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cAHNES: 1865

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  • To Britain: The Ships are currently under construction and will be delivered in half a year. (Secret) I believe you will find these ships a vast improvement compared to the ones you loaned us. The Guns are bigger and can fire rounds that peirce the armor skin before exploding. Another advance compared to before would be the fact that the guns themselves revolve to aim at a target. This is used by a steam engine located near the guns pushing them. Our plans for the ammunition and ships are will be sent along with half the oil.

    To Germany: (Secret) Here are the plans that we are currently using to build our navy. Hopefully we can improve on the design over here but those plans if we have them would be costly.


    • TO Germany: Those terms are unacceptable for the WCI. We will not give up our section of China when we helped you win the war.

      Secretly, extreme imperialists have seized power in the WCI. The WCI and Mexico have been merged, all protests of this were brutally crushed.

      To Russia, Ottomans, CSA, Canada (TOP SECRET): Do not give up the fight now! With my help you will easily win! I will turn against Germany in CHina and with their troops exposed at the front it will fall. I will attack German Africa from my African colony. With a joint attack of the US from Canada and the WCI Washington will fall quickly. Then we can make peace on our own terms.

      OOC: We really need an Italy.

      To Italy (SECRET): Attack Germany before its too late. The terms of teh treaty, which completely leave you out, are intolerable. This is a sign that Germany considers you to be no more important and just as useful as a vassal as Siam and Zululand! If you attack now, you will get most of the core of Germany, and avoid becoming just another puppet of Germany.


      • The Southern States have surrendered to the North. While their are problems dealing with bandits to stubborn to accept the new regime, the majority have come to accept it. In order to better accomodate the Southerners all former slave owners have been issued a hundred dollars per slave. The blacks have each recieved a the same amount. Also, since the war was extremely devastating to the south, The north has quickly raised volunteers to rebuild it. This process should take a couple of years but after that the standard of living should improve in the South to equal that of the north.


        • WCI to the world: GErmany's demand of Constantinople is unreasonable. Taking Constantinople and the Ottomans' European territories is like taking over all of European Russia, the core of it, and leaving the Russians with just Siberia.

          The WCI has proposed the following map (plus the economic/military demands of Germany):
          Attached Files


          • Why has does the map show WCI as having expanded into the U.S.?

            Argentina now controls all of Australia except the western and central regions. Many of the natives have fled into the interior of the continent or onto uninhabited parts of Indonesia/southeast Asia. There hasn’t been diplomatic contact with the UAAK for a long time and complete control of everything but the central part of the continent is expected within a year. The more rebellious native civilians who were caught behind the UAAK retreat are being deported to various places, mostly worthless tiny islands and uninhabited coastlines in Siam and Zululand.
            Army is now very large. No further numerical expansions planned for the near future, but technological/training/tactics etc. upgrading continues.
            Navy growth has been slowed due to disbanding of old ‘wooden fleet’ and replacement with advanced ironclads, but is still expected to reach very large within 4 years.
            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


            • To Germany: we shall still continue the fight! we throw down your 'ceasefire' in disgust. we have mobilized hundreds of thousands of soldiers to beat back your forces. we shall not stand for your agression. we told you we would like to avoid war.

              *a huge counterattack sends germany reeling. although the ottoman empire takes many casualties, they manage to retake all of german occupied Turkey and much of the balkans.*

              to russia: we stand by you, resolute against Germany

              ottoman forces sweep into german occupied africa, throwing gifts to the local tribes along the way.


              • The German Army begins its counter offensive recapturing Sofia, Athens and Constantinople, again closing the Dardenelles. The Ottomans in Greece surrended two days later and the European Ottoman Army has begun to disintergrate.

                IOn Africa dude to the poroblems in Europe the Ottoman Amry is unable to gain the resources. The German Army continues its advance and has managed to capture Aswan in Egypt. The Egyptian government has been formed in Aswan, and Kaiser Otto VI has been named Egyptian Pharoh
                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                • To WIC(top secret):
                  We will conitnue the fight aginst the German agresors, but we need to know that we can trust you nation.

                  To Germany:
                  We are sorry to inform you but we must come to the aid of our allies. We reject the treaty and the ceasefire is over.

                  The Russian army is noww fortifying at the German Front and is regrouping and preparing for the anther offensive in to Germany. A very large portion of the Russian navy has from Sweden is on its way to the German waters. Also we are sending 1,000,000 troops to help defend the Ottoman Empire. Also the troops that the German's who foolishly let them guard the prison camps, have let most of the people free, and have begun underground resistence movements.
                  The Russian winter is also helping the Russian troops as well, as the German troops are not use to the extreme cold of the winter.
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
                  Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                  • To The WCI: Why in the recent map you have proposed does the USA loses territory. Lets restore the border to what is was when we first began to retake our southern territory. That is the minimun the United States can accept. Either that or we can engage in combat and let the other nations of the world grow more power full than us.

                    Internal Actions: Even though the United States has finished a war the Army has still maintains a full state of alert. 10 battalions of the army have shifted to the border with the WCI.
                    Last edited by DemonSlayer; December 12, 2002, 03:14.


                    • A the Russian reinforcements have arived just in time. Togather with the Ottoman army they have been able to stop the German counter offensive.

                      On the German front things are much harder for Russian forces. Since both sides are fortified in their postions. The Russian army has started to attack German lines, have 3,500,000 troops on the front. The Russian Cavalavry units have made some progress against the German front. Russian infantry and also been taking up defensive postions around near by cites and are also protecting the flank of the charging Calavry units. Russian cannons have been also bombaring the most fortified postions. The defense are on alert for Germans trying to outflank army postions and posiblity of tring to surround cities.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • OOC: On Africa: Since we have conflicting accounts of what happened, I will rule on this. I say Germany advanced a little bit but was stopped by Ottoman-friendly natives.

                        To the US: Uh, oops.

                        To Canada and South American nations: How about forming the American Imperialist Alliance (AIA)?

                        There is a big buildup in the Gulf of Mexico and on the Gulf coast, secretly preparing to invade the US.

                        In China and Africa, WCI forces have attacked GErman territories! Unless reinforcements come immediately (within 5 hours), the German forces invading Ottoman Africa will be trapped and captured.


                        • To WCI from Argentina:
                          Instead of attacking the U.S., why don’t you attack Colombia before they come to the aid of Germany against you? we will attack Brazil and Colombia and they will be crushed. They cannot hold up to both of us and we will both benefit immensely. The world will be a better and more secure place without the menace of those insane despots.
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • To WCI:
                            Our troops in China are there and will help in capturing the German troops in the Area. They have also begun to attack the German postions in the area.

                            More Progress on German Front, after months of fighting it is now the summer time. The Russian Winter killed off some of the German troops in the Area and left many with frost bite and other alliments. The Russian troops began attacking near the end of winter and have made good progress in to German occupied Russia. Allthough 750,000 russian troops were lost in the battles. New recuits are coming to the front, which number 450,000. Aslo 300,000 troops from Ottoman Empire and 200,000 from China are joining in the German Offensive campagin.
                            Donate to the American Red Cross.
                            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                            • To Argentina (SECRET): Hmmm...I'll send a third of my troops down there....


                              • To Germany:
                                We will sign a peace treaty if you give us all of your lands in Asia and but a demilitrized zone between Russia and Germany, return all prisoners of war, Give up some of your colonies in Africa too Ottoman Empire, and restrict your army to 5,000,000 men.

                                To WCI(secret):
                                We thank you for the help against German Empire. We wish to govern China jointly. The czar wishes that both of us will have zones of influnce over China, spilting evenly amoung ourselfs. As far as Africa is concerned you may keep what ever you take and Russia will hand over any German colonies taken to you and the Ottoman Empire in exchange for your coniuted support.

                                To Italy(secret):
                                Join in the war on our side, you can defeat the Germans now if you do so.
                                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

