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cNES: A World Without Nukes

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  • Kyiv to Germany:

    Withdraw? Damn you!! We've offered peace three times, we've been invaded, we're being blockaded, and now you have the arrogance to command us to withdraw? Escalate the conflict, you say? Trust us, any escalation of the conflict will not be favorable to you.

    Kyiv to Turkey:

    Thankyou, when we are able to, we will repay you.
    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


    • To: Kyiv
      Every time you've wanted peace you wouldn't agree to the major peace term with draw from Wien untill you do so the war is not over, that is not negotiable.
      Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
      Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
      President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


      • American troops ordered to halt all advances and to not fire on any Arab. The President has given the order to begin withdrawing troops from Israel. A small contingent force will remain until tensions die down, and Israel is fit to defend itself.

        To KYiv and other fellas:
        America would be glad to host a peace conference if both of you ever decide to negotiate an end.


        • Kyiv to U.S.:

          we would very much like to attend the peace conference

          Kyiv to Germany:

          Keep talking, we don't care what you say as long as you leave us alone. But if you attack us, you won't get another warning, the same thing that happened to the Norwegions and Danes will happen to you, except we won't limit ourselves to your soldiers.

          Army is huge, being upgraded to Gigantic
          Air Force is Very large, being upgraded to Gigantic
          Economy has fallen to stable, occasionally dipping into short periods of recession.
          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


          • January 1970
            Belgium and Spain to Germany: We will support you if a war breaks out.
            Greece to GAA (SECRET): We may not be fellow ARabs, but will you ally with us to punish the Turks who have wronged us recentaly and historically and have wronged you by creating an entirely secular government and aiding the US in the War of Israeli Independence?
            Syria and Iraq to GReece (SECRET): We would gladly go to war with Turkey.
            Jrodan and Egypt to Greece: Hmmm...maybe
            Yugoslavia to US: We will not attend the peace conference until Kyiv withdraws from Germany and Hungary.
            Greece, Baltic League. Sweden, and Denmark to US: We will attand the peace conferece.

            Civil war has broken out on Cyprus. Greece is aiding the GReek Cypriots and Trkey the TUrks. Turkey has announced that tehy are bloackading the island.
            Greece to TUrkey: By blockading and moving your ships and troops to teh island of Cyprus, part of the Republic of Greece, you have declared war on us! Prepare for battle!
            Yugoslavia, Syria, and Iraq to TUrkey: We must help our ally. Prepare for war!
            Turkey to Kyiv and Russia: Help us and declare war on the evil GReeks and their allies!
            Greece to Germany, Italy, Britain: Help us against the evil Turks who have allied with Kyiv!

            The Greeks have invaded Thrace but were pushed back. However, the Turks' concentration of their frces in the West and the surprise of the attacks from Syria an dIraq have led to major defeats in the east and around cyprus. In the Aegean. several large naval battles have been fought, and both the Greek and Turkish navies have been halved in size.

            GAA to Saudi Arabia: Confirm teh peace terms of the 1952 borders for ISrael with the US and let's officially end this war.


            • To Turkey: We condemn your support of terrorists on Cyprus, your flagrant violation of legal embargoes against Kyiv, and your war with Greece. Watch yourself.

              To Germany: At one point, we joined with you in a Western European Alliance. We wish to now recognize those ties and support you in whatever course of action you take.

              The Space Rocket is complete, and shipped to England by barge.

              French Stats:
              Army: Medium
              Navy: Medium
              Air Force: Medium
              New Jet Bomber: 2 Years
              (coorperatively) Rocket capable of launching into space: Complete
              "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
              Former President, C3SPDGI


              • To: Kyiv
                We will have a cease fire for the peace con. if you will do so to.

                To: America
                We will atend the peace conference but promise nothing.


                The German Government has nationalized all German companies owned by the Swiss and put them back up for sale to any one but the swiss.

                The German Goverment seeing the condition of the country starts work to improve things by getting people more jobs. (Complete)

                The Goverment see the weakness of our military and desides to start building it up.
                Army to Huge: 1 year
                Navy to Medium: (complete)
                Air Force to Large: .5 Years


                Germany Stats:

                Germany (currently white)
                Ruler: Nimitz
                Army: Very Large
                Navy: Medium
                Air Force: Medium
                Government: Democracy
                Economy: Stable
                Industrialization: Very High
                Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                • To: GAA, USA
                  From: Saudi Arabia

                  We confirm and accept the 1952 border with Israel. May peace now reign in the middle east

                  To: GAA, Greece
                  From: Saudi Arabia

                  Turkey has long time ago enslaved all of us in the Ottoman Empire, we sure have many reasons to go to war with them, but we are sure there might be a way to peacefully solve this conflict, afterall the Turkish are our Muslim brothers.

                  To: Turkey
                  From: Saudi Arabia

                  Stop this senseless war, your actions were not welcomed in Saudi Arabia, and if you will not stop the war and ask for peace, we will be forced to intervene on behalf of our allies.

                  To: Kyiv, Germany
                  From: Saudi Arabia

                  I know that most likely my words will fall on deaf ears, but we must ask you to try to peacefully solve your problems, because your conflicts have sparked a total war in the Middle East.

                  To: Israel
                  From: Saudi Arabia

                  Now that your borders have been reduced, and that peace is once again between our two nations, I hope you will refrain from expanding your territories, and peacefully cooperate with your neighbors, so that we may prevent any other wars similar to this one to happen again.


                  Most troops are to be sent in Iran to help them fight the Indians and calm down the Pakistani rebels


                  Oman and Yemen are now fully part of Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Saudi Arabia already agreed on merging together, but the unifying process was halted at the outbreak of the Isreal conflict, now that peace is once more, the process have been finished, and the regions of Yemen and Oman are now fully part of Saudi Arabia, and their people have been granted equal rights as any other Saudi citizen.


                  Saudi Arabian Stats: Januari 1970

                  Government: Monarchy
                  Ruler: King Fahd Ibn Abd-el Aziz
                  Capital: Ar-Riyad
                  Population: 48 Milions
                  Economy: Stable
                  Industrialization: Medium-Low
                  Army: Medium
                  Navy: Medium
                  Air Force: Small
                  Alliance: GAA (Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Tunis Sultanate, Iraq and Iran)
                  Trade Pact: Kyiv Confederation, Iran, All GAA members, Marocco.

                  Saudi Arabia Projects:
                  Enlarge Army: done
                  Enlarge Navy: 3 years
                  Grow economy to go out of the Swiss crisis: 4 years

                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • Turkey to Saudi Arabia and France: This war was not our idea. We were simply aiding our friends in commercial matters and helping the Cypriots set up a government when the Greeks suddenly attacked us!


                    • July 1970
                      In Pakistan, Iranian troops have quelled most of the rebellionms and are pushing back the Indians.

                      Turkey is beginning to collapse. Greece has captured IStanbul, and what remains of its navy is mainly guarding the Sea of Marmara and enforcing the blockade of Kyiv. Cyprus is also now controlled by Greece. In the east, Syria and Iraq continue to advance.


                      • Kyiv to Yugoslavia:

                        We are not, and have never been in Germany.

                        Kyiv to Germany:

                        Yes, we will agree to a cease fire on our part will try to have it continue as long as you don’t move onto our land. Here is our initial proposal:

                        We will withdraw from Hungary on the following conditions-

                        -All countries officially sign full peace treaties with us.
                        -No one disputes our control of any other areas we currently possess.
                        -If Hungary becomes independent; that means it becomes independent. No other country may move into it.
                        -All countries remove their blockades and sanctions of us, and we will not be intentionally penalized in matters of trade in any way.
                        -No one interferes with our aiding of the Turks against Greek aggression.
                        -We will not use force ever again to territorially or otherwise expand against the will of the residers of the area.

                        To Greece:

                        We very much don’t want to restart conflict between our nations but we must insist that you withdraw from Turkey and do not interfere with our shipping.

                        Kyiv shipping is going to try to make it through the Greek blockade. If the Greeks fire upon so much as a single ship, they will immediately withdraw.

                        Kyiv forces, upon the invitation of Turkey, have moved into the areas opposite the Greek expansion for purposes of helping the Turks to defend themselves against the Greeks. They are not to engage the enemy unless fired upon first.
                        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                        • Yugoslavia to Germany: Do not accept these peace terms. They are only giving up their claim to Hungary this way but still claim other parts of the Wien Union. Also, "interfer[ence] with our aiding of the Turks" is vary vague and could include helping the Greeks in any way against Turkey.

                          Yugoslavia to Kyiv: Yes you are you are in the former Wien Union which (except for Hungary which has been given independence) is now a part of Germany.

                          Greek ships have fired warning shots at Kyivan vessels nearing the Bosporos. The Kyivans, in accordance with their orders, withdrew.


                          • To: Kyiv
                            All the terms seem acceptible as long as greece keeps its terr. from before the war started and you with draw from all Wien terr. you now occupy and let them choose there path, we will do the same.

                            To: America
                            We will atend the peace conference but promise nothing.


                            The German Government has nationalized all German companies owned by the Swiss and put them back up for sale to any one but the swiss.

                            The German Goverment seeing the condition of the country starts work to improve things by getting people more jobs. (Complete)

                            The Goverment see the weakness of our military and desides to start building it up.
                            Army to Huge: .5 year
                            Navy to Medium: (complete)
                            Air Force to Large: (complete)


                            Germany Stats:

                            Germany (currently white)
                            Ruler: Nimitz
                            Army: Very Large
                            Navy: Medium
                            Air Force: Large
                            Government: Democracy
                            Economy: Stable
                            Industrialization: Very High
                            Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                            Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                            President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                            • Iran - Diplomacy

                              Iran to Saudi Arabia, GAA, USA: Parliament and the rest of the Iranian government confirms and accepts Israel's 1952 borders. Our forces are leaving Israel.

                              Iran to Siam (or whatever that big purple country in southeast Asia on the map is) : [secret]India has attacked us for no good reason. Perhaps you will join us in fighting them?[/secret]

                              Iran to Afghanistan: We would like for you to once again consider joining the Iranian Empire. The benefits for Afghanistan's economy and people would be great. We surround almost your entire nation. So, by joining us, your economy and your people's quality of life would improve, as trade tarriffs between your country and ours would no longer exist and business and commerce would increase, as your people's businesses could trade with many more people tariff-free. Also, by joining us, you would enjoy the benefit of being protected by one of the regions best armies against potential enemies, such as rebels in Pakistan that could go into Pakistan and the evil Indian army. You would also have your fair share of power in the government. Please consider joining us.
                              Iran - Military Actions

                              The Iranian forces in Israel are leaving the area and going to the border with India.

                              The entrance to the Persian Gulf is still closed off by our ships.

                              The forces on the Indian front are divided into 2 main groups: One is fighting the Indian forces. The other and smaller group is stopping any revolts that arise.\

                              Most of the Iranian navy and air force is figting along the Indian front, supporting our troops.
                              Iran - Domestic Happenings

                              - Industrialization to upgrade to Medium in 1 year (2 days).

                              - Economy is now Prosperous.

                              - The Navy will upgrade to Large in 2.5 years (5 days).

                              - The air force will upgrade to Medium in 2.5 years (5 days).
                              Iran - Statistics - July 1970
                              Iran (blue-green)
                              Ruler: Jonny
                              Army: Very Large
                              Navy: Medium
                              Air Force: Small
                              Government: Constitutional Monarchy
                              Economy: Prosperous
                              Industrialization: Medium-Low
                              Alliances: Grand Arabic Alliance
                              Trade Pacts: Kyiv, Britain, Saudi Arabia, other GAA members
                              Wars: India


                              • Kyiv to Yugoslavia:

                                Since you are clearly wrong, you should consider minding your own business.

                                kyiv to Germany:

                                If we let our part of Wien go, you must do the same for ALL of your part, permanently. "Letting them choose their path" must in no way involve you or anyone else absobing them in any fashion into their country. About, Greece, we agree.

                                to Greece:

                                That was not wise.

                                The Kyiv navy, not very large but potent for its size, has moved into the Aegean sea and is ordered to combat any Greek ships that attempt to interfere with shipping again. (SECRET- If this happens and the Greeks respond militarily in any way a full scale invasion of Greece is to ensue.)
                                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

