To the USA
We brought the territories of Sonora and Chihua [sic] and we will not return them. Our men in Kentucky will rather die then to allow you to include them back in the Union and the Indians of Sequoah territory (we dont name it Oklahoma read the book to realise this) will never join you. We offer you this instead. Accept a ceasefire immediatley at pre-war borders and we shall not continue with our given right to defend.
We brought the territories of Sonora and Chihua [sic] and we will not return them. Our men in Kentucky will rather die then to allow you to include them back in the Union and the Indians of Sequoah territory (we dont name it Oklahoma read the book to realise this) will never join you. We offer you this instead. Accept a ceasefire immediatley at pre-war borders and we shall not continue with our given right to defend.