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cNES: A World Without Nukes

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  • OOC: Wien's government deosn't really exist anymore.
    A small rebellion in Hungary has broken out, demanding independence from both Germany and Kyiv. Throughout the former Wien Union, most people are unhappy and would prefer independence over anything else, but would prefer being part of wither GErmany or Kyiv over restoring the Wien Union. However, most people are just a bit disgruntled and not interested in any revolution.


    • The Kyiv government has stated that if the the Hungary rebellion isn't either dealt with by local officials or die out on its own within one week, perpetrators who are citizens will be prosecuted, and non citizens may be deported. This will be enforced by the military, if necessary.

      Still building up on military borders.
      Still waiting for response/help from Russia.

      Fairly large offensive started into Greece to beat off their military.

      Kyiv to Greece:

      Surrender. If you do this now we will not impose anything on you or take anything from you aside from accepting a promise that you will keep your military small and away from the Kyiv border.
      Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


      • Russia, in seeing the massive Kyiv warmongering and encroachment against the will of the people, wish to join the alliance against this rogue nation.

        Russian forces at the moment are not officially at war however, we will give Kyiv a chance to back down and resolve peacefully first.
        First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
        Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


        • Greece to Kyiv: Never! You have barely even pierced our borders.

          Reinforcements from their allies have helped the Greeks stop the Kyiv offensive, but their resources are now running thin.

          Sweden to Norway: We have no choice but to punish you for your entirely unprovoked attack on Finland.

          Swedish forces have successfully invaded Norway. Norwegian troops have pulled out of Finland to defend Norway itself.
          Denmark to Sweden: Please withdraw from Norway
          Sweden to Denmark: That will be done soon enough, but we must make sure Norway will not attack Finland or any other nation anytiem soon.
          Denmark to Sweden: Very well, but do not demand any Norwegian territory when you make peace or Denmark will have to maintain the balance of power in Scandinavia.


          • damn. Oh well. time to eat ****.

            Kyiv wants to make peace with all of the nations it is warring with. We also ask that the embargo be lifted against us and diplomatic conditions return to normal. If this is granted by all nations in the conflict, we will never again use force of arms for purposes of territorial expansion, intimidation, political influence, or any other such cause.
            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


            • OOC: Sorry I haven't been here for a couple of days.

              Iran - Diplomacy

              Iran to Britain: Thank you for the trade pact.

              Iran to Saudi Arabia: Thank you for the trade pact.

              Iran to Kyiv: Keep your imperialism in check or we will be forced to intervene.

              Iran to London Conference: We would accept the Saudi proposal.

              Iran to Germany: We support you in your war against Kiev. If we can help you, please let us know.

              Iran to India: We will not accept Pakistan's independence. We paid good money for that land, and it is rightfully ours. Besides, if we hadn't bought it from Britain, there might be many more Muslim-Hindu conflicts in your country than there are now, as Pakistan would still be part of your land.
              Iran - Military Actions

              The Iranian forces in Israel keep working with the Saudis and GAA members. A few more forces are sent to Israel.

              Ships continue to guard the entrance to the Persian Gulf and the Pakistan coast.

              Forces remain in Oman, and ships remain off the Oman and Yemen coasts.

              Many more forces arrive in Pakistan, to fight the revolt and independence movement.
              Iran - Domestic Happenings

              - A new government program will cause industrialization to upgrade to Medium in 3.5 years (7 days).

              - A government program to improve infrastructure throughout the Empire will cause the economy to upgrade to Prosperous in 1.5 years (3 days).

              -The Air Force is now Small.

              - The Navy will upgrade to Large in 5 years (10 days).

              - Anti-War protests are beginning to break out in cities throughout the Iranian Empire. Some people want to end the war in Israel, as they believe it has been going on for too long.
              Iran - Statistics - January 1968
              Iran (blue-green)
              Ruler: Jonny
              Army: Very Large
              Navy: Medium
              Air Force: Small
              Government: Constitutional Monarchy
              Economy: Growing
              Industrialization: Medium-Low
              Alliances: Grand Arabic Alliance
              Trade Pacts: Kyiv, Britain, Saudi Arabia


              • July 1968
                Yugoslavia and Greece to Kyiv: We will agree, but we would like to see some limits on the size of your military to ensure that you carry out your promise.
                Baltic League to Kyiv: We agree to make peace. (SECRET) Perhaps we should make an alliance to limit Russia's international influence.

                Hungarian rebels to Germany: Now that Kyiv seems to be accepting your control of Wien, would you peacefully give us independence?

                The US forces in Israel have been stopped in their advance, but there is no sign that teh Arabs will break teh stalemate soon.

                Anti-war and civil rights protests in the US have increased as the 1968 elections approach. Lyndon Johnson has announced that he will be running against Thurmond on an anti-war, liberal platform.

                India to Iran: Prepare for WAR!

                Indian forces have poured into Pakistan. Although they greatly outnumber the Iranians, they are much less organized and their advance is slow.

                In Yugoslavia, nationalist rebels have made considerable progress...

                Finnish, Swedish, and Danish troops have all attacked Norway at once. The Norwegian forces are quickly collapsing and the country will probably soon fall.

                Denmark has lifted its blockade of the Sound.


                • To: Hungry
                  If you want independance you shall have it but remember if you indepnedance is ever threatened we be there.


                  The German Government has nationalized all German companies owned by the Swiss and put them back up for sale to any one but the swiss.

                  The German Goverment seeing the condition of the country starts work to improve things by getting people more jobs. (Complete)

                  The Goverment see the weakness of our military and desides to start building it up.
                  Army to Very Large (1 years)
                  Navy to Medium (.5 years)
                  Air Force to Medium (.5 years)


                  Germany Stats:

                  Germany (currently white)
                  Ruler: Nimitz
                  Army: Large
                  Navy: Small
                  Air Force: Small
                  Government: Democracy
                  Economy: Stable
                  Industrialization: Very High
                  Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                  Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                  President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                  • To: Kyiv
                    I'm glad you desided to leave the other nations alone we are now happy, if you expand peacefully we will not stand in the way.
                    Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                    Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                    President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                    • To: London
                      From: Saudi Arabia

                      Our peace terms still stands, should the US ever stop this bloodshed and come to the peace table.


                      Arab Forces, realizing that they can not win on frontal attacks, start using hit and run tactics, thanks to their better knoledge of the terrains and because they are more used to live in the desert, what they do is attack the Franco-American troops from the sides, try to inflict as many damages and casualities possible, and than run away.
                      Also, Arab forces have been ordered to supply arms and other supplies to the Arabs living in the occupied territories, in order to organize a guerrilla.
                      Once the guerilla inside the occupied territories will be strong, and the Franco-American troops will be having a hard time in keeping them under control, the Arab Military will strike against the Allied positions.


                      Saudi Arabia Stats: July 1968

                      Government: Monarchy
                      Ruler: King Fahd Ibn Abd-el Aziz
                      Capital: Ar-Riyad
                      Population: 18 Milions
                      Economy: Stable
                      Industrialization: Medium-Low
                      Army: Medium
                      Navy: Medium
                      Air Force: Small
                      Alliance: GAA (Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, -Tunis Sultanate-, Iraq and Iran)
                      Trade Pact: Kyiv Confederation, Iran, All GAA members, Marocco.

                      Saudi Arabia Projects:
                      Recover economy back to Stable: done
                      Enlarge Army: 1,5 years

                      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                      The trick is the doing something else."
                      — Leonardo da Vinci
                      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                      • Italy proposes a Western European Alliance in order to increase the influence of Europe over the world, and promote more eficcient trade amongst our peoples
                        First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                        Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                        • France will join in the Western European Alliance.
                          "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                          Former President, C3SPDGI


                          • EDIT: Double-post of my last message

                            Airbus begins constuction of components of the Thor I rocket, with a thrust of just over 200,000 kgf. In approximatly six months, the rocket will be assembled and ready for launch on British soil.

                            The development is not without controversy, however, as some anti-war protestors question the government's intended use. It has been pointed out that the payload loaded onto the rocket could be an explosive warhead, or even chemical weaponry. The government has pointed out that it would be prohibitively expensive to send payloads into space that could be fired just as easily by ships in the region or ground-based artillery.
                            Last edited by Thud; February 26, 2003, 22:30.
                            "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                            Former President, C3SPDGI


                            • Kyiv to Hungary:

                              We think you don’t understand the situation. For the past five years you have been effectively and justly part of Kyiv. We have treated you fairly and have put up with the disadvantages other countries have brought because of us administering you. We will not let you go so that you can be swallowed up by the Germans. You will remain in Kyiv.

                              Kyiv to Greece and Yugoslavia:

                              While we will not promise that we shall keep our military down, as that would be unfairly crippling our own defense and compromising our safety, we can unofficially assure you that unless we are seriously threatened, we will not build up the size of our military anymore.

                              civman: also, did Egypt follow through with kicking me out of Libya?
                              Last edited by foolish_icarus; February 26, 2003, 22:31.
                              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                              • Iran - Diplomacy

                                Iran to Saudi Arabia and and other GAA allies: We have been attacked by the evil Indians! Perhaps you can spare a few troops and send them over to us to help in our defense.

                                Iran to Britain: [secret] We have been unjustly attacked by the armies of India. Perhaps you could help us in punishing them? Maybe, the Indians were ready for independence. [/secret]
                                Iran - Military Actions

                                The Iranian forces in Israel continue to work with the Saudis and GAA members.

                                Ships off coasts of Pakistan, Yemen, and Oman move to the Indian coast. The entrance to the Persian Gulf is still closed off by our ships.

                                Most of the forces in Iran (that are not in Israel or Oman) are moving towards Pakistan and the Indian border.
                                Iran - Domestic Happenings

                                - Industrialization to upgrade to Medium in 3 years (6 days).

                                - Economy to upgrade to Prosperous in 1 year (2 days).

                                - The Navy will upgrade to Large in 4.5 years (9 days).

                                - After the Indian attack, Anti-War protests have stopped throughout the Empire.
                                Iran - Statistics - July 1968
                                Iran (blue-green)
                                Ruler: Jonny
                                Army: Very Large
                                Navy: Medium
                                Air Force: Small
                                Government: Constitutional Monarchy
                                Economy: Growing
                                Industrialization: Medium-Low
                                Alliances: Grand Arabic Alliance
                                Trade Pacts: Kyiv, Britain, Saudi Arabia

