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cAHNES: 1865

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  • #31
    Russian Empire

    occ:if this is too much i will change post.

    Invasion of China begins!
    After China rejected the offer of joining the Russian-WIC alliance the Czar of Russia has declared war on China and order all troops near the Chinese border to begin there advance into China. The first battle with the Chinese army occured about 25 miles with in the territory of China. As the Chinese army lacks modern weapons, and is only use swords and old muskets, they Russian army wiped out the Chinese force of 200,000 men, 50,000 are now prisioners of war. Russian forces only suffered 20,000 wounded or killed in the battle, and trains are now sending reinforcements to the Russian Chinese front.

    To WIC(secret):
    Soon China will be under our controll. We will set up a government friendly to us, that will ally with us. If you wish we will allow you to set up a spheer of influence over China.

    To Britain(secret):
    For an alliance with us we will give you a sphere of influence in China. Ally with us now so that we can stop the evil Germans from rising in power.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • #32
      OOC: That battle was OK, but remember even though your weapons are much better CHina still might be able to overwhelm you with the sheer size of its military.

      The WCI condemns Russia for its unprovoked attack on China.

      To the world: WE must stop this unprovoked Russian aggression and ally against them!


      • #33
        To WIC:
        Stay out of this matter. We are simply dealing with a threat the Russian security. We will put China under a more improved government and help the people of China lead better lives.

        To Germany(secret):
        If you do nothing in respon to us invading China, we will likewise do the same if you wich to expand in to Indo China or Africa.
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • #34
          The WCI has sent 50000 troops to China to defend it.

          OOC: Don't let this die already!


          • #35
            Argentina claims new Guinea, New Zealand, Tazmania, and all Pacific Islands that haven't been claimed by major powers. Colonization and construction of navy bases continues. navy is almost finished ugrading to medium.
            Again, we ask which countries would like to trade and have economic cooperation with us.
            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


            • #36
              The Ottoman Empire has 3 army groups. One is on the Persian border, always prepared. One is spread throughout the empire, based in Baghdad. The third army group is colonizing the area between egypt and ethiopia


              • #37
                To Ottoman Empire(secret):
                We wish to from an alliance with your nation. We can help in your expansion and increase trade between our two countries. We can also allow you to set up a sphere of influence over China, especially if you help by sending troop to help in our fight against them.

                Chinese front:
                The Russian army has been reinforce with aditional 100,000 men. THus total men involved in battle is 450,000 men. The army has begun draft men into the army and will be sending anther 100,00 troops to the front. The Russian forces have encounter a large Chinese force of 300,000 men. Reports indicate more troops are on there way. Russian forces are now very close to the capital and hope that soon it will be in Russian hands.
                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                • #38
                  Argentinian navy is now on the threshhold of medium, will be continued to be upgraded to large, though part will be held in reserve so active navy will remain medium unless called out. Army will be expanded to very large within 4-6 years. Contact has been made with UAAK, there is a general lack of understanding between the two cultures. There is a push in Argentina to incorporate Australia into the Pacific Colonization Program which is currently being considered by administration.

                  To Russia from Argentina:

                  What do you intend to do with China if you are successful in conquering it?
                  Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                  • #39
                    The Geramn government signs an agreement with the Chinese people saying, that if Russia does not withdraw fully in one month, the German Reich would be at war with the Russian people. We stand for the abused peoples everywhere. The Russian and Indian tyrants should remmebr this fact. A force of 500,000 men , a third of the werhmact has mobilised and takes up postions on the Russian border, a futher 250,000 to follow.

                    To Argentina: We support your annexation of these new colonies. Perhaps we can sign an alliance? We cannot allow the Chinese to disapear, as they will add millions to Russian manpower.

                    To WCI (very secret): A secret alliance it should be. At the moment our offical diplomatic stancer shall stand the sam, but we welcome the Indian people to the Alliance against tyranny.
                    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                    • #40
                      WCI forces have clashed with Russian forces in China in a battle. The WCI suffered 2,000 casualties and Russia 1,700.


                      • #41
                        Argentina sends navy and significant part of army over to New Zealand and New Guinea and Tasmania and other Pacific Islands to protect the colonies from the natives, who are being incorporated into the colonies or transported to the Australian mainland. Argentinean forces are also preparing to establish colonies on Australian mainland and army/navy is ready to support the colonists. UAAK had been offered technology in exchange for cession of land, but refused.

                        To Germany: We would like to have peace and non-aggression, but I’m afraid the Argentinean people aren’t ready for a military alliance. We do support your stance on China, but we don’t think invasion under any circumstances, by either you or Russia is the right solution.
                        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                        • #42
                          Following the debacle of the Treaty of Rio de Janeiro, the United States of America has faced severe economic depression. The people have slowly slipped into nothing more than paupers. Slowly a party of people wanting to grasp control of the means of production and make the people equal. As this movement gained followers the people in the government voted to alter the constitution to allow the government to seize control of businesses and property. Given this radical change the political process to elect the president had been delayed. With the economy regaining strength the people have elected Damon Ault to be President.

                          "As President I will see to it that the people of the United States will strive to regain the place that is right fully ours. This nation god willing will on day regain the land that was ours."

                          Internal Actions:

                          Army recruiting campaign begins. Army will be medium in a year and a half.
                          Factories begin to produce guns. Within three years all Men in the country will be armed with rifles. In exchange for these rifles all must join in that militia drills once a day for two hours.
                          In addition to this our factories shall also produce more effiecent farming equipment. This process should take a couple years to complete.


                          • #43
                            To China:
                            We wish to end this bloodly war. In exchange for ending the war we want the flowing terms to be met:
                            One is open you country to trade to Russia and any other country that we want to trade with you.
                            Two is that form now on we will controll your foreign policy.
                            Three limiting your army to medium size and you are to have no navy.
                            Four, you will allow our troops to occupy you nation and use your ports to build our ships and resuply them.

                            To USA(secret):
                            We wish to have an alliance with you. We also believe that we can get suport from other countries if a war with CSA broke out. We also would like to trade with you as well and help in building up your nations army and navy.
                            Donate to the American Red Cross.
                            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                            • #44
                              To Russia: We support your war in China. We send 1,000 of our best artillery pieces to aid you in this theatre.

                              To Germany: We support Russia in your conflict. It would be wise for you not to throw yourself into war.

                              Troop Movements:
                              -4 divisions to german border
                              -1000 cannons to russia
                              -1 division to occupy area between ethiopia and egypt (which i have captured)


                              • #45
                                OOC: Important to note that Argentina only claims those islands and does not really have that much control over them.

                                To US: We would also like to ally with you.
                                To Germany (TOP SECRET): Whaddaya say we partition China? Russia will be happy with a bit of northern land, my troops "helping" the Chinese can turn against them, adn you along with your Siamese friends can attack from the SOuth. I'll end up with a small but core area, you and your puppet Siam will get a huge amount of the southern territory, and Russia will left with a relatively small bit of relatively undeveloped northern land.

