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History of Colonization: The Colonies 3.12 PBEM Game

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  • Buccaneers

    Your Most Catholic Majesty,

    Lord Charles, Duke of Albemarle, has asked me to reply to your recent diplomatic note.

    As perhaps you can appreciate, the men of our Carribean colonies are inclined somewhat to lawlessness and reckless behaviour. Whilst the English Government sometimes deplores their actions, we cannot always control them.

    We have sent a message to Kingston instructing the Governor to restrain these men, but the difficulties of communications there may mean that much time might pass before any reaction is observed - even if the colonists obey their Governor.

    Therefore, should the actions of these men continue to offend Spanish interests, the English Crown will not take it as a declaration of war if the Spanish forces in that area take matters into their own hands.

    Bartholemew Simpson

    3rd deputy undersecretary to the First Lord, The Admiralty, Whitehall, London.


    • LOL
      Even though at the end we get involved in a war, I will go with a smile


      • 1709 - the Storm gathers....

        As this seems to be the season for Diplomatic notes, with both French and Spanish Ambassadors rattling their sabres, the English would like to issue a warning as well.

        ANY French or Spanish units found adjacent to English settlements or Cities, from this day forward, will be attacked without further notice. Furthermore, any French or Spanish units that move within the city border of any English town (2 square radius) will be asked to leave immediately. Any that fail to do so will be attacked. French and Spanish units currently adjacent to English cities will be allowed to withdraw unmolested, provided they do so with all possible speed.

        The English Goverment assumes that the French and Spanish despots will make reciprocal threats, so there is no need to waste perfectly good parchment making them.

        It is noted that the principle offender in this case is the French Army. Previous relations with our Spanish neighbours have been good, so provided these conditions are respected, Spanish merchants will still be allowed to approach English territory.

        File posted to Chris and here...
        Attached Files


        • Holland calls on the powers to reconsider their aggressive postions, as it would be calamitous to engage in hostilites at this time for European civilization.

          It also annouces strict neutrality in any future conflict, and will not allow any billigerants to cross Dutch territories that are engaged in hostilities.
          Attached Files
          I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
          i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


          • France wishes to point out that she hasn't been trying to in any way create tension between herself and the brittish empire, however she has been defdending her own interests as british forces continously have been violating french rights and territory.
            Attached Files
            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


            • Oh and I've tried to do my best to clean up the mest after Albért this time
              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


              • FOR A FEW BANANAS MORE

                Although Spain on her part has strictly adhered to the rules of international law in her relations with the British Crown, English pirates have finally proceeded to open acts of war against Spain in the Yucatan Peninsula. England has thereby virtually created a state of war.

                His Imperial Spanish Highness, consequently declares that under these circumstances brought about by the British Crown, as from today, considers herself as being in a state of WAR with the British Crown.

                Attached Files


                • Anglo-Spanish War!

                  Despite the Spanish Crown forgoing to declare war formally in the usual way, instead relying on propagandist statements in these pages, England has accepted the challenge, and the first hostilities have commenced this year. England and Spain are now formally and actually at war.

                  Troops from Port Francois have destroyed a fort being built outside Santo Domingo, and have occupied the high ground (and its lucrative sheep farms) near the city itself.

                  Near to the disputed banana plantations on the Mosquito Coast a Spanish labour gang has been fired upon by the colonists' gunners. Several Spanish overseers were killed, and their slaves ran off into the jungle.

                  The Channel Fleet has sortied and is rumoured to be trying to intercept the Spanish Treasure fleets.

                  On a happier note, the English Crown accepts the explanations of the French Ambassador. It is a common problem for provincial forces to act without sanction from their government at home (indeed, something similar has started this Spanish War), and as these forces have now started to withdraw from their threatening positions anyway, we are pleased to announce the resumption of the status quo ante.

                  That is to say, French merchants are still welcome in English markets, and all the usual conventions of peace will be respected. The only major offending unit is the French Dragoon regiment near Niagara Falls. We trust this unit, too, will soon return to its base.

                  Game sent to Chris and posted here. Happy Christmas, guys, even Felice Natividad to the haughty Spanish Dons!

                  Attached Files


                  • Re: Anglo-Spanish War!

                    Originally posted by Patient English
                    Despite the Spanish Crown forgoing to declare war formally in the usual way
                    mind to explain this a bit, I thought the Spanish behaivour had been impeccable.

                    Merry Xmass guys


                    • Matters get more complicated

                      As of a secret treaty signed in 1698 with Spain the French government as of today is at war with Brittian, as Brittain was undoubtly the offender, foudning a city in spanish territory after having been explicly asked to stay out of there, hostilities will be commenced as soon as possible.

                      This is WAR!

                      (France formally wishes to apologize for this, as anglo-french relations where warming up, this was the last thing that French was after, However a frenchman allways stands by his word)

                      Henri de Lohmandér the second
                      First Minister of France
                      Duke of Normandy
                      Viceroy of the collonial Province of Quebeck
                      Head of Inteligence
                      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                      • Holland is saddened by this war, and we turst the powers will honor our neutrality in this conflict.

                        Attached Files
                        I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                        i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                        • French propaganda

                          The English Crown would like to make two things clear:

                          1) The settlement founded on the Mosquito Coast was NOT established in settled Spanish territory, nor were the English requested to leave at any time by the Spanish authorities.

                          The dispute that has recently arisen there concerns the ownership of a banana plantation, and the English settlement has been established for many years already, without Spanish protest until 1708. However, France needs invent no pretext to go to war with England - as long as the diplomatic niceties are observed. Actual or potential French aggression against these islands has been apparent for the last 50 years.

                          2) The French claim to moral superiority would ring very hollow if French forces were to declare war and immediately attack English forces without the accepted one year grace period. If any such attack is made, the Spanish should be aware that their continued alliance with such persons will paint them in the same colours.

                          Finally, it is good to have the suspected Franco-Spanish alliance out in the open. It will be remembered that England did not start this war, nor give any reasonable provocation for it. Indeed, the Crown gave the Spanish explicit permission to evict any colonists trespassing on their possessions.

                          If England must stand alone against the Catholic terror - so be it. It will not be the first time.

                          God save Queen Anne!

                          Charles, Lord Albemarle, First Lord of the Admiralty.


                          Waku, all I meant was that when I opened the save file, Spain was still at peace with England, leaving me to take the reputation hit when I started operations. Never mind. My reputation stinks, anyway!

                          Oh well, I was looking for a bit of excitement. Maybe I have found a bit too much!



                          • Actually John, the only reason for this alliance being secret is that the AI wont sign the alliance.

                            Hehe, finally some action, I do doubt that the cause of this war will be similar to the last one, French shiping is quite secure this time

                            Oh and I ain't gonna attack you this turn (I will move ships, troops, etc in possition though), as we all have agreed to wait one turn (as you point out yourself above).

                            Didn't Waku ask you to leave moskito coast alone earlier? I thought he did.

                            I was actually planning to wait atleast 30 years untill war was to break out, but as I do have an alliance (which was signed at a time when you seemed unstopable) I choose to honour it.
                            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                            • Played

                              As was promised not even an english mosquito was harmed...
                              Attached Files
                              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                              • French honour!

                                French Ambassador in honourable behaviour shock!

                                Seriously, Henrik, good for you. I thought that the way the French delayed their post 'til AFTER I moved was a foul conspiracy to sneak-attack me! Just paranoid I guess. Sorry.

                                As was promised not even an english mosquito was harmed...

                                I quite understand you want to honour your alliances - but all those Dragoons in Canada have been aggressively sharpening their swords since you ran out of Hurons to massacre, haven't they? Mind you, same goes for my Grenadiers....

                                Didn't Waku ask you to leave moskito coast alone earlier?
                                Don't think so. I may be wrong - and will trawl through the back posts if neccessary. Can you remember, Manolo? Save me the effort! I did trepass on his bananas, though...

                                But I do think it was time for some action. I only hope my valiant little islanders won't be wiped out as a result! So busy making money...Must remember to speak more softly - and carry a bigger stick.

