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Cold War NES

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  • United Kingdom

    To: Soviet Union
    We propose a cease fire when it comes it our nuclear and chemical weapons. The world has suffered enough already, we do not have to add to the suffering by counitnued use of these weapons.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • my mistake. I forgot to make a section for Britain. I'll make sure to remember next time.
      Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


      • Well, I don't see how it's possible for the Soviets to invade Alaska, when I was in high alert for invasions. And, I ordered to nuke Moscow (among a few cities) if nuked, what happened to that? And what happened to my defense program?


        • Alaska is big. Soldiers are going to protect the cities, not the wastelands.
          Moscow didn’t get nuked for the same reason Washington DC and Philadelphia and New York et al. didn’t get nuked: The farther into a target’s airspace you get, the longer the time and thus greater the chances the country’s air defenses have to shoot down your bombers.
          And your defense program did you a lot of good. You neutralized the Cuban airfields and now have the edge in airpower over Europe.

          Things don’t always go as you want them to. That’s the point of the game. Think of communication failures, weather, human error, the initiative or balkiness of your officers, unsuitable equipment, or being outnumbered, or outgunned, or outmaneuvered. On the domestic front, labor strikes, price gouging, cultural burdens, political opposition.

          If I make a mistake in interpreting your orders, or grossly overlook a certain fact, and this results in an unfair cost to you, I’ll make it up to your country (not necessarily immediately) with good luck in subsequent events. I resolve orders based on what I believe to be the best combination of fairness, realism, and playability. I have to be fair to the other players, and frankly, if there were no obstacles to overcome, you would just be bored. IC, people are resilient. Your country will survive. Triumph? Maybe, maybe not, but the fun is in trying.

          I’m glad you brought up those issues. By all means, challenge my decisions. In this case, I still believe my decisions were valid. Not perfect, but one set out of a possible many. I hope you will keep playing and trying to work with those circumstances.
          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


          • As long as you have reasoning, then I'm fine. I'll stay in the NES. The only reason I really got angry you see, is I've had experience with mods missing out main parts of my orders.


            • i'm glad you're staying.
              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


              • So am I

                To the USA
                From the USSR

                We propose what the UK proposes and a ceasfire on WMD. This way we can have a good ole war.

                To the UK
                From the USSR

                Surrender and we will leave you be we have no fight with the UK so long as they stay out of Europe.

                To the USA
                From the USSR

                Any chance you might surrender?
                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                • To: USSR
                  From: USA

                  Hmm... Fine, a cease-fire on nuclear weapons. And one more thing, we will destroy, you dirty pigs. See you in hell!


                  • Good to hear but I do belive you are mistaken about the whole beating me part.
                    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                    • Great Egyptian Off-Road Race

                      The race begins in the rough highlands of southern Sudan. The American, East German and Finish teams rev their engines and wait for the starting gun. Then the race is on! The mountain trails are narrow and steep and it is here, with the race only a few hours old that it takes its first dramatic turn. The German team loose their footing and the car slides down a steep ravine into the Nile. It turns out that due to its light construction it floats. The German team soon has a large and ever widening lead. The Americans are forced to hack their way through the winding overgrown trails. The Finish team is wholly unprepared for the rough terrain and makes almost no progress at all, until the Americans are out of sight. Then they simply drive through the swath cleared by Team USA.

                      The German team loose their momentum in the extensive swamps of the Bahr el Jabal, while the Americans pick up the pace as the mountains give way to hills and finally open grasslands. The Fins can’t match the speed of the huge Detroit motor but are making good time as well over the easy ground. The German team still has the lead however, when they clear the swamp and drift into Khartoum.

                      Determined to regain the lead the Americans race past the ancient city faster than a cheetah. At these speeds navigation proves difficult and before they know it they are deep in the Nubian Desert and well off course. The German team on the other hand has thrown out there maps to lighten their boat/car. Progress is steady but they are forced to leave the river to drive around the numerous falls or cataracts. Surrounded by the incredible artifacts of the 4th cataract they suffer problem after problem and finally catastrophe. Tires are punctured, repaired and punctured again, but all progress stops when the rear axle snaps. It is here that the Fins and their methodical pace take the lead.

                      Finally out of food, water and fuel the American team is saved by a Bedouin caravan. They are happy to bring the driver and navigator all the way to Wadi Halfa on the Egyptian border, but convincing them to tow the heavy sedan requires all the money in their wallets. The Germans also receive help from the locals. The only parts available are from locally manufactured wooden carts, but they seem to do the trick. The Fins also are forced to seek help from the locals when it comes time to order at the Abu Hamed hotel restaurant. They have dinner, catch a show and turn in early.

                      Finally passed the second cataract, the Germans return to the river for that last time and set sail for Cairo 1000 km away. When the Americans restock and start out they are shocked to hear that the Fins and Germans are three days ahead.

                      Still they gain rapidly. At Aswan where the multi-national crew of engineers cheer their respective teams they have already gained a whole day on the competition. The Germans leave Luxor only a day ahead of the American team, and only a few hours behind the Fins. Now the American team is forced to make larger and larger detours to avoid the wide farmlands that flank the Nile. Even traveling hundreds of extra miles, they still manage to gain ground.

                      Finally the racers reach the edge of Cairo. Here they all but stop and all the leads rapidly shrink to nothing. The Fins reach the city first but excited crowds force them to come to a complete stop until police can restore order and clear the way, but it is no faster than walking. The huge American car is a tight fit through the narrow streets even with out the crowds and traffic. Mean while the German team has run into problems of their own. Driving out of the river up a boat ramp, they discover that the last few days on the water has rotted the wagon wheel axel and it snaps once again. A local bicycle shop is happy to help with the repairs, and soon they click into low speed and start off again.

                      As the teams converge on the finish line they can see each other down side streets as they race neck and neck down parallel roads. It seams like it will be a photo finish, but at these speeds a painting would probably do. And the winner (determined by coin toss) is FINLAND! Go white and blue!

                      DDR takes second place
                      USA is third by mere moments
                      Last edited by 1889; November 14, 2004, 13:45.
                      Do you believe in Evil? The Nefarious Mr. Butts
                      The continuing saga of The Five Nations
                      A seductress, an evil priest, a young woman and The Barbarian King


                      • Egypt orders part I - international

                        NATO and Warsaw Pact asked to consider peace
                        We commend the warring nations of the world for the courage and wisdom they show in agreeing not to use WMD. The destruction wrought by these weapons gives us pause. A general cease-fire is but one more small step. I do not know how much longer this fighting will continue or how it will end, but the USA and USSR have the most to loose and the prize is but a world of ash. We recognize that NATO cannot survive if it abandons its members and we can all sympathies with the Soviets fear of an enemy on their border. I think there is much common ground and ample room for negotiation.

                        Middle Eastern Joint Air Defense Command proposed
                        The nuclear attack on Turkey is a tragedy. I propose to Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon that we should coordinate our air defenses so that we can avoid the devastation of any attack on us, as this war will surely expand to engulf us all.

                        Middle East trade conference held in Cairo
                        The war has all but stopped trade in the Mediterranean and caused trouble to the economies of all Middle Eastern nations. I invite the leaders of these stricken countries to Cairo to consider reducing prices of oil, food and all our exports to encourage merchants to make the trip to our harbors.

                        Israel asked to recognize Palestinian state
                        Israel owes its existence to the Jews unwavering dream of a land of their own. I hope that your Zionist zeal has not made you forget that other people have these same dreams. The Palestinian people huddle as refugees all around your nation nourishing themselves on anger and hatred. I hope that you will not ignore their cries for justice now that your dreams have been satisfied.

                        World still welcome in Egypt
                        As a neutral nation we remind the world that our ports and shops are open to all visitors who are willing to check their gun at the door. Tourists are invited to cruise the Nile and loose themselves in the serenity of the past. Race fans don’t miss the world’s greatest off-road race. Engineers are encouraged to seek work on the greatest monument of our time. Soldiers should request leave to satisfy their concupiscence in our red light district, or stop by our amazing bazaars and get something exotic for the loved ones at home. Yes folks Egypt has everything for everybody. (Paid for by the Farouk King Dam Finance Committee).
                        Do you believe in Evil? The Nefarious Mr. Butts
                        The continuing saga of The Five Nations
                        A seductress, an evil priest, a young woman and The Barbarian King


                        • I love the German car/boat/wagon

                          Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon will agree to the Middle Eastern Joint Air Defense Command if Egypt donates sufficient planes to the cause, as these states make up the frontier against the direction of most-likely attack.

                          Israel agrees to recognize the existence of Palestine at current borders if all Arab states recognize the existence of Israel at current borders.

                          Update tonight.
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • Egypt orders part II - domestic

                            Egypt begins democratic reform
                            King Farouk appoints himself first President of United Egypt. The president will serve a single six year term and be elected by a popular vote. To balance the larger population of Egypt, the Sudan will be split into Sahel (comprising Arab Sudan from the Egyptian border to just south of Khartoum) and Equatoria (the remaining portion of southern or African Sudan). Each of these states will provide 4 elected senators to advise the president and his cabinet. The president will share his power with the senate. The senate may write bills, if these bills should secure the approval of a majority in the senate they will be submitted to the president for approval. Likewise, any bill proposed by the president will require a majority approval of the senate.

                            The underground infiltrators will encourage potential rebels to get involved in the process and divert attention from resistance.

                            Schools and hospitals continue to improve
                            The government makes sure that all schools and hospitals are prepared to provide the best quality of care to its citizens.

                            Economy continues to grow
                            Continuing its dedication to improving the economy the government hires more police officers, road maintenance crews and public transportation so that the people can travel freely and safely.

                            Egypt sends aid to Turkey
                            Egypt sends aid to assist the survivors of Bursa and Ankara and asks other Arab nations to do the same.
                            Do you believe in Evil? The Nefarious Mr. Butts
                            The continuing saga of The Five Nations
                            A seductress, an evil priest, a young woman and The Barbarian King


                            • Re: Great Egyptian Off-Road Race

                              Originally posted by 1889
                              [...] The German team loose their footing and the car slides down a steep ravine into the Nile. It turns out that due to its light construction it floats. [...] The German team on the other hand has thrown out there maps to lighten their boat/car. [...] Surrounded by the incredible artifacts of the 4th cataract they suffer problem after problem and finally catastrophe. Tires are punctured, repaired and punctured again, but all progress stops when the rear axle snaps. [...] The Germans also receive help from the locals. The only parts available are from locally manufactured wooden carts, but they seem to do the trick. [...] Mean while the German team has run into problems of their own. Driving out of the river up a boat ramp, they discover that the last few days on the water has rotted the wagon wheel axel and it snaps once again. A local bicycle shop is happy to help with the repairs [...]
                              LMAO... really sounds like a Trabant car

                              DDR takes second place
                              Congratulations to the Fins, we are even happy to have reached the finish line
                              Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                              Let me eat your yummy brain!
                              "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                              • Originally posted by foolish_icarus
                                Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon will agree to the Middle Eastern Joint Air Defense Command if Egypt donates sufficient planes to the cause, as these states make up the frontier against the direction of most-likely attack.

                                Israel agrees to recognize the existence of Palestine at current borders if all Arab states recognize the existence of Israel at current borders.
                                Egypt large military accepts the dominant role in the regions defence. We ask for forward air bases and the coordination of radar surveillance.

                                We apply presure to other Arab states to recognise Isreal and help the Palestinians develop a viable state.
                                Do you believe in Evil? The Nefarious Mr. Butts
                                The continuing saga of The Five Nations
                                A seductress, an evil priest, a young woman and The Barbarian King

