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JNES: Modern NES.

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  • We will have to use PM jack I don't use IM services anymore. Sorry.

    I do wish to send a diplomat or two over to begin discussions though, and maybe the President if the situation is secure enough, but Juan Kery is very busy creating the ultmate nation for the ultimate citizen with Americorp.
    Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
    Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


    • Bundesrepublik Deutschland

      To: Brazil
      We want to send an expedition to the southern coast that searches for more offshore oil and gas resources.
      As of now, you can see on this map, where the resources and refinaries are:

      To: Israel
      Germany is displeased with how israel deals with terrorists. The murdering has to stop.
      We also condemn the attack on the cargo freighters.

      To: France, Britain & Italy
      We should think about another space mission. Possibilities after the construction of the ISS, would be to create a space dock, to construct purely spaceships, which would be a first step to a base on the moon and then mars.


      • To Germany, Britain, France, and England: Although we're a bit out of the way, we'd like to get in on the space program as well.

        To the US: We'd be happy to give you some money to rebuild, and we'll try to focus any civilian Red Cross types your way.

        Trade News: Due to the violence against our U transports, Australia has been forced to make the trading of U a gov't-only business. These ships will be escorted by naval vessels and our FBI equivilent will be guarding these things like no other. The crew of these ships will be minimal and part of the FBI equivilent to boot.

        To the World: We'd like to request that, in a show of peace, goodwill, and general lack of intention to attack our ships, please don't try to approach these ships at sea. IAEA reps will be allowed to check cargo at all ports. Please don't even try a flyby with your air force, it makes us real nervous.
        "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
        phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
        three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


        • To Amricorp: We gladly accept your allience. Due to my massive number of civilions I reap a good deal in taxes, and would be happy to send money your way, in return fo a few weapons.

          In other news, India continues it's long time feud with Pakistan over Kashmir and the welath there. Propagana aboout religious reasons to attack are spread amognst the people.

          To the World: Idnia has large ammounts of Iron ore, gold, dimonds and silver that we are mining, we are looking for trading parteners who we will exchange iron for weapons and trainging, and gold to have the iron smelted into steel for us to build various other equpment, any trader is welcome

          A complete list of resources can be found here:
          Why not?


          • I posted the updated nation stats. If I forgot anything, please let me know. ALso I am thinking I should give up China since this takes a lot of time to update and manage. If anyone is interested please pm and I will think about it.
            Donate to the American Red Cross.
            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


            • France to UN

              Israel's imprisonment of the Palestinian pressident without trial or charge is inconsistent with the UN's commitment to human rights and damaging to the delicate balance of middle eastern peace that so many nations have worked so hard to promote. I hope that the UN will accept this resolution asking that president Mahmoud Abbas be released from so that the Palestinisn people can have the benefit of unified leadership that has professed its commitment to promote the cause of peace.

              I hope that other nations will express their dissapointment with Isreal's policy with regard to its Arab citizens and neighbors by supporting this resolution. I'm sure we can find a peacful solution to These very complex problems if we are willing to work together.
              Do you believe in Evil? The Nefarious Mr. Butts
              The continuing saga of The Five Nations
              A seductress, an evil priest, a young woman and The Barbarian King


              • Originally posted by Lord Nuclear
                To: United Nations
                From: Israel

                We demand that the terrorists that have recently struck Israel and Saudi Arabia be condemned! Their actions are heinous, and they wish the death of all free people. Israel will be investigating the matter.
                France also condems all terrorist, all groups that employ their methods and all governments that support them as criminal. We also aplaud Israel's restraint in not reesponding to the most resent attacks on it. However, this condemnation does not excuse any government of its responsability to redress the valid greivances of its people that may be at the cause of such terrorism.
                Do you believe in Evil? The Nefarious Mr. Butts
                The continuing saga of The Five Nations
                A seductress, an evil priest, a young woman and The Barbarian King


                • India would like to say that all terrorist groups should be handeled with extreame caution, and that any country caught harboing them should be condemed
                  Why not?


                  • Americorp has dropped all funding support, and has withdrawn all troops in Israel until all terrorist acitons cease, nad until they begin a total move towards peace in thier tumultuous region.
                    Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                    Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                    • What the hell? I must say bipolar, you are one terrible NES player. What happened to being realistic?


                      • What the hell? I must say bipolar, you are one terrible NES player. What happened to being realistic?
                        If thye are going to be crakcers like that, then they get no support. Peace must prevail.
                        Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                        Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                        • Comment

                          • Damn boy! Don't be cracka-lackin up in my hizzy
                            Juan Kerry 'bout to drop tha funk bomb on yo candy ass homeboy!

                            Apparently you have never NESed with the likes of the mighty bipolarbear the mighty!
                            Reality is a toy, kind of like silly putty. I liek to stretch it, roll it up, throw it around, and copy myt favorite Dilbert strips onto it.

                            You live in reality, I toy with it.
                            Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                            Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                            • Off-Topic:
                              Hmm while I think the US under Kerry would have acted different, they would never go as far as to drop all funding. Remember that there is a quite large and very influential jewish population in the US.
                              So, I guess you'll feel the consequences of this action for yourself too.

                              Since this is a very open game though, I have no problem with absolute freedom in your actions. However, if you want to impose your political views on your population that do not support it as of now, then this will be reflected with your progress. Radical changes might quickly lead to revolution. The burden lies on jack_www, who has to do more calculation and predict a most realistic outcome within the progress of the game. (btw, jack )

                              I am just a NES player for ~1 week, but I am already beginning to like this game. Especially due to its openess.

                              You live in reality, I toy with it.
                              You don't have absolute power. Remember, you are a democratic elected leader. A representative for your people. As said above, "reality" might soon toy with you


                              • Hmm while I think the US under Kerry would have acted different, they would never go as far as to drop all funding. Remember that there is a quite large and very influential jewish population in the US.
                                So, I guess you'll feel the consequences of this action for yourself too.
                                I don't know how many times I have to remind you people/cretins about this the president of AMERICORP is JUAN KERRY!!!!!!!
                                Not George W. Bush, and not John Kerry.

                                Juanm Kerry is a fictitious character made up in my own mind a couple of years ago in another NES where I was MEXICO!!!!!!!!!
                                In comedy this is called a call back. It is a joke that refers to a previous joke, this, in effect creates what is known as an inside joke.

                                As far as its humorous value, I don't care.

                                As far as how the U.S. would have acted under JOHN Kerry, that is irrelevant, and pointless. Besides that, in all relaity, I am the leader, so it is how I would do things. Now if I want to get into character, and become a level twelve dumbass like Bush, or a level six "better than the otehr guy" with a +5 smile, and +2 charm modifier on defensive rolls, then that is entirely my perrogative!!!!!

                                It sounds to me, that as a playing memberof the NES you mgiht already know the future. Really though the only one who knows hte future is GOD. In an NES the MOD is GOD. Have you been conferring w/ Jack????!!!!

                                You cheater!!!!! Admit your crimes or pay the ultimate price!!!!!!1
                                Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                                Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!

