Rome to Macedonia
Greetings! Congratiulations for your military victories over the barbarians. We are happy to see the Adriatic sea shores to be pacified by such a civilised and courageous people. Our own offensive against the Aquileans and other barbarians are nearing their completition too.
So, theres a chance that our trade ships may pass from Italy to Macedonia and vice versa soon without having to fear pirates attacking them. We are defending your other Greek brothers as well and I hope we 3 great nations have a bright and profitable future!
On another note, If you or your Greek brothers need any economic or military support in dealing with some 3rd nation please let us know, we will be on your side. I suggest we hold joint military exercises sometime...
Greetings! Congratiulations for your military victories over the barbarians. We are happy to see the Adriatic sea shores to be pacified by such a civilised and courageous people. Our own offensive against the Aquileans and other barbarians are nearing their completition too.
So, theres a chance that our trade ships may pass from Italy to Macedonia and vice versa soon without having to fear pirates attacking them. We are defending your other Greek brothers as well and I hope we 3 great nations have a bright and profitable future!
On another note, If you or your Greek brothers need any economic or military support in dealing with some 3rd nation please let us know, we will be on your side. I suggest we hold joint military exercises sometime...