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cAHNES: 1865

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  • The WCI rebels have sent all arms and money supplied by the Germans back to Germany and revealed Germany's actions to the world, condemning Germany for interfering in the Civil War of another nation while officially supporting the government.

    The Great Chief and other high officials working with him have all been either impeached or assassinated! A new government with a stricter constitutiton has been created.

    Independence is given to WCI China as the Republic of China. A democratic government is being created under WCI supervision.

    Independence is given to WCI Africa as the Independent Confederation of Tanzania (ICT).

    Independence is given to Mexico and Central America, creating the Republic of Mexico and the Federation of Central American Nations (FCAN).

    All of the new nations, though, have close ties to the WCI.

    WCI to the world: Anyone who attacks or denies the sovereignty of any of these new nations shall face teh wrath of teh WCI and the other new nations.

    Country info:
    Medium Army
    Medium Navy
    Ruler: civman2000
    Allies: All of the nations mentioned in this post
    Friends: US
    Enemies: Germany
    War: None

    Republic of China:
    Medium Army
    Small Navy
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: All of the nations mentioned in this post
    Friends: None
    Enemies: Russia
    War: None

    Small Army
    Small Navy
    Confederated Republic
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: All of the nations mentioned in this post
    Friends: none
    Enemies: Germany
    War: None

    Republic of Mexico:
    Medium Army
    Small Navy
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: All of the nations mentioned in this post
    Friends: US
    Enemies: None
    War: None

    Small Army
    Small Navy
    Ruler: ??
    Allies: All of the nations mentioned in this post
    Friends: None
    Enemies: Columbia
    War: None

    Map will be posted later


    • The Ottoman Union recognises the newly formed coutries.

      In a surprising turn of events, Italy abandons its neutrality and declares war on Germany in return for unlimited access to the canal that will be built in Egypt.

      With Italian and local African help, all of German Africa is conquered. The German army there returns to Europe in

      Egypt is granted independence, although the area around the canal being built is kept under Ottoman control.

      To Germany: we offer peace, because war has left both our economies in bad shape.

      *work on the canal continues*
      *previous german possessions in africa are divided between italy, the ottoman union and a new country: african tribal confederation*


      • OOC: We have a problem...both jdd and Sheep are making unreasonable claims about what's happening in Africa. Adn BTW Sheep, the Balkan state never existed, its independence was only proposed in teh peace treaty. And jdd, unless there is a very compelling reason Italy would join the war, they are staying neutral until someone takes control of them. In Africa, until you two stop claiming to have conquered it all i'm saying the armies are stalemated at the pre-war borders. I suggest that you reach a peace treaty in which Germany gets all of Ottoman Europe except Thrace and Greece and the ottomans get some of German Africa and you stop this problem before it kills this NES.

        To Ottomans: Thank you for recognizing the new independent nations.

        To Russia: Let your part of China join the Republic of China and we will make a defensive alliance with you, as well as giving you special trade advantages.
        Attached Files


        • i have never claimed anything so unrealistic until i found out that germany had 'easily taken' one of my strongest provinces. my counterattack was to make a point to sheep about how it feels to have unrealistic actions against you. i dont want to kill the NES, just to have fun.


          • OOC: IMO, this NES is turning into a shambles Sheep and jdd need to get real about this. I though NESs were about making a good story. All I see at the moment is a **** poor Civ game. Civman, nice move in the rebellion, very true of other countries at the time.

            Unless the NES gets real soon, I may think about leaving. I came to this NES to be part of a nice story, but I find its just another Civ game


            • The United States greats all the new nations.

              To Columbia: Despite the warning we have given you your continued aggression against our Ally in Argentina has forced this nation to declare war on yours.

              Troop Movements: 10 divisions have been seen boarding ships destined for the Columbian Coast. Also, all American naval units in the Carribean have begun a bombardment of the columbian coastal cities after a few engagements with the Columbian Navy. Loses have included three ships sunk and 15 returned for repairs. The Navy has sent an additional 30 ships to bolster these forces.

              An additional 5 divisions have been called up and will await deployment.
              Last edited by DemonSlayer; December 17, 2002, 20:16.


              • To Turkey: Accept the loss of all of European Turkey except for Greece and Thrace. African borders are to remain as they are. I will give you 50 million marks. And we call this war finnished......
                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                • To Germany: deal accepted...


                  • The German Kaiser rode through the strrets of Berlin in a new fangled automobile. As he wavced to the crowd, the people cheered. Victory had come to the German people at last.

                    It was not total victory. Russia and Turkey still retianed much of their power, but Germany has secured the beginnings of its place in the sun. Tibet, Zululand and Siam had become dominions of the Greater German Reich. The Western Indian Confederation had lost its colonial empire. Althopugh much of the New Indian Commonwealth was friendly, it would not be long before this soured.

                    The reemergence of an independent China, the object of Germany's policies towards Russia had begun. The Polish border region had been seeded to the Reich and the Russian Czar executed. His son sat on the throne, friendly to the German Reich, for getting rid of their former tyrant.

                    Turkey had lost the Balkans, to the German Reich. The new German Dominion of the Balkans has begun, and the German amry saw no loss in Africa.

                    Indeed a war well deserved.

                    German Projects

                    Russian Forticfrications: 2 years remaining
                    Turkish Frotifications: 8 years beginnign now
                    Chemical Warfare Experiements: 6 years (secret)
                    Operation Travelling Fortress: 5 years (secret)
                    Upgrade Army from 5 million regulars to 7 million regulars, and 5 million reserves to 8 million reserves. 5 years
                    Upgrade Navy to 1200 ships (600 Ironclads, 500 Battleships, 100 flagships)
                    OIperation Submersible: 8 years
                    Operation German Eagle Wings: 7 years
                    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                    • TO WCI:
                      We laugh at such an offer. We are setting up our own government in Russia held China. They will be able to rule themselves as they like,, but we controll everything else. We do not need your help and you are not to be trusted after what you did to our nation and Germany.
                      Russian troops still are in occupation of all China. All though we may recongize the new government you set up.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • To Germany:
                        We wish to put behind us our past dissagreements, and work togather for the common good for both of our nations. We would now like to renew the old Eurpean Alliance, which Russia was a founding member nation of. We would also like to share technologies.
                        We would be willing to give you the part of China that is now independent, in exechange for your help.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • To Russia: (secret) China I want to remain independent but a regime change from pro WCI to pro European would be good. As for the European Alliance you would have to withdraw your alliance with the Turks.

                          The possible porjects of co-opeartion could be

                          The Travelling Fortress Project
                          The Submerisble Project
                          The GErman Eagle Project
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • To Germany(secret):
                            If Britain , Italy , your nation and Russia can form an alliance then we wil leave the Alliance we have with the Ottoman Empire, but not untill a formal aggreement has been reached.
                            Donate to the American Red Cross.
                            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                            • I cannot say for Britian, but I am sure Rome will join.
                              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                              • The German Army in Africa, and The Dominion of Zululand, have invaded the ITC. ITC forces were quickly overun illeqipped and not prepared for such an offensive. Before too long the capital city of Dar el Saalam was captured and razed to the ground, as the German soldiers let the Zulus pillage, rape, and plunder.

                                The German government has formally annexed the colony, and has saif that if the WCI wants to make something of it then a war will occur.
                                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.

