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Scenario Preview: Lebensraum 1939

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  • hi fmk!
    could i please test your scenario, too? i did not find a place to download it yet!

    Edit: Sorry, i did not read these posts before in which is explained that this scen ist just coming soon!

    I am looking forward to!
    Last edited by Cifer Almasy; January 21, 2003, 12:46.
    Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


    • Just wanted to make sure you hadn't forgotten about us. I'm sure you working hard. Perhaps you have an ETA for us to look forward too???
      "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.


      • Hi all. I am going to get this up this weekend. I have just to write a readme file. Shaka, the events file contains only text events for when cities are taken, and a very few unit generation events for the AI nations. Therefore while it certainly is playable in SP, dont expect the AI to be 'enhanced' at all. I did make them each fairly agressive though. Should help, but do not forget that England may declare war against France and the Soviets, while allying herself to Germany or somesuch.

        Has anyone who has the scenario played it to December 1941? I am wondering if the Pear Harbour event is working...



        • How did that weekend work go?
          "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.


          • Great, FMK. At the moment I'll play it in single player, when released I can't wait!! It looks just awesome!!


            • Itsa' coming... managed zero work on it over the weekend, and I haven't been staying at my house in the past few days because of work. Oh well. You all will just have to wait.



              • Get on aim you bum


                • I can't. I am about have dinner w/ folks and blaze back to the Field Marshal's bunker. Gimmie bout 2 hrs?



                  • FMK, can you post please, the .gif of the Polish armoured car unit?I would like to use it for my Spanish Civil War scenario, if you agree Thanks!


                    • C'mon man, I'm dying.

                      By the way, anyone know what happened to that "other" scenario in progress, "Appeasement and Aggresion?"


                      • the Polish armored car was made by Nemo and you should be able to find it in my or Pap's ww2 compilations.
                        Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                        • the Polish armored car was made by Nemo and you should be able to find it in my or Pap's ww2 compilations.
                          Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                          • Originally posted by Iron Chancellor
                            C'mon man, I'm dying.
                            Oh come on give the poor man time . We want a good and balanced scen after all and for this I'm ready to wait some more time. It's better before he release a game which is flawed we would not have much fun out of it.
                            Be patient it's worth it.


                            • Originally posted by The ANZAC
                              the Polish armored car was made by Nemo and you should be able to find it in my or Pap's ww2 compilations.
                              I'm sorry, fud I've searched the entire graphics showcase, and i didn't found it....anybody can post it here??

