Leading millitary and naval officers in France has tried to overthrow the rightfull king and ruler of France!
The coup was succesfull, during the past year the nation of France has been under the total controll of a General Albért Inificiént (who you all know from a privious incident, he returned from his exile to pull this coup off) and Admiral Antoine Irregulare who ruled France in a Triumvirate.
Thankfully the king and I was able to escape during the chaos in the capital last year.
And during this year we mounted a succesfull counter-strike against the usurpers.
Both Albért and Antoine has been dealt with, permanently this time...
However, I fear that much was lost during the time of the Triumvirate, and counter orders will take time to be carried out, it will take atleast two more years to totaly restore order to our lands.
First Minister of Louis XV
Leading millitary and naval officers in France has tried to overthrow the rightfull king and ruler of France!
The coup was succesfull, during the past year the nation of France has been under the total controll of a General Albért Inificiént (who you all know from a privious incident, he returned from his exile to pull this coup off) and Admiral Antoine Irregulare who ruled France in a Triumvirate.
Thankfully the king and I was able to escape during the chaos in the capital last year.
And during this year we mounted a succesfull counter-strike against the usurpers.
Both Albért and Antoine has been dealt with, permanently this time...
However, I fear that much was lost during the time of the Triumvirate, and counter orders will take time to be carried out, it will take atleast two more years to totaly restore order to our lands.
First Minister of Louis XV