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Advanced Hellenistic Era NES - Part 2

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  • Tassadar500
    To: Lydia
    From: Carthage

    Emperor of Carthage, Aderbal, invites the King of Lydia to the Guardian of the West. After all of these years, it is complete, and you will be the first foreign leader to see it.

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  • appleciders
    Egypt to Lydia:
    Just be careful not to become a pirate nation yourself.

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  • 1889
    Originally posted by appleciders
    Egypt to Lydia:
    Welcome! To begin with, we'd like to offer you 4 talents of our paper for 4 talents of your pottery? Sound good?

    OOC: Getting paper will give you a 3% increase in your base funding (Check the first page in this thread, it explains it nicely). That means it's a win-win situation for both of us- I get 4 talents a turn from you, and you get a 3% increase in economy. It's really even better than that- you get those talents right back because I buy your pottery, for the exact same benefit to myself.
    Sounds good.

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  • 1889
    The king is dead. Maeon slit his throat himself. It was not a swift death. The dagger was a poor choice of weapon. The fat greedy lecherous sloth had too many jowls and chins for such a nimble weapon, a saw may have been a better choice he thought as he wiped the blood on the king’s ornate robes.

    Numerous other assassinations were carried out in the palace that night. The old king was not loved, but he let the right people skim from the state funds. Come morning many of those people would be arrested. Tax collectors of course can not be reformed, but they will learn that the rules have changed, and Maeon expects a much bigger share of the take.

    The armies will be sent on patrol and drill. Those no longer fit for service will be made fit. Officers will be selected by competitions, not social connections.

    The navy with its new ships will aggressively peruse and destroy pirates and their bases. Crete and Sparta will get this one warning to stop giving aid or shelter to these criminals

    (edit: HeHe, Maeon got a little caught up in the blood lust. We were able to stop that messanger in time. )
    Last edited by 1889; February 1, 2005, 00:00.

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  • appleciders
    Egypt to Lydia:
    Welcome! To begin with, we'd like to offer you 4 talents of our paper for 4 talents of your pottery? Sound good?

    OOC: Getting paper will give you a 3% increase in your base funding (Check the first page in this thread, it explains it nicely). That means it's a win-win situation for both of us- I get 4 talents a turn from you, and you get a 3% increase in economy. It's really even better than that- you get those talents right back because I buy your pottery, for the exact same benefit to myself.

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  • 1889
    Lydia - Orders

    Wow, two pages already. I hope I can keep up with this game.

    Lydia seems like a better place to start.

    Give me a little help with the rules. I still haven't read them all yet.

    Cash flow 38 + treasury 40 = 78 tallents to spend this turn
    • 30 tallents - 10 shinny new Trireams
    • 10 tallents - 700 motivated and disciplined swordsmen to guard the palace
    • 19 tallents - overhaul the tax system
    • 19 tallents - improve military discipline
    Last edited by 1889; January 31, 2005, 23:21.

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  • bipolarbear
    Persia solidifies its borders, and keeps all military forces on high alert, with a 24 hour watch.

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  • Tassadar500
    It isn't, but I'm sure Tolkien researched the topic well enough to know how many War Elephants would be suitable.

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  • appleciders
    Originally posted by Lord Nuclear
    Now Micha, Hannibal had only two War Elephants when he was in Italy. I guess they did quite a lot of damage, so why did an army of 100 War Elephants do so little? Even in Lord of the Rings, there were only about 10 Mumakil, the Haradrim term for War Elephants. Maybe there should be less War Elephants, and make them cost many more talents?
    I'm not sure that's a ligitimate historical document.

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  • Tassadar500
    To: Crete, Bosporian Greeks
    From: Carthage

    Are you interested in any of our resources?

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  • laurentius
    Rome to Carthage

    That sounds about right. How much in talents do you believe this could be worth? 12-14 talents per turn each?

    to clarify things further:

    If I'm correct we have 2x iron where you have 1x salt thus making half of each to be 1x iron from Rome to 1/2 salt from Carthage. By looking it this way it seems inevitable that Rome exports value more than its imports thus generating us a trade surplus out of this deal
    Last edited by laurentius; January 31, 2005, 21:59.

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  • appleciders
    Egypt to Rome:
    Glad to hear that our trade deal was acceptable.

    Egypt to Persia:
    We'd like to offer once again our offer of 10 talents grain per turn for 10 talents of your cattle per turn.

    Egypt to Macedonia:
    It's come to our attention that we no longer need your fish, but we'd be happy to trade 5 talents of your salt for 5 talents of our paper. Sound good?

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  • Tassadar500
    To: Rome
    From: Carthage

    How much should we trade? How about half of our resource for half of your resource?

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  • laurentius
    Rome to Carthage

    We welcome new Carthagian traders into Rome to trade salt to iron. The other goods sound tempting but at the moment are beyond our reach because of the war. Parhaps after things have calmed down a bit we could continue our trade talks corcerning them.

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  • Tassadar500
    To: Rome
    From: Carthage

    We wish to trade even more with you. Would you like any wine, grain, salt, ivory, fish, silver, and/or slaves? You have none of these resources, if my sources are correct.

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