The United Kingdom
In a speech given to in the House of Commons, the Prime Minister, Frank Jackson, He pleged the continued support of Great Britain and Friendship to the United States. He also called the actions of the Soviet Union as unacceptable. "The Soviet Union's actions in Yugoslavia and else were is threating world peace. We cannot let what happen with Germany in 1930's, happen again. As our great leader Churchill said "a great iron curtain has decended upon Europe." I call on all the people of Britain, France and West Germany unite against this common threat to world peace and the free world. If we do not stand up to the communist now, we will fall."
Allow the United States to base nuclear bombers anywhere in Britain.
Start full scale moblization of the Army, Navy and Airforce.
Move naval forces near Yugoslavia.
In a speech given to in the House of Commons, the Prime Minister, Frank Jackson, He pleged the continued support of Great Britain and Friendship to the United States. He also called the actions of the Soviet Union as unacceptable. "The Soviet Union's actions in Yugoslavia and else were is threating world peace. We cannot let what happen with Germany in 1930's, happen again. As our great leader Churchill said "a great iron curtain has decended upon Europe." I call on all the people of Britain, France and West Germany unite against this common threat to world peace and the free world. If we do not stand up to the communist now, we will fall."
Allow the United States to base nuclear bombers anywhere in Britain.
Start full scale moblization of the Army, Navy and Airforce.
Move naval forces near Yugoslavia.