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Russian TV in the service of Iraqi Information Ministry

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  • #76
    What is the question Ming?

    Is it that US media proclaimed that they had captured the airport when int. journalists broadcasted iraqis celebrating in it?


    • #77
      Originally posted by paiktis22
      also videos of burned american helicopters, LOTS of american tanks.... all burned up.
      a while ago:

      two different videos of the same apache, filmed from different sides

      and recently:

      two different videos of the same tank, filmed from different sides, that was abandoned and not killed.

      there have also been shots of burnt up BMP-1's (two rear doors and tracks,) that have been passed off as a bradley.

      Iraqi propaganda is a joke.


      • #78
        Your Claim that Iraqi media is more credible than US media...

        Let's see, just hours ago, Iraqi media claimed that there were NO US TROOPS in Baghdad... And that they STILL hold the airport...

        Do you believe these "facts" to be true?
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #79
          It's one thing to not show a given video. It's quite another to edit a video to support a deliberate lie -- it strikes at the heart of fair reporting to do so, and people get fired here for that.
          No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


          • #80
            Originally posted by paiktis22
            What is the question Ming?

            Is it that US media proclaimed that they had captured the airport when int. journalists broadcasted iraqis celebrating in it?
            you mean the visit to the airport prior to the capture?

            If they still control it and killed so many Americans, why no recent pictures now?

            They've not offered to take any journalists to the airport, yet claim to have masacred the US there. It's just a joke.

            And not a very convincing one.


            • #81
              American propaganda is a joke too.

              Especially the manipualtion of info that arrives at american audiences.


              • #82
                But paiktis22... you are claiming that Iraqi Media is more credible... even if the US media are biased, they aren't in total fantasy land like the Iragi Media...

                So again... do you believe that there are NO US soldiers in Baghdad...
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #83
                  The iraqi office saying there are no american inside bagdat is a lie too.

                  just as many american lies are being said and have already be proven to be propaganda.

                  as to which is more credible, I cant take a vow.
                  I dont think anyone is taking for granted either american/british or iraqi news


                  • #84
                    the main difference between iraqi and american manipulation of info and propagnda is this IMO:

                    1) iraqis exagerate their military victories
                    2) americans understate the civilian casualties.


                    • #85
                      just as many?

                      The entire speech by the Iraqi Information Ministry for the last 4 days has been one long lie.

                      You know he's lying, because his lips are moving.

                      The Iraqi's claim to be winning, but they are being slaughtered, and surrendering wholesale.


                      • #86
                        the iraqis have brought up a big resistance that wasnt imagined (was the biggest fear) of the US.

                        that they are slaughtered, yes, you are unfortunately very right.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by paiktis22
                          the main difference between iraqi and american manipulation of info and propagnda is this IMO:

                          1) iraqis exagerate their military victories
                          2) americans understate the civilian casualties.
                          Which military victories? They've been claiming that they've won battles and routed troops. This just hasn't happened. Its a bold-faced lie.

                          Regarding the underestimation of civilian casualties, can you actually provide evidence of this understatement, by the Pentagon?


                          • #88
                            holding back vastly superior forces is a victory no matter how temporary.

                            and of course there's no question about US media when it comes to showing the Iraqi civilians who are slaughterd. they simply dont to the extend that they are killed.

                            for example a house was bombed 3 children were killed another one of 1.5 years of old was then shot to the head and body (still alive, miracusly).

                            the name of that family is (or rather was) Husein.

                            you can imagine what is going on. actually you dont have to, just getting european news would be enough.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by paiktis22
                              the iraqis have brought up a big resistance that wasnt imagined (was the biggest fear) of the US.

                              that they are slaughtered, yes, you are unfortunately very right.
                              A big resistance is "a big an opposing or retarding force". It seems to me that Iraqi forces have not slowed Coalition forces in any significant manner.

                              They don't know whether to surrender, abandon their posts or commit suicide, first.


                              • #90
                                LOL... arguing with you is futile since you're already proven you dont know anything but your own propaganda

                                US troops have been kicked in the behind, had to replan their whole operations, need to bring in more troops, and all that to a populace that was supposed to greet them with flowers...

                                sorry but you are simply funny

