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Scenario Preview: Lebensraum 1939

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  • #31
    I know it has been pointed out before but.....LONDONDERRY is British! Being the perfectionist that you are I am sure you have changed it BUT if you dont let me reimnd you that Londonderry was an important British port for acces to the Atlantic and so really SHOULD be British if you want reallism


    • #32
      Originally posted by Caspian
      Well, Grothgar, I bow to your superior knowledge on this matter. However, my source tells me that rather than slow mobolization, the French were too efficient and had to release scores of men again for essential war work (hehe, those silly frenchies..hehe). As far as he armour, I don't know anything about this, but we all know that their main drawback was the deployment of tanks piecemeal, rather than in combined hard hitting units, despite the fact that some of their tanks were better than those of Germany.
      Hmm. AFAIK (and I'm speaking entirely of the top of my head here) it took the French about ten days to mobilize the army. That was only the soldiers though and the mobilization began well too late.

      Also all heavy equipment such as arty etc were in mothballs and because of poor bureacracy and various problems that took quite a while too.

      What is your source btw?
      Yeah, Moe, that team sure did suck last night. They just plain sucked! I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked.

      -Homer Simpson


      • #33
        All said and true, wasn't the puny French airforce the Achilles Heel?
        This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog


        • #34
          My source is "the world at war" series. Even if French mobolization took 10 days or more, the polish campaign began on sept 1st 1939 and was virtually over by 20th. The Germans didn't invade France until 5th June the following year. So, even if it took a month for the French forces to be ready, they would still have opportunity to make a bold attack while the Germans were transfering from the east, and making the logisical preparations for the west.


          • #35
            Ah but you forget the Sigfried line. As you said it was far from finished but it would still be easier to defend such a small area (the Rhineland) with few troops. The French could have attacked through Belgium and the Netherlands which would have been perfectly logical from a strategical point of view. But politically it would have been suicide.

            Kobi has a point, it would have been hard for the French airforce to protect their troops from attacks.

            But what does this have to do with the scen?The French player should of course have the choice of attacking first. Total freedom, right? If you want to take that risk or save your forces is your own decision.
            Yeah, Moe, that team sure did suck last night. They just plain sucked! I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked.

            -Homer Simpson


            • #36
              FMK, seems excellent!

              I just noticed the "lighthouse" terrain on the irish map: is it a new one?? I never saw it in a scen, and IMHO it's just superb!

              Has the pbem test started?
              Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
              Discworld Scenario:
              POMARJ Scenario:
              LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


              • #37
                Fear not Kobra! That city in question is not Oslo, it is Kristiansand, I think that it is represented properly on the map. The rest of the national flags are placed on capitals... all except Norway, as there is no room in the in-game map for beloved Oslo.

                anarchywrksbest, I did change that in-game immediatly, and likewise updated the image in the post. Because I used the same name for the image in the post, I guess the file replacement didn't work.

                Case, I havent been online in the past few days, I did't know untill I read your post that it was even in the news section. I didn't do a thing.

                Cyrion, Thanks! Thats actually a Nemo 'rocks' gfx and a Nemo lighthouse from the Blitz put together by yours truly. I liked it too

                As far as the France/ Germany debate, France will have much more of a chance in this one, unless the germans are being played by a highly skilled player. However, the Seigfried line is represented in the scen, as immobile units. The Maginot is made from a higher defense unit, but the Seigfeid is within German cities rather than outside them.

                I am sending the business to Henrik tonite for him to set it up on his server. Game will get going after everyone has had a minute to fiddle with the game.

                So noone is going to ask about the civs? Or what the deal is with those balkan states?



                • #38
                  Originally posted by Field Marshal Klesh
                  Case, I havent been online in the past few days, I did't know untill I read your post that it was even in the news section. I didn't do a thing.
                  Markos must like you more then he likes me

                  So noone is going to ask about the civs? Or what the deal is with those balkan states?
                  FMK, what is the deal with those Balkan States?
                  'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                  - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                  • #39

                    Weeellll since you asked Nick, Rumania, Hungary and Bulgaria will be Barbarian (minor Nations) controlled. However, they will have German units within the cities to start. The cities in question will also be in the process of building their own units.

                    This has the effect of allowing the Germans to 'annex' the Balkan states without a fight. As long as the Balkan cities havent produced a military unit of their own, the Germans can simply walk in. As long as they do not move their (preplaced) unit out of any city there, they will enter unmolested. Once these cities build a unit, the germans will have to fight their way in. However, these 'fight's will be rather easy as the Barbs are building only infantries.

                    Some Barb nationalities are represented individually, while I was also able to kill 6 birds with one stone.

                    Attached Files


                    • #40
                      I put this thing together from the in-game units display. It cuts some names off on the right, and the tops of those units who are at the top of each civlopedia window. The last two units are unbuildable.

                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        Heheheh V2 Barrage followed by Panzer VI strike...
                        I'm gonna love this scenario.


                        • #42
                          Lovely... now, about Stalingrad...


                          • #43
                            Looks good, as usually

                            *cough*commencement PBEM*cough*
                            Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                            • #44
                              Can any nation build aircraft carriers, battleships and u-boats?

                              Oh and what's the range of para's?
                              Yeah, Moe, that team sure did suck last night. They just plain sucked! I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked.

                              -Homer Simpson


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by The ANZAC
                                *cough*commencement PBEM*cough*
                                count me in [I'll take the Soviets or French]

                                BTW Rob, if you're interested, I can send you AaA so that you can steal ideas from it.
                                'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                                - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon

