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NES 290-I: Alternate History NES

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  • #46
    To: Ottomans
    From: Britain
    Do you need any troops to aid you? How is your war going?

    To: Austria
    From: Britain

    How would you feel about aligning with Great Britain. If Germany attacks you surely will be on their list of countries to defeat. If you join Britain we will give you protection and will get all German territories and Germany.

    Give 20,000 troops to the Ottomans


    • #47
      OOC: Specialist, GB and I now have an alliance, and don't worry, parents have prevented me from alot of updates back at CFC.
      Join NANESIA starting now in the Stories and Diplomacy Forum!
      Prime Minister Calvin Williams of Britain in SHNESA
      Prime Minister Yasser Arafat of Palestine in stAZNES2 (Apolyton)


      • #48
        To: Japan
        From: Persia
        We welcome you and your aid, and gratefully thank you for it.
        As for an opening of a trade route between our countries, we would really like to open our trade with Japan, but unfortunatly the Ottoman blockade isn't allowing us to use our merchant fleet, maybe we could work out a land route that goes through Afghanistan-China-Korea(/secret)

        To: Afghanistan, China
        From: Persia

        Dear friends and neighbors, we would like to exchange our hand of friendship with you, therefore we offer you a NAP and a Trade Pact, so that our people may be able to trade freely between our countries, do you accept?

        To: Ottoman
        From: Persia

        You couldn't defeat us in over 6 centuries of fighting, what makes you so sure that you will win this war. The various people living under your rule are asking for more and more autonomy. Do you really think you can destroy us? and even if you manage to do it, Do you really think that the British Empire will not add you to his "sphere of influence" just as they did to the Mughal and Indian nations?

        To: Austria, Germany
        From: Persia
        We kindly thank you for the technology and the advisors you sent to our country, thanks to you the Persian Empire may industrialize and prosper, and may help the Austro-German Alliance in anything they may need in the near future(/secret)
        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • #49
          U.S. to Japan (Secret) :

          In a convoluted kind of way, we are semi-allies, as you are helping the Persians, who are fighting the Ottomans, who are being helped by the British, who are allied with our enemy, the Confederate States.
          We propose that our countries honor this common set of circumstances by signing an official treaty of friendship and opening up trade.

          U.S. Actions-

          Utah has been made a state, with all the priveleges and responsibility that come with that. Remove restrictions emplaced by the military governor, and treat them just like any other state as long as their citizens are lawful and the state government doesn't try to do anything unconstitutional.

          Continue with plans as set out in prior post (invasion of eastern Arkansas and Western Tennessee via Mississippi and surrounding country).
          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


          • #50
            For my next update I'm shooting for Sunday/Monday, though other things might delay it. It won't be later than Wednesday, though.

            From Afghanistan
            To Persia

            As long as we don't have to deal with the British or the Russians, we agree.

            From Russia
            To Great Britain
            After reviewing your proposal carefully, we have decided to agree to be allies with you. We'll also turn over Alaska to you once you pay for it (at a discount, since we're allies )


            • #51
              Update's gonna be late again (due to homework project).

              Also, Thur.-Sun. I'm going to be on a trip with my parents, so the update after this one is gonna be on Tue. (hopefully).


              • #52

                Sure...We could use some troops

                -Grow army
                -Reinforce the lines to make it an even faceoff...Then push forward against the enemies.


                • #53
                  Due to no update I've lost interest..I quit this NES


                  • #54
                    Sorry guys,... I've had a LOT of homework lately, and I'm leaving on a trip... well, today. All this has really thrown off my schedule... and not just for NESing, either.

                    However, I'm not closing this NES unless you guys want me to. If you guys want to continue playing this, there are 2 things I had in mind:

                    1. You guys can decide on a temporary mod to do an update before I get back (Monday). Once I get back, I'll take over mod status again.

                    2. You guys wait it out a bit longer and I do the update once I get back ASAP.

                    The third option would be to close this NES or hand over moderation to someone else, but like I said, I won't unless you guys want it that way.


                    • #55
                      If I wasn't in the middle of a war I could have modded it until your return.

                      Maybe I could mod things for all other nations, while some other people mod the Persian-Ottoman War

                      Any ideas?

                      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                      The trick is the doing something else."
                      — Leonardo da Vinci
                      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                      • #56
                        Well, I'm back. Update started.


                        • #57
                          MAY 1881 Update

                          North America

                          Union offensive begins! A Northern drive down the Mississippi into Arkansas and Tennessee started almost without a hitch. However, the Confederates were able to badly slow the advance by resorting to a previously unheard-of method of fighting: urban warfare. Union troops were surprised that, when they moved into a city, instead of retreating to open ground where they could "properly" do battle, the Confederates slugged it out from house to house and block to block. Traditionally, armies have triedw to avoid urban centers in fighting.

                          Many Mormons throughout rejoiced in celebrations of the "removal of the oppressors" from Salt Lake City. On the other hand, many Easterners were disgusted that the President has allowed the Mormons to keep their "unlawful" practice of polygamy.

                          Europe/Asia Minor
                          In the words of a popular novelist of the times, tension in Europe is "tight as the strings of a violin." Statesmen representing the major powers (Germany, England, Russia, etc.) are all accusing each other of violating the rules of neutrality by providing military aid to nations in the Middle East and North America, despite the fact that the states they represent are often just as guilty as the ones they are accusing.

                          Middle East/North Africa

                          The Ottoman armies, some armed with British and French weapons, have again attempted another press into Persian territory, this time with more initial success. However, some Ottoman commanders, annoyed by the constant pestering of Persian light horsemen, have ordered their troops to pursue the raiders instead of pressing towards their objectives, thus giving the main Persian forces enough time to prepare for a stubborn defense.

                          A Persian attempt to unify the Arabs against the Ottoman Empire has backfired, in a way. Instead of uniting the Arabs against the Ottomans, Persian propaganda has split the tribes of the Arabian Desert into pro- and anti-Ottoman factions, thus causing large amounts of bloodshed on the sands of the Arabian Peninsula.

                          The Berbers of French Algeria are becoming agitated by a sudden dropoff of their water supply. Already the port of Algiers itself has been attacked, though the FFL (French Foreign Legion) managed to beat back the attackers. Other minor settlements, however, have not been so lucky; many have been looted and burned. French authorities are promising to take action ASAP.

                          East Asia/Orient

                          Russia is beginning to eye Manchuria. Japanese citizens are concerned, seeing that Manchuria is a food source for a good-sized part of the islands.

                          Central/South Africa

                          More of the same old rough life (and death) in the jungles and on the plains of the African continent.

                          South America

                          The Peruvian-Chilean border conflict has escalated. Peruvian troops have attacked and defeated Chilean troops in a minor engagement just north of the border.


                          The natives of the Sandwich Islands, on which a British coaling station has existed since 1868, have applied for member status within the British Empire.


                          NPC Diplomacy

                          From: Anti-Ottoman Arab factions
                          To: Persia
                          Assist us in showing our errant Arab brethren the truth about the Ottomans!



                          -Amon Savag has quit. Therefore the Ottoman Empire is open to any takers.
                          -After next update (June 1881) I may switch over to 3 months/turn (unless anyone opposes this) in order to make the game go quicker. The turns will go: March, June, September, December.

                          P.S. Thanks for offering to help, Giovanni. I've got everything under control (in a way) now that I'm back, but I may need your help later.


                          • #58



                            • #59
                              I'll put the map in tomorrow, but you guys can go ahead and post.

                              BTW, considering how my schedule has worked out so far, I'll just try to do my updates on the weekends.

                              Again, if I overlooked anything in the update, tell me and I'll correct it ASAP.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Specialist290
                                P.S. Thanks for offering to help, Giovanni. I've got everything under control (in a way) now that I'm back, but I may need your help later.
                                3 months/turn seems great.

                                Anyway I'm glad everything is under your control again, I'm just sorry I couldn't really help, and I'm especially sorry that Amon Savag left, as this leaves me without an enemy

                                Hope he will return.

                                Anywaym if there is anything I may do please ask, and it will be given (well unless you want my credit card numbers or anything like that)

                                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                                The trick is the doing something else."
                                — Leonardo da Vinci
                                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio

