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cAHNES: 1865

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  • Originally posted by Sheep
    If you do not sign the treaty then the Czar will be executed by the German Government for War Crimes. You started this war.

    The Russian Army thrown back by the loss of their capital has started a full retreat. Sevestapol, Kiev, Minsk, and Murmansk has fallen. The Russian Empire at their de facto capital of Moscow is surrounded as the German Army puts the sity to seige. In China the Russian amry forced to redeploy troops to Europe ha started to lose ground. In 60 days the German army has managed to get to the former Chinese- Russian border, liberate Korea, and start making inroads from Russia proper from their bases in Tibet.

    Meanwhile the German Army entrenches itself in Turkey awaiting thier response to a proposal sent to them.
    I dont think my armies would retreat so easly, they are entrenched in their postions. If you want to make advances they are going to be hard. I am sorry but I think this is too much. I dont mean to be mean, but Germany is not fighting on three fronts, africa, china ,and Europe.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • The Greater German Reich is. We are the most industrilised and the most populous nation in the world. And also losing one capitals and having one leader held at ransom does tend to make you think doesn;t it. The same happened to Russia in ww1, when the Czar and the Revolutionary government was taken hostage by the Bolsheviks.
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • These army numbers are ridiculous. its the ******* 19th century! i have no problem with you having humongous armies if you can keep it generic, but 12 million?!! even 5 million is insane. Even the most populous country (which i acknowledge to be germany) and even if you are also the wealthiest, there is no way you can support 12 million soldiers for more than a month or two, and adding 1.5 million in three months is also out of the question. I can accept 1 or 2 or even 3 million tops, but the present stats are not possible. that's 1/3 + of your able bodied youth, when you add that to the non working part of your population that also has to be supported by the working class and the people that have to be removed from the normal economy to produce food, weapons, supplies, the wages that the armies are being payed with, etc, it just isn't feasible. Please, be realistic. All you countries with millions of soldiers can certainly retain your Imperial or very huge ratings, just when you use actual numbers tone them down. Then the rest of us don't have to unrealistically inflate our armed forces numbers. It would be greatly appreciated.
        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


        • Originally posted by foolish_icarus
          These army numbers are ridiculous. its the ******* 19th century! i have no problem with you having humongous armies if you can keep it generic, but 12 million?!! even 5 million is insane. Even the most populous country (which i acknowledge to be germany) and even if you are also the wealthiest, there is no way you can support 12 million soldiers for more than a month or two, and adding 1.5 million in three months is also out of the question. I can accept 1 or 2 or even 3 million tops, but the present stats are not possible. that's 1/3 + of your able bodied youth, when you add that to the non working part of your population that also has to be supported by the working class and the people that have to be removed from the normal economy to produce food, weapons, supplies, the wages that the armies are being payed with, etc, it just isn't feasible. Please, be realistic. All you countries with millions of soldiers can certainly retain your Imperial or very huge ratings, just when you use actual numbers tone them down. Then the rest of us don't have to unrealistically inflate our armed forces numbers. It would be greatly appreciated.
          I agree. 12 millions is way too much. The United States during hight of WWII had 13,000,000 men in the army and had much large population than Germany of 1880's.
          I think that having large army would be 6,000,000 men tops. It seems like sheep is trying to outnumber all of us. I am not posting untill we get this straignt out. Plz civman we need your help in this matter.
          Donate to the American Red Cross.
          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


          • Internal Actions: The Army of the United States begins to Accept Southern Volunteers. Within a year the army of the US will be close to 4 million men with half currently not serving but able to be mobilized quickly. The portion of the army not serving has been kept of a full state of battle readiness. (Secret: a detachment of 40000 men have begun to fortify the Mississippi River and the Gulf Coast. Another 20000 have begun to fortify The Canadian Border.)

            The reconstruction of the South has progressed rapidly. The Harbor at Charleston has become a major shipyard for the United States Navy. Currently our navy consists of ten battleships with 20 ships expected to be completed by June next year. After the Charleston Shipyards become active in June an extra 40 ships a year will be built.

            To the WCI: The United States recognizes your aquisitition of Mexico and wishes you luck getting the area settled. We would ask of you to state in terms your intentions toward this government.
            Last edited by DemonSlayer; December 13, 2002, 09:58.


            • OOC: I'm with the others. NES' aren't about making your civ the best. It's about making a good story. Gerrmany should fall into depression, revolution and its army should die of hunger all togerther with them stats.

              I too refuse to participate until Sheep sorts his **** out.


              • demonslayer too, needs to tone down the numbers


                • occ: my numbers have been toned down


                  • OOC: I agree that Sheep is being unreasonable. THis what I say happened:
                    German troops made some advances in China, but fighting has become stalemated. Against the Ottomans, northern Greece was captured. The Russian front is about the same as teh border. In Africa, A bit of WCI territory has been captured but the Ottomans have made some minor advances as well. A map of this will be posted later. I don't want to end up having to judge every battle, so everyone keep things reasonable. I am trying to compromise when I say what happened so unless you have a major objection don't complain.

                    Treaty proposal drawn up by the WCI at a peace conference in Detroit (map to be posted later):
                    China shall be split between Russia and the WCI.
                    All nations shall recognize the USA's takeover of teh CSA.
                    All nations shall recognize Britain's takeover of Ethiopia.
                    The Germany-WCI border in Africa shall be moved a bit to the east.
                    The Germany-Ottoman border in Africa shall be moved south a bit.
                    The Germany-Russia border shall be moved a bit to the east.
                    Germany shall gain all balkan territory except Greece and Thrace (see the last mpa posted for this border).
                    All nations shall rcognize Argentina's new colonial acquisitions.
                    Last edited by civman2000; December 13, 2002, 18:00.


                    • i agree to all conditions except:

                      "Germany shall gain all balkan territory except Greece and Thrace (see the last mpa posted for this border)."

                      the ottoman empire will not rest until all its holdings are returned and secured. our soldiers continue fighting...


                      • map showing who controls what. Lines in the middle of someone's territory signify new territory that has been captured.
                        Attached Files


                        • proposed treaty. note I made a change (treaty post will be edited). A bit of German Africa will be given to the Ottomans.


                          • oops, forgot the attachment!
                            Attached Files


                            • Argentinian advance into brazil continues, so far about one third of their territory has been captured. Argentian conquest of Australia is complete, whole continent is now under their control. Argentinian command is still awaiting word on what the postion of the Colombians is. They are also open to dicussion with Brazil if they wish to propose a solution that will end the conflict.
                              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                              • From Argentina to Canada and U.S.:

                                Want an alliance?
                                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

