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History of Colonization: The Colonies 3.12 PBEM Game

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  • History of Colonization: The Colonies 3.12 PBEM Game

    Yes, yet another PBEM game, this time for Colonies 3.12, with only four players this time around, and they are:
    • Holland cpoulos
    • France Henrik
    • Spain Jay Bee
    • England Patient English
    Good luck to all, and please play your turn promptly!

    All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
    I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
    i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG

  • #2
    1660. I, Piter Devres, the chief historian of the court of Wilhelm, Stadhollder of the United Provinces, have been order to record the following items of note in the history of our nation. Both Imperial Spain and the evil English have declaired war on us, but we have struck back. Our army was invested Antwerp, and has taken it for the Dutch. Our Privateers have raided Barbados, and burned several English ships. Our economy has improved, thanks to the trade routes established between firstly Willemstad, and Caracas to sell Manufactured goods, between Nijmegen and Norwich to sell Textilles, and Amsterdam and London to sell the English Gems of the finest quality. We hope for peace, but we are prepared for war. The court of the United Provinces.<>File sent to Henrik(France).

    All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.

    [This message has been edited by cpoulos (edited May 15, 2001).]
    I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
    i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


    • #3
      Absolutely OK, I should say, Henrik.

      Can't have too much background - can't wait for my turn.



      • #4
        Got the file but I've got a minor problem with downloading the scenario from John's site. I just can't download it. I'll keep trying but it would probably faster if any of you guys sent it over to me via e-mail. Thanx.


        • #5
          Colonies 3.12 dispatched to both your e-mail addresses, my download impared comrade!

          All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
          I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
          i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


          • #6
            Personal log of Henri de Lohmander
            First Minister of Louis XIV:

            The year of our lord 1660 has been a year of both good and dire tidings!
            Two new collonies where founded, Fort Royal and St.Marc. Both will prosper and thrive in the fertile soil of the new World.
            The barbarian savages known as the Irouquese has attacked our poor collonists and traders in the north, this will not be tollerated! My envoys has managed to convince the more friendly savages known as the Huron to cooperate in the north, should both these tribes decide to attack us the situation will be dire indeed.
            That is why I am very happy about the fact that we managed to convince the Huron to attack the Irouquese, as long as both these major tribes are fighting eachother (I am planning to support the Huron to a certain extent but not enough to actually make them win the feud, when both tribes are exhousted I will move in whit my french troops and take it all!) we will be safe.
            In the eastern parts of Europe the war between our ally the Sweden and Denmark has been put to an end whit the death of the Swedish king Carolus Gustavus, this is good tidings even though the Swedish are our allies we don't want another war like the one ending in 1648 (as I have written earlier the Dutch, Polish and Brandenburgs where supporting the Danes and only the English sided whit Sweden. France could have been forced to intervene on Sweden side which would have interfered whit more important plans of mine).
            It has reached our ears that strange things are happening in Russia! The man named Aleksej who recently proclaimed himself "Tzar" (A totaly new title, his predecesors where all lords) has fixed a firm grip on his subjects, and he has been reqonquesting lands from the polish whit an allarming rate, he might become a problem...
            Moving on to domestic politics I have finaly been able to redirect the production of our (well, technically Louis') cities, from now on my greatest concern will be to encourage trade in all forms. The tax politics has been changed to reflect this and so has the priviligies of the merchants.
            This is all I will write for now, as I have a meeting whit some Portuguese diplomats to attend to.

            Henri de Lohmander
            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


            • #7
              I hope it is ok to include the events taking place elsewhere on the continent, in reallity they would have been very likely to be mentioned.
              All that was written about sweden, russia, etc happened in reallity too
              [This message has been edited by Henrik (edited May 16, 2001).]
              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


              • #8
                Mighty King Sopalajo de Arriérez y Torrezno* finds himself a bit overwhelmed by the number of soldiers and ships he has under his command. By now he's just learning some tricks on the art of battle. When this is mastered our glorious kingdom of the Spains will rise again to become master of the world! First task will be to get those pesky Portuguese back into our magnificent kingdom.

                *(yup, that's another Asterix joke )
                [This message has been edited by Jay Bee (edited May 17, 2001).]


                • #9
                  Sir George Monk, elder English statesman, General and Admiral of the Fleet, writes in his private Journal:

                  London is finally calming down after the celebrations welcoming the newly-restored King Charles back to his own country. 1660 seems to have passed in a blur - 1661 is upon us already!

                  Those damned Dutchmen! Fabricating an excuse for war, they have burned some of our ships in Barbados. Revenge was soon extracted in the Thames estuary where some of their Merchantmen, bold as brass, had sailed up to do business as if nothing were amiss! Public opinion here demanded no less.

                  However, it ill-behoves Protestant nations to be at war in times of Papist Imperialism, and I have advised the King to let matters rest there for the time being. If no further aggressions are reported, we are prepared for peace. Our Ambassador in Holland has been instructed to treat peace overtures in a receptive manner.

                  From New England, exciting developments: The powerful Iroquois Confederation have agreed to become Allies (and soon Clients, I dare say) of the Crown. We exchanged our knowledge of the process of Colonisation for their knowledge of the best native crops to grow in this new land...

                  Unfortunately, the depredations of their Huron enemies have forced us to declare war against them or be seen as powerless and unworthy of Alliance. English Honour demanded that we help them against these Huron. Unbeknownst to us, the French were allied already with the savages, and declared war on us!

                  A new colony has been founded on the southerly coast of new England, named Charles Town, in honour of our gracious sovereign, so happily restored to his throne (not without help from me, I might add!)

                  We do not wish for war with Louis (his powerful army is rightly feared on this side of the Channel) but the Royal Navy stands ready to repel any aggression. And even as I write, Royal Commissioners are scouring the land for Cromwell's old Ironside veterans, and promising honourable and rewarding service if they will return to the colours. English cavalry will once again be a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield!

                  In the Carribean, the pirate's nest of Tortuga has been wiped out. My only fear is that the roughnecks who took the place may well succumb to the temptations of piracy themselves! These French "Boucanier" robbers have much to answer for!

                  London, this year of Grace, 1661

                  [This message has been edited by Patient English (edited May 19, 2001).]Colonisation Colonisation [B]
                  Last edited by Patient English; May 25, 2001, 18:15.


                  • #10
                    1661. Another year has passed, and again, I, Piter Devres, cheif historian of the court of Wilhelm, Stadhollder of the United Provinces, have been ordered to update the histories of glorious Holland. First, a great victory in the Carribean, The Spanish town of Puerto Cabello has fallen to our brave privateers, and all rejoice in this victory over the hawty Spanish. The Dons had the cheek to demand knowledge as the price for ending the war, but we have refused. Have they leaned nothing from Antwerp? We will not follow their faith, nor take orders from their king, or pay heed to their inquistion. They will taste our cold steel first. On the other hand, we desire peace with the English, but they refuse to speak to us, but we will not engage our protestant brothers unless attacked. To show our good faith, a new trade route has been established, between Stabroek and Grenada, to sell Silver. Our explorerors have had contact with the native Iroquois, and we taught them Natural science, Mettle working, and Fire Arms, and we learned about their Native lore, woman's work, and Canoes. They wished an alliance against the French, but we have declined at this time.The court of the United Provinces.<>File sent to Henrik(France).
                    I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                    i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                    • #11
                      Henrik, if you sent the file on to me, it did not reach its destination. Please re-send. Thanx


                      • #12
                        Due to the crappy performance of my mailclient I couldn't get the attached file (it insists that it is a text file and thus opens it and writes its contenst in the mail, I could have managed annyway (by copying the contenst into another file) if my mailclient hadn't changed most special letters into something it found easier to read (like japanese)).
                        Cpoulus could you send me another copy of it, whit another name (shorter, since I think the length of the name has something to do whit this).
                        Sigh... I have a mac, these things aren't supposed to happen to me
                        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                        • #13
                          Sorry to hear of your difficulties, Henrik. A new copy has been dispatched, with a shorter name.

                          All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
                          I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                          i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                          • #14
                            Journal of Henri

                            Personal log of Henri de Lohmander First Minister of Louis XIV:
                            All is well in France, the cease fire whit the Spanish has been extended to a peace treaty and we are preparing to attack the treacherous english!
                            Henri de Lohmander

                            Oh and the file problem wasnt about the name
                            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                            • #15

                              The Royal Navy stands guard, ready for the frog-eaters to do their worst.

                              Jay Bee, do you have the file from Henrik? I've only had one turn to play so far and am anxious to get stuck in!

                              So anxious in fact, that I have been spending the time screwing up my diplomatic relations with almost everybody! Ah, well. The English have always been gratuitously offensive in their relations with the rest of Europe. Just check out our General Election speeches right now...

                              We will fight them on the beaches....we will NEVER surrender!
                              Last edited by Patient English; May 25, 2001, 06:13.

