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NES 290-I: Alternate History NES
SEPT. 1881 Update
North America
Confederate offensive in Virginia/Maryland! The Confederates have struck at Federal forces in the vicinity of Washington DC and crushed most of the resistance. An army from New York has managed to stop the advance on Philadelphia. Washington and Baltimore are still in Federal hands, though the former is now under seige. Fortunately, most of the US government has managed to evacuate the city for Philadelphia, and Congress is now holding its sessions in Independence Hall.
A strike by the Confederates into West Virginia has been stopped and pushed out of the state by Federal forces. Confederate generals believe that if nothing is done to rectify the situation, US forces there will be able to flank the Confederates in Maryland.
The Federal offensive along the Mississippi has ground to a halt. Confederate relief troops have managed to reach the outskirts of Memphis to drive away the Federals.
Stuart's troopers out west have been raising Cain out in US-controlled New Mexico Territory. A Federal force near Tombstone was routed by a mixed force of Confederate cavalry troopers and Apaches. The incidents has been called the "Shootout at the OK Corral" after a landmark where much of the fighting has taken place.
Black conscription is helping to increase the ranks of the Confederate army, though some politicians and generals do not believe they are as effective as whites.
Confederate merchant marine captains are reporting mysterious sinkings. According to their reports, propelled torpedoes are "coming out of nowhere" to destroy their vessels. CS naval officials are investigating this.
Many Native Americans are migrating across the border to Canada at the encouragement of the British government. US troops have managed to defeat some minor incursions by the Indians, but have not been able to prevent their mass exodus.
Europe/Asia Minor
France has prepared itself for an invasion by Germany. It is calling upon its allies, Great Britain, Italy, and Russia, for aid.
Austria-Hungary has issued a statement that it will support Germany in the event of conflict. The Ottoman Empire has similiarly done so concerning its allies, France and Britain.
Middle East/North Africa
The Ottomans and Persians continue to drag on with their war, though both nations are becoming quite weary.
East Asia/Orient
Still mostly 3 nations warily keeping their eyes on one another.
Central/South Africa
The Zulus continue to wreak havoc in British South Africa and the Boer states. Disgruntled British settlers have begun thinking about joining the Boer republics due to a lack of response by the Home governmnet.
South America
Argentina declares war on United States! Responding to a call by the British government, the Argentine republic has issued a declaration of war against the US on the grounds of "unprovoked aggression against the Confederate States of America and others." With the other South American states, Brazil has delcared neutrality, while all the rest are too caught up in petty squibbles to even pay attention. Venezuela, however, has had its eyes set on British Guiana for a long time...
Quiet as a church mouse.
NPC Diplomacy
From: France, Russia
To: Great Britain
We have made our final preparations and plans. If you would like to go ahead, we will also.
From: Italy
To: Great Britain
While we have no objections to our allies going to war with Germany and the United States, we would like to abstain from any combat until we are fully prepared. You can start without us; we'll catch up later.
From: British South African settlers
To: Home gov't. (Great Britain)
I'm just posting because I don't want this NES to dye...
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
Don't close this NES!
I am willing to restart from were we left off. Please dont let this one die. I wanted to start a world war.
U.S. to Germany (SECRET) :
We are somewhat lacking in numbers of allies. Suggestions?
U.S. to Mexico (SECRET) :
We know that the reason you were going to sell those states to the CSA was because you were strapped for cash. If you join the war on our side against the CSA we will pay you the same amount the CSA was going to only you get to keep the territories you would have otherwise had to sell.
U.S. to Chile, Paraguay, Uraguay, Brazil (SECRET) :
Argentina is just SITTING THERE! It would be a cakewalk for you to take it, and no one would be able to stop you because of the issues that are already going on.
U.S. to Venezuala (SECRET) :
go for it.
U.S. to Spain (SECRET) :
Killllllll France....Killllll France......North Africa could be yours......
to Japan (SECRET) :
Look at all those Russian, French, and British lands JUST within your grasp. You need but reach out and pluck them, and there wouldn't be a thing they could do about it.
to Canada :
The situation between us and Britain is rapidly worsening, but we don't want that to affect our relations. We earnestly hope that should our disagreements with Britain escalate you would not feel the need to fight with us, when we would both be so much happier by staying friendly.
to Ireland (SECRET) :
Britain is weak, soon will be the time for you to once again claim your independence!
etc... Give similar messages to British colonies where there is dissatisfaction with Britain.
Mililtary orders:
Keep raising more troops.
Support troops in Maryland with an advance on Confederate lines from West Virginia.
Stop the Mississippi advance for the time being, but do not withdraw.
Send militias to deal with the Confederate incursions into New Mexico.
(SECRETLY support rebellion among the blacks of the CSA.)Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
To: United States
From: Germany
At this time I dont see how we can send any troop to North America to aid you in your fight against the CSA. What we are planing on doing is attack France, and then try to strike out at Britian. Let us hope that a second front in Europe will distract them enought to help you in your war against the CSA.
Germany has not issued a formal declaration of War against France for the attepted assiantion of our King.
Start War plans pmed to moderator.
Set up a defensive line on the Eastern Front. Do not advance instead set up defensive trenches along the Eastern Border and set up defensive fortifications.
To: Japan
Soon we will be striking out at Russia. Do you at this time wish to aid us in such attack?
To: Germany
From: Persia
We thank you for your help in upgrading our nation and our military, the war against the Ottoman Empire have reached a stalemate thanks to you, despite the big help given to the Ottomans by the British Empire.
Persia should now take the war into Ottoman land now, as soon as a good peace agreement with the Ottoman Empire will be reached we may be able to help you in anything you may need.
Let it be cheap oil supllies our military help.(/secret)
To: Specialist290
From: Persia
I sent my orders something like a week ago... do you think I should resend them?
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
OOC Gio: I'll check my PM box. If they're not there (possibly deleted by mistake) I'll tell you, and you can resend 'em. (Or you can anyway if you want to add or change something.)
EDIT: I still have them, so unless you want to change or add something (as mentioned above), you won't have to resend them.