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NES 290-I: Alternate History NES

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  • Sorry for being late again. Due to technical difficulties (i.e. my family has conspired against me over Internet time ), I have been unable to reach a computer. Due to these same difficulties I probably won't finish the update tonight, so if it's not finished tonight I'll have to suspend this NES until next Saturday (so that we'll be back on a regular schedule).

    Anyway, I'll get to work on it.


    • Update finished. I'll put up the maps of the fronts later, but you guys can go ahead and post.


      • Specialist290 what about my attack on France?? I wanted to attack on this turn not the next one. Can you please post the results of the attack. I pmed the orders to you. If you dont have them anymore I can pm you again.
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • Jack: The attack on France is up there, under the "European Front" section of "The Great War."

          However, just in case I didn't get your orders quite right, you can resend 'em, and I'll fix the update.


          • To: Quebec
            From: Great Britain

            We know that you are not happy with the current situation. What would help you like it more?

            To: Manchurian Warlords
            From: Great Britain
            We have much to offer. What would make you be in the Triple Entente alliance?

            To: Ireland
            From: Great Britain

            We realize it is unfair for Ireland to be under complete control of Britain. Would you find it more fair if you were allowed a Premier that would decide all things with internal affairs?

            To: Ottomans
            From: Great Britain

            We are going to give you 6 battalions to aid you in battle. Use them wisely. We have also sent some battle plans that may aid you. If there are any troops you do not need please send back to us.

            To: Zulu
            From: Great Britain
            Let us work out a deal. We want you to fight against the Germans. So raiding and attacking German territories in Africa. Depending on how well you do is how much territory of South Africa we will give you after the war. Does that sound fair?

            To: British African Territories
            From: Great Britain
            We have good news. We are in the works of getting a military alliance from the Zulu against the Germans. So don't attack the Zulu unless they attack you. Do as follows Wait-Defend-Kill-Search. Wait is wait for the Zulu if they try to attack us then defend the base then kill them then go out and search where the Zulu camp is.

            To: Spain
            From: Great Britain
            We are sending you a message because of a threat growing in the world. That is the allies. At no other moment has the Entente and Great Britain needed your assistance. If the allies beat the Entente they will come for you. They are all countries that want power and land. Please aid us in battle.

            I will PM it to you Specialist


            • United States to Mexico :

              There’s no need for you to worry about your circumstances, as it is clear you should strike against the Confederate States. Our united efforts shall secure victory, you will get to keep both your states and the money, and the Europeans won’t risk declaring war on you for fear that you will cancel your debt payments. Join the side of triumph and justice.

              United States to the independent states of South America, excluding Argentina:

              Help bring down Argentina’s foul government! Rewards, both moral and material, await you if you make the right decision now.

              United States to Brazil (SECRET) :

              We are particularly interested in you joining the fight against Argentina. The lesser South American countries need an example to follow, and by taking the lead here you could firmly and permanently establish your role as the chief power of South America.

              Military orders by PM.
              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


              • BTW, since it was practically the middle of the week before I got the last update, done, I'll give you guys an extra week before I do the next one.


                • Specialist please don't delay the update any longer. This NES will die once again.


                  • OK, OK, I'll do one for this week...

                    (BTW, if you think I'm referring to the one that I started last Friday, I've finished it. It's up there.)

                    PS.: Those of you who haven't posted any orders (or PM'ed them to me) might want to start now, as the update is going to start either this evening or on Sunday (if circumstances beyond my control don't interfere).


                    • You didn't finish the map of the fronts


                      • Thanks for reminding me. I'll get that done too.

                        EDIT: Front maps from last week up.


                        • Brazil to argentina:
                          We feel it is time for us to unite and as you seem not likely to resist you may join us quickly.

                          Invade Argentina
                          Increase Militarys 1.5 years
                          Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                          Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                          President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                          • To Britian, France and Mexico

                            We need your help. We will be willing to of course do anything to stop the United States from returning us to that damnyankee union.

                            CS Orders

                            Keep holding the line.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • To: CSA
                              From: Great Britan

                              South American troops should be coming soon. That was part of the deal.

                              To: Brazil
                              From: Great Britain
                              You can't invade Argentina. They are our allies. Please don't invade them. If they want to join with you just join them peacfully. Don't annex them. And would you consider declaring war on the U.S.A?


                              • USA to CSA :

                                Is that what you think is going on? We have no desire to allow you back into our union. We recognized your independence nearly 20 years ago and are the better off for it. We did not join this war for the sake of conquest. We are fighting to stop your agression. You were forcing Mexico to give up their land for a pittance. If we allowed that precedent to stand, what would you do next? You were going to tear away part of a sovereign country, just as 20 years ago you tore away Kentucky and Indian Territory. Your 11 states seceded, and when we saw Union was shattered irrepairably, we were willing to let them go. And then what did you do? Invaded a Union State, our land, showing hypocrisy on top of your treacherousness and immoral oppression.
                                That is why we now fight.
                                But we still feel that despite all the misfortune that has occurred between us, we still have the chance to work together for our common advancement. Perhaps our two countries could never have been under one rule. But we can still be neighbors, indeed, should be, brothers, as is only fitting for our common ideals and heritage. The onus is on you to make the decision: Will our future history be one of bloodshed and mutual hatred, or will we be comrades, seperate, but stallwart allies and supporters all the same?
                                Here is our request:
                                An immediate ceasefire.
                                You will cease attempting to take land from Mexico.
                                Plebiscites in Indian territory (Oklahoma) and Kentucky, seeing whether they want to rejoin us, become independent, or stay with you. These will be monitered by the U.S., the C.S., and one or two outside observor nations. Once the results have been verified, both countries will accept the outcome, whatever it is, and immediately withdraw to the new (or old, whatever the case may be) borders, followed by a permanent peace treaty between us and the potentially new countries.

                                What say you?

                                OOC: Specialist, could you hold off the update, at least until Sheep responds?
                                Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

