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cAHNES: 1865

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  • To Germany:
    We back your moves in Africa.

    Following the actions of Germany, Russian troops which have been occupying key postions through out independent China have captured all government leaders and forced them to sign a treaty with Russia which states that they will now Ally with Germany and Russia and break all ties with WCI and their allies. Also all former government leaders have been executed and replaced with those loyal to Russia, China though is still independent and the rest of China has join that country and now allied with Russia.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • In Dar el Salaam, the German Govenor has overseen the execution of all ITC government officials. The Dominion of Tangakinikya has begun. The Kaiser sitting on the throne.
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • Government spending on all military hardware has been doubled, along with Russian help in projetcs, has seen all projects halve in the time they will take.
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • The troops of the Us have landed on the beaches of Northern Columbia. After suffering the loss of a quarter of the troops they secured a reasonable beachhead. In a months time three more divisions have come on shore and have begun a slow grinding advance South. Given the Current rate of advance the army will reach the capital within six months.


          • sheep-we asked you once, and i ask you again, to tone down the numbers. also, your goal isnt to conquer the world, just to make a fun story.


            • The WCI declares war on Germany, as well as China, Mexico, and FCAN. Chinese and WCI forces have made major advances. taking much of Siam. Meanwhile, armed with WCI weapons and led by WCI generals, a guerrilla insurrection has exploded in the ICT and neighboring German colonies.

              To Russia: Alliance with Germany is not in your interest. If they get any more powerful no one will be able to stop them. Recognize China and we will respect your control of Northern China and ally with you.

              To all nations in the Americas: We must form a Great American Alliance to oppose European imperialism. Otherwise soon we will all be colonies again. This so-called "European Alliance" Russia has been talking about could only have one purpose: Destroy all non-European nations.

              Since no one controls Columbia:
              Columbia and Brazil to US and Argentina: We want peace. We will give teh territory taken in the first Argentine War back (map will be posted later) plus a little bit more. Columbia will pay some reparations to the US.


              • To Russias: Germany is very dangerous, and allying with them is a bad decision. also, would you like to seize persia, and split the land? just an offer

                To the Americas (secret): the european countries have become our adversaries as well, so we offer you an alliance.

                work on the ottoman canal continues. the OU army is constantly training new soldiers. the balloon fleet is completed. with an impressive bomb bay, thin steel armor on the bottom, they are a formidable force. most are stationed in the balkans.


                • To the Ottomans: (SECRET) alliance signed. I don't expect you to attack Germany just yet, but once we have a few more allies and they've come to trust you will you surprise attack them? it would be a nice opportunity for you to get your European territory back.


                  • To WCI: deal ...



                    • To Columbia: Our terms would be 200 dollars to the family of every dead american soldier. If you would allow it our troops will remain in your nation to help rebuild what was destroyed in our fighting. After 5 years if you agree they will leave your lands.

                      To the Americas: I believe with the WCI that an alliance of all American Nations would be in everyone's interests.


                      • To WCI and Ottomans (SECRET):

                        Argentina will join this alliance, but only if it is a purely defensive one.

                        Argentina to Colombia:

                        We will forfeit any reparations you owe to us in exchange for the territory you have taken from us in the last war as well as this one and you must support a movement for rebublican or democratic government in Brazil.

                        Argentina to Brazil:

                        In exchange for an end of the war with Argentina you must cede all of your territory south of 15 degrees to Argentina, implement a more republican/democratic form of government and allow any one wishing to emigrate the option to apply for foreign citizenship. It would benefit you greatly to also cooperate with us in efforts to rebuild and trade.

                        Argentina to U.S.:

                        Many thanks for the aid you gave us in both protecting ourselves and making the world a better place. In gratitude we offer you favorable trading status and free movement through our territorial waters.
                        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                        • All right, I think it's fair to assume that Colombia and Brazil accept the immediate terms of peace Argentina offered, whether or not Brazil will adopt more democratic government and be friendly to Argentina is yet to be seen

                          Following the peace treaty, Argentina partially demobilizes, with plenty of troops ready for combat on short notice but not many active.
                          Both Army and Navy are to be overhauled, upgraded, and enlarged. Completion estimated in 16 years, with the result being more advanced and huge sized army and navy.
                          Last edited by foolish_icarus; December 19, 2002, 20:26.
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • OOC: I agree they would accept peace.

                            To US, Argentina: I urge you to help me in my war against Germany. Argentina could gain Germany's Indonesian colonies. The US could gain control of the Atlantic and if Britain joins the war they could gain Greenland.

                            To governments-to-be-created in Coulmbia and Brazil: Alliance?

                            map showing treaty with Columbian and Brazil, German takeover of ITC, rebellion in ITC, and Chinese advances into Siam.
                            Attached Files


                            • Argentina is also industrializing and modernizing all its colonies and new territories.

                              To WCI:

                              Perhaps you should consider making peace with Germany. As we stated before, the Argentinian people cannot enter into a war thats goal is conquest. However, if Germany starts any other war, even if it is the smallest infringement of troops, and the American Alliance requires the help of Argentina, we will provide it immediatly and fully. (SECRET) It wouldn't hurt if we could pick up some more allies either, especially Russia. Please provide a list of all the members [including any non-player countries]
                              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                              • You folks got any openings?.....

