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Advanced Hellenistic Era NES - Part 2

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  • He is privately taught by the finest teacher in Carthage.


    • Macedonia to Athens and Egypt and anyone else who sent us messages:

      Please be patient. We will answer, but we need some other things cleared up first.
      Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


      • Egypt to Persia:
        We've noticed a certain lack of grain in your lands. We'd be willing to trade 10 talents\turn grain for 10 talents\turn of your cattle. Is this acceptable?
        "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
        phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
        three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


        • Originally posted by foolish_icarus
          I'm not sure I'm clear on the trade system...Even though I have only one, for example, fish resource, can I sell it to another nation without a decrease in my stats? If so, to how many other nations can I sell to before it has an effect on my country?
          Originally posted by appleciders
          OOC: Just don't be ridiculous in your exploitation of it. Selling huge quantities of fish to everybody isn't going to work, and Micha will tell you if you're going overboard. If you want to export more, invest in the resource, like the money I've put towards grain so I can export more of it. At least, that's my understanding.

          I wanted to include the amounts produced, but then I would also have had to include the amounts needed, and then I´d have to calculate fractals when determining the effect of importing 56% of the needed amount on your economy... Too much work, at least for the exam time right now.

          If someone has a better idea, don´t hesitate to tell me about it. I was thinking about a civ3 system, where one ressource was kept to oneself, while an additional one of the same type may be exported to another country.
          However there would be problems like Crete needing as much grain as the entire Persian empire...
          Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
          Let me eat your yummy brain!
          "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


          • [SIZE=1]Egypt to Bosporian Greeks:
            We'd like to begin importing your furs and timber. We'd like to start by importing 4 talents\turn furs and 4 talents\turn timber. We'd also like to offer you the chance to import our paper.
            We are most honoured your merchants offer that much of a demand!
            Epect our trade vessels to Tanys soon.
            Long live the Pharao!
            Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
            Let me eat your yummy brain!
            "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


            • Originally posted by Lord Nuclear
              To: Sparta
              From: Carthage

              We wish to purchase honey from you. For what amount would you say?
              Most excellent! We can provide up to 5t/turn!

              To: Lydia
              From: Carthage

              We are already being supplied fur from the Romans, so how about 7 talents for pottery?
              Sounds good. We have a deal then.
              Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
              Let me eat your yummy brain!
              "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


              • Magna Graecia to world
                We need to inform you that any action helping the Romans is a threat to us. We therefor announce the Roman waters warzones. We will intercept ANY shipping in this area, regardless of nations involved.
                Please don´t force us to worsen our mutual relations by forcing us to sink your trade vessels...
                Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                Let me eat your yummy brain!
                "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                • According to good sources, Egypt has been granted an own fish ressource. The infrastructure rating has been downed to counter the effect of the new ressource and to better resemble the destruction the recent wars have caused in Lower Egypt.
                  Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                  Let me eat your yummy brain!
                  "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                  • To: Sparta
                    From: Carthage

                    Just trade to the city Cyrene, and then we will transport it from there. That way, you can go around Magna Graecia.

                    To: Lydia
                    From: Carthage

                    We have a deal.

                    Carthage is now receiving pottery and honey.


                    • Rome to the World

                      Theres no need to worry. Our navy will destroy the Greek pirates. Any assistance is welcome though.

                      Rome to Macedonia

                      Your proposal is interesting. What do the Northern cities respond?
                      Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

                      - Paul Valery


                      • Rome to Egypt

                        Would you be interested in Roman timber? It is exellent material for shipbuilding

                        Rome to Sparta

                        We are very interested to trade Roman iron for your honey. What about you?
                        Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

                        - Paul Valery


                        • Egypt to Rome: We've already accepted a deal with the Bosporian Greeks to purchase their timber. At the present time, we don't require any of yours. However, should the Bosporian Greeks prove unreliable, we will keep you in mind.
                          "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
                          phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
                          three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


                          • Macedonia to Northern Greek cities :

                            It might be advantageous to respond to our proposal.
                            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                            • Adria, Nicaea and Massilia to Macedonia and Rome
                              Don´t forget it´s been the Romans who have issued the declaration of war. We demand that justice is done. Punish those responsible for the aggression, and we will join this alliance.
                              However cannot go back to normal as if this incident has never happened. The level of trust, as it was ten years ago, will never be reached again.
                              Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                              Let me eat your yummy brain!
                              "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                              • Originally posted by laurentius
                                Rome to Sparta

                                We are very interested to trade Roman iron for your honey. What about you?
                                Most excellent! Iron makes an otherwise good soldier invincible!
                                We however don´t have enough honey to supply you, as our small surplus already goes to other nations.
                                We offer to buy iron at 5 talents / turn.
                                Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                                Let me eat your yummy brain!
                                "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron

