spanish are assembling a great Treasure Fleet in Merida!
    Also the Spanish collony of Maracaibo is being raided by Henry Morgan his expedition was surely funed whit English money...
    Our spies in London reports that the english are very pleased by these unprovoced and unofical attacks on Spain.
    Our noble french shipyards are building new ships at an incredible rate, the new Man of Wars that are being put to use will surely break the pirate scum that the english call a navy.
    We are also pleased to note that the english army must indeed be in a despeakable state, as they havent been able to rule thier own island.
    We are also totaly confident that our information is now totaly safe as our encrypters are using "Le Grand Chifre" to conceal all information of importance.
    The former General Albért Ineficiént is now spending the rest of his days in the collonies as he ordered a totaly foolish attacks on the English mainland.
    Hopefully we will be able to avoid such fools in the future.

    Attached Files
    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


    • #62
      Admiral Sir George Monk writes...

      London, 1669

      East Anglian woolen garments have been traded to Iroquios against the cold northern winters.

      English “explorers” have encountered the Miami Indian Tribe – and their first captured slaves arrived in Bristol, mere months later..

      Henry Morgan’s men have been attacked and scattered by our own hired Naval Auxiliaries. Unfortunately the master Pirate himself escaped, but the local Spanish merchants have kindly clubbed together to show their appreciation for our killing of 300 of the rogues, and the hanging of another 200. Another 100 gold pieces for our rapidly-swelling Treasury.

      Most generous – and perhaps they realise the Crown wishes the Spanish Empire no harm despite the Lawless actions of a few hotheads that happened to be born in these islands. I think the French have poked their long noses in there to little effect!


      File sent to Chris and Posted here.
      Attached Files


      • #63
        Nothing to report...

        <>File sent to Henrik(France)
        Attached Files
        I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
        i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


        • #64

          The fleet buildup is prooceding acording to scedule...
          Attached Files
          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


          • #65
            Attached Files
            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


            • #66

              I shall be away from 16:00 GMT on Saturday to 18:00 GMT on Monday.



              • #67
                Heretic school destroyed in Amberes.
                Peace treaty signed with Sioux.


                • #68
                  (a new desease )
                  Attached Files


                  • #69
                    Just to let you know I am at my girlfriend's at the moment and will not be able to move until Monday night. Sorry.

                    I must say this PBEM is moving along splendidly (more than I can say for a Seize the Crown! and a Hellas game I am involved in right now)

                    Thanks for your efforts, guys. I am really enjoying this one and if PBEM is like this, I want more.

                    I think perhaps Colonies is a better candidate than most of my others for PBEM because there is quite a lot to do from turn 1. By the way, Colonies III is now the top rated scenario on this site! Childish I know, but that chuffs me immensely...


                    • #70
                      Back at my computer now. The English have moved..

                      Admiral Sir George Monk writes...

                      London, 1670

                      A quiet year. Trade with the New World grows steadily, with another large convoy expected to dock in Cork soon.

                      We must begin to explore these new Naval designs that seem to be sweeping the Navies of Europe. If we are not careful, our own brave ships will soon be outclassed.


                      File sent to Chris and Posted here.
                      Attached Files


                      • #71

                        1670 Piter Devries, historian of the court of the Stadholder, will now record another year of our nation's history.

                        All is peaceful in Holland, and it is rumored that the Spanish regent wishes peace!
                        We are much gladened by the news of this.

                        Our slave traders continue to do brisk buisness, and many of these unfortunate souls have been shipped to our holdings in New Holland.

                        A new trade route between Harlingen and Ile St Jean is now selling Manufactures to the French.

                        The Court of the Stadtholder.

                        <>File sent to Henrik(France)
                        Attached Files
                        I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                        i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                        • #72
                          Everything is moving along nicely...
                          Attached Files
                          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                          • #73
                            Pirate Settlement destroyed in the island of Juana.

                            I got 100 doubloons from Albert Ineficient in order to grant access to the Spanish Main to some French ships sailing through the Strait of Gibraltar.

                            Lisbon was taken last year, my troops were so drunk that they forgot to send an official report.
                            Attached Files


                            • #74
                              Albért has been asigned a special mission, he is going to infiltrate the english government.
                              I feel sorry for the poor English, although they are horrible not even they deserve this fate...

                              His former task as Commander of the French armed forces has been given to a cousin of his named Allán, hopefully he will do better...

                              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                              • #75
                                Looks like the French Mediterranean Fleet is out!


                                Admiral Sir George Monk writes...

                                London, 1671

                                A small naval battle off Cork has seen several French and English ships sunk, and many lives lost. Both squadrons fought each other to a standstill. I have to admit, however, the French were left holding the “battlefield”, and will no doubt brag of a great victory.

                                We really must improve our Naval Designs! Now, I am worried for our Atlantic convoys…

                                Talking of which, trade is improving everywhere, despite the war. The Exchequer is looking very healthy right now. I pray the King doesn’t waste it all on parties!


                                File sent to Chris and Posted here.

                                Oh, and by the way, guys. Anyone taking advantage of the AI against the English will be considered to have declared war on us. Or, if French, to be asking for massive retaliation in kind!

                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by Patient English; June 19, 2001, 17:01.

