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cAHNES: 1865

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  • To Argentina. Allaince accepted. As a gift to our ally please accept the aid of a division of our army in your work in brazil. I believe that you will find their fighting skills to be of use in the jungles of brazil.

    US sends a division of 5000 men to Argentina awaiting deployment in Brazil.

    Us begins to build a small fleet of ships in the great lakes.

    To Canada: I am offering for the last time to purchase peacefully our former lands in your country. I do not wish a war with your people but to reclaim our old lands I would go to great lengths.

    To Russia: Could i perhaps interest you in a Non Aggresion pact.


    • To all: I will accept the WCI's proposal of peace. However I would like to remind you that The German Kaiser, is also Kaiser of the German Dominions of Tibet and Siam. Germany will not budge on this issue. I will also like to see China independent, its neutrality assured by all, and open to trade.

      To USA: I commission you to use my Ataltic Western Sqaudron in the war against Brazil.

      Meanwhile on the frontline the German army halts its advance waiting to see the outcome of the peace negotiations.

      occ: Okay so I have only that amount of troops but then Russian and Ottomans would have less also. I also would like to remind you that I have called for total mobilisation, and the women would replace men in the factories freeing up everyone almost eligible for service. Germany is fighting for he survival here it will use every means possible.
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • To all the nations of the world: germany showed extreme brutality in utilizing mustard gas against african and ottoman soldiers. the ottoman empire proposes that every nation not at war with germany take part in a trade embargo to protest this illegal attack.

        *ottoman soldiers keep up the fight in the balkans. in africa, primitive 'gas masks' are distributed, and ottoman/african forces forge on*


        • The German Amry seeing that peace intiiatves used for the good of the Turkish and German peoples failed has re-opened their offensives against that nation. Soon the balkans will be ours. While in Africa the German line has managed to hold, using the mustard gas, to which the primitve marks has little resistance.

          TO THE OTTOMANS: The offer is still there but you wear our patience thin.
          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


          • TO WCI and Russia: Although the Turks do not want peace it does not stop us from having it. After POeace reigns I will still follow the peace proposal set out by the WCI with Turkey except for the Balkans go to Germany and Germany does not lose any of Africa. This is due to the continued aggression of Turkey.
            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


            • Out of/In Character: you act like you can push the borders forward at will. you cant!

              *crazed laugh* haha, we shall fight and fight until the last soldier is dead, until the last coin is spent, until the last ally accepts a peace deal...

              until we reclaim all our land


              • The german artillery has destryed the city of Athens as the German army re-takes the Gerecian peninsula. Meanwhile in Africa cracks ion the Germans defense continue and the front has been pshed back 100 miles.
                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                • To Germany:
                  We will accept the terms of peace that WCI has presented. We sugest that maybe we could make Balkans an indepented nation.

                  To Ottoman Empire:
                  We wish to end this war before more lifes are lost. Already millions of Russians have died in the fighing. We think we have reach the Germans finally. We propose that with the Balkans that we set up an indepent nation. Plz accept this offer as we think it will end war.

                  Well not sure how big my army should be, but all i know it is large. I will have to look some stuff up to figure out realistic numbers for Russia. Just glad we can straighten this out.
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
                  Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                  • OOC: How do you attach a map to a message?


                    • To all except Ottomans: SO then the peace treaty is approved of by everyone but those crazy turks. I suppose then all terms of it except those involving Turkey are now in place. (SECRET) What would you think of all of us dividing up Turkey so there's no risk of this turning into another world war.

                      To Ottomans (SECRET) We recommend you move most of your forces out of Africa into Europe, just leave the bare minimum to defend your land.

                      TO ARgentina, US, Canada: WE would like to join this alliance.

                      Columbian/Brazilian actions (they've gotta do SOMETHING):
                      Columbia, unaware of ARgentina's newly acquired allies, ahs joined the war thinking they can easily help Brazil win and it will be a repeat of teh First Argentine War. Indeed, they have captured a bit of Argentine territory and with BRazil cut off the Argetntine force in Brazil.

                      The WCI has invaded Columbia. A force was also sent to take the isthmus of panama to block teh Columbians' retreat.

                      Meanwhile, at a somewhat lower scale after brutal punishment earlier, protests continue against the WCI government.
                      Attached Files


                      • The Ottoman high command, alarmed by the maddened rantings of the Emperor, overthrows him, and sets up a council of the most brilliant minds of the empire to run its affairs.

                        To the world: the ottoman union (note: no longer called an empire) is a new nation.

                        To germany: we accept a peace treaty making the balkans an independent buffer state.


                        • To the WCI: (secret) Would you put pressure on Canada to return our former lands to us? I would be able to put a good word in for Argentina with you if you did.

                          To Argentina: (Secret) I would suggest we be wary of the WCI. They are by far the largest nation on our two continents.


                          • From Argentina to U.S.:

                            Thankyou for your aid. by cooperating like this we can make the world a safer place for freedom by liberating the people opressed by the brutal brazilian and Colombian regimes. Trade will also help to make both our nations stronger. SECRET: we agree about WCI, however, if we can get Canada to join as well they will have no choice but to be peaceful and cooperative.

                            To WCI:

                            Argentina would be pleased to have peaceful relations and mutally provided security for our two continents. However, we cannot commit to anything relating to foreign colonies. We are also somewhat concerned about the protests of some of your people. However, we have faith that you will be able to solve any problems so that your people are happy and free and your government can operate justly and effectivelly and we can bring a golden era to the Americas.

                            Argentinian actions:

                            Support to army/navy ensures that they maintain very large ratings unless a catostrophic defeat were to occur, and even then they would be fairly quick to be rebuilt. On the western border with Colombia the troops are holding a defensive position, not trying to advance. On the eastern border with colombia and in Brazil, the objective remains to advance. Forces on the Colombian/Argentinian line are evenly matched, so there isn't much movement. A large force was sent from the east to come in from behind and regain the lands taken by the Colombians. The advance against brazil has been slowed, but so far the increasingly fragmented Brazilian forces have been unable to contain the Argentinian armies. the initial war fever in Brazil is subsiding fast and there are increasing amounts of mutterings against the dictator as the war is clearly not going in his favor.

                            Argentina has offered peace terms as follows-

                            to brazil: we maintain all lands we have taken as well as gaining a small strip to connect our isolated portions. A semi-republican form of government will be instated in brazil, with representation for the people and a senate to counter the power of the dictator, which will be reduced.

                            to Colombia: you must recognize the terms we have offered to Brazil as well as returning to us the land you have recently taken.
                            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                            • To the Ottomans: We will accept the following conditions for peace. The Balakand becomes a province of the Greater German Reich, with full regional autonomy, but with fedral matters referred back to the Imperial Capital of Frankfurt. Egypt becomes independent. And you Demilitarise the borders with Germany and Egypt. Egypt independence shall be ensured by German Iron and Blood. We shall also go to war if you invade the Persian Empire. Also Turkey is to downsize its Army to Meduim Large and Its Navy to Small. If these limitaions are not met than war will resume. German weapons inspectors will be able to go throughout your 'union' and inspect at will on any illegal arms. If you do not like this than war will continue. I gave you a chance, and your former leaders blew it, you have to live with their mistakes.

                              The German Army begins a rapid advance, helped by the recent coup in Turkey.

                              To Russia and WCi: I ask to sign a NAP. Also I suggest that all borders that we have in common are made DMZ zones 20 miles each side to prevent war happening again. This includes the German Dominions of Tibet and Siam

                              occ: Hey can you make it obvious on the map that I have Siam and Tibet on the map Civman..... They are autonomous dominions of the Greater German Reich
                              Last edited by Sheep; December 15, 2002, 04:04.
                              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                              • To all nations of the world: Do not forget our prescence! In recent events, our neutrality has helped us move our army to Very Large, and our new and improved Navy (with US help) to Huge.

                                We will remain neutral!

