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Scenario Preview: Lebensraum 1939

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  • #46
    *cough* Brits *cough* or Italy
    Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


    • #47
      I'd like to play an underdog nation, preferably Spain, but Turkey will do if someone has already claimed


      • #48
        Hmmm, I belive most slots are allready taken (way before this thread), but as I've said before, Germany or Italy for me
        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


        • #49
          Long before this I called France or Italy, which ever Henrik doesn't want. But I am willing to share techumseh
          Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


          • #50
            FMK, it's up to you to sort this out. If you have too many people, perhaps 2 games?
            Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



            • #51
              FMK, I'm having trouble mailing you, aparently AOL thinks every message I send is automated spam mail
              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


              • #52
                techumseh: i don't think we have too many people. There are 7 playable nations it seems. and so far we have 6 people
                Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                • #53
                  If you need a player, count me in. I´d like to test this scenario... preferably Italy
                  South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                  Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                  • #54
                    Dont have alot of pc time today. Will have some tomorrow though.

                    We'll have enough gamews for eveyone who wants to test. But remember it is a test, so dont expect perfection. I dont havce alot of time these days to test everything myself.

                    Para's range is 5. U boats are only buildable to Germany. BB's are available to everyone except Germany (Pocket BB's) after some research, and Carriers are available after research too.

                    Sent it out to Henrik last night. He sent me that spam! Henrik, I got your mail and will have to look into those things. Combat engineering didn't give the intended pop-up we talked about because we moved the Engineer into the setler spot. I guess you wont get engineer pop-ups that way.



                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Field Marshal Klesh
                      Para's range is 5. U boats are only buildable to Germany. BB's are available to everyone except Germany (Pocket BB's) after some research, and Carriers are available after research too.
                      Cheers. Should be good knowing that for strategic reasons.
                      Yeah, Moe, that team sure did suck last night. They just plain sucked! I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked.

                      -Homer Simpson


                      • #56


                        • #57
                          Hey, sorry to annoy you with the map again, but there are some remarks: The Turkish capital, even in '39, was Ankara, not Istanbul, as it appears on your map. Further, Belgrade should be a little more to the south (though I doubt that this is really an issue), and the Yugoslav flag should have that red communist star in the centre; finally, Albania wasn't independent, but fully intergrated into the Italian empire...

                          I'm a Smart@ss, I know
                          Follow the masses!
                          30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                          • #58
                            Oh, BTW, the scenario looks beautiful
                            Follow the masses!
                            30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Stefan Härtel
                              Hey, sorry to annoy you with the map again, but there are some remarks: The Turkish capital, even in '39, was Ankara, not Istanbul, as it appears on your map.
                              Yeah got that, thanks.

                              Further, Belgrade should be a little more to the south (though I doubt that this is really an issue)
                              You mean in the PBEM map thats posted? The bottom of the flagpole denotes the location of the capitals.

                              ...and the Yugoslav flag should have that red communist star in the centre
                              My source here says that the flag you are refering to is the flag of the Croatian Antifascist Movement:

                              They list the 'Croatian Bannate (Yugoslavia) 1939-1941'
                              as having this flag here:

                              ...finally, Albania wasn't independent, but fully intergrated into the Italian empire...
                              Again, I have checked on this, and here they say: 1939- Albania was occupied by the Italians, officially it continued to be an independent kingdom under the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. The flag was changed to plain red with the arms: black eagle on a red shield. The shield was set between two black fasces, above it Skanderbeg's helmet in black. Below the shield a scroll with the motto "fert".

                              I mean thats close enough for me with regards to the tiny little flag on the PBEM map. Yeah?

                              Oh, BTW, the scenario looks beautiful
                              Hey, Thanks!



                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Caspian
                                .......As far as he armour, I don't know anything about this, but we all know that their main drawback was the deployment of tanks piecemeal, rather than in combined hard hitting units, despite the fact that some of their tanks were better than those of Germany.
                                In fact the french didn't have a single tank formation and most of thier tanks didn't even have radios.
                                Also thier tanks were undermanned (the commanders had to move the turret, reload the gun and fire, give orders, use the radio (if avaible) at the same time, which mad it hard for any french tank to fight effective).

                                Besides this obstacle the french tanks were superior to the german tanks.
                                They were better armed and had more armor (except for weenie tanks like the FT17 and the R35)
                                Also France had the biggest tank force in the world by 1939.

                                I would propose to replace the R35 (which was basically useless in combat and had a top speed of 20 km/h which makes him unsuitable for being a light/fast tank) with the more modern H39 (top speed 37 km/h, stayed in service till the 1950s!) as French light tank.

                                Also I think its conceivable to give the French the Char du Rupture as stand in for a heavy late war tank.
                                The French started building it in 1922 but only managed to finish 6 by 1939. It was armed with a 75 mm Gun and 4 MGs (one got equipped with a 155 mm Gun instead of the 4 MGs).
                                They would've become the nightmare of the German Panzerwaffe if they wouldn't have been destroyed by Stukas on thier way to the front.
                                I'm quite shure that it could'Ve also been modivied in order to be effective against late war tanks. I will post a pictore of it later, when my webspace works again...

                                btw the scenario looks great
                                Last edited by tarpoon; October 13, 2002, 19:16.

