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cAHNES: 1811

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  • South America is WIDE OPEN skilord
    Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
    Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


    • I'll take one of the countries in South America if you want. Whatever country, it don't matter to me.


      • it is just south america

        or you could take france which is being invaded by Britain, or Morocco, Louisianna could use a ruler too
        Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
        Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


        • I'll take Morocco, the other two seem to be on a few people's hit list.

          So whats the status on Morocco and their possessions and such. or do I have to search for it myself?


          • It's a couple pages back, just look for the post where Sheep disbanded France.
            Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
            Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


            • The Morocco Post

              General Augustus Ptolemy Takes Power!!!

              General Augustus Ptolemy, former General in the French Foriegn Legion, became Leader of Morocco Monday when he marched into the capital. He made a speech to the people of Morocco as well as to the world expressing his deep feelings towards peace and prosperity. In his speech he is quoted " This new nation of Morocco will rise from the ashes of its former oppressors. We will rise to greatness and I shall lead you there!" tens of thousands of people cheered as he said this on a stage in front of the palace. He promised hard roads ahead but progress. He promised reconstruction and building up of economy and military in order to have peace in Morocco. He urged the world to come to mutual agreements for peace. A phrase in his speech that will be forever be remembered in history " Can't we all just get along?".

              General Ptolemy Acts!

              First order of business, General Ptolemy have increased enlistment periods in the Army and have created more bonds and bonuses for soldiers in an effort to boost enlistments and economy. He has established new departments in the government such as the Weapons Research department as well as the department of Economy. He also has set up money packages and sent them out to the populace in an effort to create a more formidable economy. He has also increase the training new recruits have to go through to become soldiers. Taxes were lowered and drafts increased. Martial Law was declared in an effort to "organize" the nation, " it is only a temporary procedure" General Ptolemy said Tuesday.
              Hopefully our new leader, our war hero, and our new father shall lead our country into greatness! LONG LIVE GENERAL PTOLEMY!!!


              • occ: Morrocco would be a little bit weaker than the Egypt-Morrocoan Federation that I created, due to the annexation of Egypt by Turkey. Okay maybe the artillery wouldn't be that strong yet, but artillery was made around this time... It can still smash stuff up though

                Qubecious Diplomacy:

                USA, and Canada: You still haven't replied about the railstreet program.

                Morrocco: Join Nato and we will protect you from Spain's evil grasp.

                South American Nations: Join NATO and defeat the Europeans on American soil.

                TO USA (secret): Operation expansion: Lousiana to begin next year...

                To Russia: We will allow you to trade with us if you drop the blockade. We wish that Russian Alaska be given autonomy, and we will not go to war with you, over your presence on our continent if this occurs. Other than that we may fight.

                Ironclad Fleet Large: finnished (this year sorry)
                Huge Army with Better Weaponry: 1yr
                National Railstreet Program: 2yrs
                Barbed Wire: 1yr (well sell to Russia along with landmines if Alaska is given to Qubec.)
                Trench Warfare Project: 9yrs (asking Canada, WIC and USA to join this)
                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                • entire post is OOC

                  artillery was made around this time... It can still smash stuff up though
                  artillery is a term used for a thing that lobs another thing some distance and usually causes a wee bit of damage. a cannon is artillery, rockets are artillery, etc.


                  • To Quebec: Would you be willing to sell us some of these land mines we have heard about?

                    Internal News: After finishing the Gun Project all the armies of Poland are being equipped with these new rifles. All of the old guns have been given to our citizens outside of the army. The majority of workers have been instructed to begin construction of factories. The others have been instucted to build guns out of identical parts. Recent raids of the border towns by Turkey have forced me to place an additional 15000 troops on the frontier to protect the people. Also some of our scientists have been sent into russia to study thier steam engines. They are expected return with plans by the years end.

                    To Turkey: Since these raids on our towns are originating from Turkish Greece you are warned to get your people under control. If you don't then I will.

                    To Germany: (Secret)If a state of war between Turkey and Poland comes into existance could we count on your remaining neutral?

                    Polish Stats:

                    Economy: Strong
                    Navy: One Ship (currently being tested with a skelaton crew)
                    Army: Large (With the capability of becoming huge rapidly)
                    Army Arms: Feild tests show our rifles to be more accurate than other guns. Rate of fire has increased with the breech loading concept.

                    Current projects:
                    National Railroads: (Pending return of scientists to begin)
                    Navy Construction: 10 Frigates to be built on completion of tests
                    Time to completion 2 years
                    Shipyard construction: 4 years
                    Factory construction: 2 years
                    Army Rearming: 1 year
                    Interchangable gun parts: 3 years


                    • To Qubec:
                      We will consider your proposal. But the Czar is not very pleased with your actions. Be warned Qubec, we will not be pushed around by any nation. You would not like it if I were to demand that you give up part of your own country.

                      To Polland:
                      Do not have any dealings with NATO. If you conitnue to side with the eneimies of Europe we will be forced to act.

                      Since mmtt is not playing Spain anymore I can take them over or something untill someone else come to play Spain.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • To Russia: It's not like i am proposing to be their ally. I am simply looking for an exchange to benifit my country. (Secret: If you could aquire about a dozen of these mines for my nation i would cancel my trade with Quebec.) Poland will not be intimidated by the Russian Bear.


                        • OOC: Few quick questions. These technological advances, we just make those up right? and what technologies do my country contain? What rifles do we have and ships? or are we still very behind when it comes to weapons. And is my country poverty stricken? or is it somewhat normal. I couldn't find any specifics. This is my first NES so bear with me.


                          • TO Polland:
                            We can join our scientist togather and devolope these "land mines" togather. We could also help each other in weapons resreach as well. And do not forget we were the ones who gave you the technology of steam power.
                            Donate to the American Red Cross.
                            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                            • **SECRET**
                              A German spy secretly steals on of the rifles out of the shipment to Poland, it is taken back to the Fatherland and analyzed. A few replicas were made for the state inventors to toy around with, improvements can be expected soon.

                              To Russia: We will side with you should you have a war with Poland, I told you the entire time they could not be trusted. We also have some technology you may be interested in, it will be shipped to you immeadiatly. dont worry about who's carrying it, you will find out when they give it to you.

                              To Poland: We will remain neutral, you dont have to worry about that. Maybe for the right price we would be willing to help you.
                              **END SECRET**


                              • To Russia: Having given the matter some serious thought we will cancel our request from Quebec. Also this joint research should be attempted. Could we also invite Germany to share in this community.

                                To Quebec: Consider our previous request for a trade cancelled.

                                To Germany: (Secret: Your Neutrality is much appreciated. A "gift" of one million gold peices is being sent towards your capital. Please remain neutral thats all we ask.) Oh and on a side note our little school children our now far more literate than yours.

                                Policy changes: After reinforcing the troops on the southern border, many of the raids have become nuisances. However twenty villages have been found burned to the ground in the past month. Another 5000 troops have been sent South to protect the border and if need be launch an invasion.

                                Our navy has one ship that hasn't sunk so the remaining ships have begun construction. Five ships will be finished this year. The remainder the next.

                                Secret: Also plans have been drawn up of an ironclad with rotating guns in the front and rear. The prototype will be completed in about 2 years. If successful Plans will be sold to Russia and Germany. End Secret

                                With Our scientists return from Russia we have started the construction of a national rail program. By the end of the year we will have three rail roads halfway to the Turkish Border. The year after that these will be finished. The rest of the nation will take 3 years.

                                Given the boost to education of the young in Poland. DemonSlayer decides to expand the University in Warsaw. His main emphasize has been place on the realm of medicine.

                                Secret: DemonSlayer has called for 1000 volunteers to be trained with all types of weapons. This Group will be trained for a year. The group has unoffically been called the Slayer Corps.
                                End Secret
                                OOC: sorry couldn't resist that one.

                                To Turkey: You have until the years end to subdue the brigands in Greece after that my army will do the job.

