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cAHNES: 1811

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  • To Poland:
    NAP signed

    To civman (OOC): I agree with you.... anyway... I think we really need to find a Spanish player.
    Spain is right now the strongest country, therefore it needs a strng player.

    "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
    The trick is the doing something else."
    — Leonardo da Vinci
    "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
    "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


    • To America: Thank you for signing our treaty. Perhaps we could work out a deal for some old ships of yours.

      After unsettling unrest in the old capital of prague 5000 troops have been sent to mantain law and order. A curfew has been imposed and those found out after it are drafted into the labor force building fortifications around Warsaw. This action guarantees construction will end in a year


      • Well if I'm needed I will go back in.

        But I would prefer if the NES could jump a little further and a new map. Let's say big revolution happens in America or whatever lands, Spain is falling down and Russia also.


        • But I would prefer if the NES could jump a little further and a new map. Let's say big revolution happens in America or whatever lands, Spain is falling down and Russia also.
          Like this? (OOC: if anyone objects to this please say so):

          The WCI and Mexican efforts have been incredibly successful! All of Central and South America and Cuba as well is revolting against Spanish rule! Two main groups, Guatemala and Costa Rica control Central America, and 3, Columbia, Brazil, and Argentina control South Aemrica. Cuba is united. The South american groups, however, are relatively disunited and it will take strong leaders to untie SOuth America into less than 10 different countries.

          Map: yellow=Mexico, light green=Guatemala, blue-purple=Costa Rica, dark green=Columbia, pale blue=Brazil, maroon=Argentina, medium-light blue=Cuba
          Attached Files


          • To Qubec:
            We will not sell Alaska to you.

            To United States:
            The tax is on all imports from Canada and Canada only.

            To Polland:
            We are ready to start sending in the supplies.

            To European Alliance:
            We are being construction of the transconitinal rail line. This will take 8 years to complete. We ask that all nations of Europe help in this task, as it will bring all of our countries togather and promote trade between all of our countries.
            We now have 450,000 troops in Alaska. They are setting up forts along the Canadian border.
            Donate to the American Red Cross.
            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


            • With the Defense Works around Warsaw completed the workers are quickly put to work on the Turkish frontier. The work there should be finished within a year and a half. Also the 10,000 recruits that have joined the army in the past year have been sent South to protect and insure the workers haste. They join the 10,000 already present at the border. Work has begun with the highest artisans and craftsmen available in Poland on a secret project. Given the current level of funding for this however it estimated that this project will take 4 years to yeild productive results.

              To Turkey: (Secret Dispatch) With our current actions I am sure that you feel wary. I am merely seeking to protect my country from the South. In time I hop to do this with all my borders. When the fortifications are completed the Workers and the security force that accompanies them will be withdrawn.

              To Germany: I expect the Body of Mr. Davinch to be returned to Poland With all possible haste. His lovely wife refuses to speak until she has seen the body buried in Warsaw.

              To America: I understand that recently your nation along with Quebec and Canada will soon aquire the knowledge of the steam engine through your research. What possible fee would you require for us to gain this advance ourselves?

              To Britain: Prime minister DemonSlayer sends you his greetings and asks kindly that you sign a Non Aggresion Pact with our humble nation. {(Secret) We are currently seeking to build the most accurate guns in the world. We would be willing to trade this knowledge for one of your modernized ironclads}.


              • To Russia: Glad to hear from you. Would you be so Kind as to tell us if this railline will be going through Warsaw?


                • To Polland:
                  We can give you steam power and we would like to help in your developement of more accurate muskets. We can arrange for the railline to go through Warsaw. Also would you like to joing the European Alliance?
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
                  Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                  • To Russia: Currently I see the EA heading down a collision course with the American nations. As such currently Poland does not wish to enter into any agreements that will compromise our netraulity. Would you be willing to sign a Non Aggresion Pact with our Nation though?

                    Also what would your fee be for providing us with the steam technology?


                    • Qubec asks all the new nations newly independent from Spannish oppression to join NATO, and we will rename NATO to ATO (Americas Treaty Organisation) .

                      To NATO: We should expand our alliance to includer the newly independent south

                      To EA: Russia, sell us Alaska and war will be diverted. We cannot have any European influence on the Americas any more.
                      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                      • Russia

                        To Qubec:

                        We will never give into treats of anther country! Alaska is full of Russians who want us to protect them from you the barbarians of the world. We have already seen what you have done to yourselfs and what Canada has done to us, even after we gave them indepence and wanted to protect them. Be warned Qubec the Russian Empire will not be pushed arround by anyone.

                        To NATO:
                        We do not wish war with you. We will not attack Qubec, but if they attack us we will be forced to defend ourselfs. We ask that if Qubec attacks us that you stay nuetral, as Qubec would be the aggressor and not Russia. We want peace, but we will not cave into threats of any nation.


                        175 ships are now on route towards Quebec and will be 100 milies off the Qubec coast. This includs 30 brand new ironclads. They are they since we fear a war with Qubec is near and want to be ready for all possiblities.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • OOC: maybe if you want though now Spain would be very very weak. Florida would soon be into America hands. You would also notice that France is under Spanish control.
                          Maybe an independance to all colonies but relationship with Spain would be high.

                          Or maybe another NES, I would say I found this one pretty boring now. Sorry.
                          If you want jack, I can give you Spain....


                          • WCI to the new South and Central American nations: How about formign an Alliance of Native Nations (ANN)?


                            • the Ottoman Empire recognises all nations, but declines to make any treaties.

                              To Russia: We offer to trade 200m gold pieces in return for your engineers. To show our friendship we throw in 10,000 Arabian horses and a NAP.


                              • Germany sends 200,000 troops to Alaska to help prevent an attack on Russian holdings.

                                1,000 soldiers, known as "Leiser Schatten ", are dispersed all throughout Berlin. They are the last line of defense should Germany come under attack.

                                The "Polen Patrouillieren" has been established. It is a civillian organization (police) that patrols Germany's border with Poland.

                                Also Germany has made the decision that any railroad which passes through any Polish held territory will NOT be allowed to pass within 100 miles of German territory.

                                The "Geheimer Propaganda-Sektor C" and the "Geheimer Propaganda-Sektor D" have been ordered to create a resentment towards Poland in the border towns.

                                All of these steps have been taken due to Polands massive build up of defenses.

                                To Poland: Cease construction of your defenses immeadiatly.

                                To Russia: We have sent troops to aide yours in Alaska. We also regret to inform you that the RR we agreed upon cannot pass through Polish territory, we will not give them any means to speed up thier troop movement.

                                To the Ottoman Empire: We suggest you are careful in dealings with Poland, they are rapidly expanding thier army and counstructing many defenses against all of us.

