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Russian TV in the service of Iraqi Information Ministry

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  • Originally posted by panag

    anyone who owns a 223 can tell you its different from 222 , .....
    No sh!t Sherlock ((c) David Floyd), but I said ".222 Remington Special " which is the first name of .223. It was renamed to .223 later.

    and if you where to get a buck for each pallet of 5.56 ammo that has "made in Russia" on it , .... well you would be a millionaire , ...
    I realize that exported Russian ammunition is better and cheaper so it could be very popular on the West, but I doubt that its more widespread than its western analogs.

    Anyway, I don't see you point. I said it was Americans who attacked our diplomats because eyewitnesses said so and because bullets extracted from wounded and from damaged cars were 5.56 bullets from M-16. Iraqis equipped with Kalashnikovs (they bought more then 3 millions Kalashnikovs from Soviet Union) that has 7.62 calibre.

    Btw, you forget to say "have a nice day".
    Last edited by Serb; April 18, 2003, 22:40.


    • Originally posted by Sirotnikov
      Serb, are you seriously claiming that Russia has no interests in Iraq, or that it is above doing all what it can to protect them?
      Russia had interests in Iraq. We made business with Iraq. Our businessmans has contracts signed. Our factories produced enormous amounts of goods for Iraq in accordance with programm "oil in exchange for food". We are losing billions of $$$ because of this war. Now when Yanks occupy, (absolutely ILLEGALLY occupy) Iraq, they will took our contracts for their manufacturers. And you think we should be happy about this? Furthermore they (Yanks) offered to us that we must forgive Iraqi debt to us, which is btw is around 8 billions $$$. It's just f*cking great- they come, killed hell knows how many people, destroyed half of the country, took our contracts and now offers to us to pay for their showdowns with Saddam.
      So, yes we had interests there. And yes, our media was biased when it's displayed this war (as well as any other media). But our contracts with Iraq has very little with this biased approach. Our media acted like any other media- they shown what people wanted to see, because they care about their ratings. Absolute majority of our population was anti-war (anti-American, if you wish) and it's the only reason why majority of TV chanels were anti-war (anti-American, if you wish) also. Our people was anti-war not because of our trade with Iraq, but because it was another war of agression started by Americans, who consider themselves as uberhumans, gods and rullers of this planet. We don't want to live in the world where uncle Sam decide who deserves to live and who isn't.


      Ya boyus tolko vashevo pravitelstva. Vi sovsyem ne plohie lyudi, hotya lehko vpechatlayemie , kak vidno iz demonstrazii protiv voini.
      Oh, common. We weren't alone. You never noticed all those war-protesters, in all those countries including USA itself? We were one of the last actually. First REALLY big anti-war demonstration in Moscow happened when Yanks were in Baghdad already.
      V te dni kogda sami Iraqzi zhgli portreti Saddama Husseina, vachi bili yedinstvinye kotorie demonstrirovaly derzha evo portreti, i nazivaya yevo leaderom Iraqa.
      Where the hell were remaining Iraqis? Perhaps they fought against invaders at this moment. Please save this crap " Iraqis cheers US soldiers and meet them with flowers" for someone else. Saying this is denial of all this heavy fighting which took place there during weeks. Guys who were pretty happy about arrival of Yanks in most of the cases just thieves and marauder who celebrated beginning of chaos which made them rich people.

      What I saw: voice over of the question, Mr. Arnet replies, voice over translating his answer, some of the time putting words in his mouth.
      Once again, I don't noticed this. Perhaps it was special, edited report for Israel chanel 9.
      Because if they can omit some of his positive sayings about the US (which he did have, and were never translated) and add some of their own negative sayings, most people will simply assume that is all he said.
      Oh really? I don't remember all details of this interview, but I remember when reporter asked: "How long do you think this war will last?" Arnet answered "I think US army will be here, in downtown of Baghdad within week."
      In accordance with your conspiracy theory this comment should have been corrupted.
      That distorts the picture against the USA - which is what Russian TV is trying for some reason to create.
      Russian TV reflects the feelings of Russian society. And this society is very unhappy each time when they see Americans bombing another country to stone age.


      • Russia had interests in Iraq. We made business with Iraq
        And you only have 8 billion dollar debt from Iraq that would never be payed by Saddam.
        Where the hell were remaining Iraqis?
        Serb, my grandma says, that if Americans Had entred Moscow in 1937, Russian people would have felt liberated.

        Serb, why do your TV shows wounded Iraqi people but do not not show wounded USA soldiers?
        money sqrt evil;
        My literacy level are appalling.


        • Is China already in Axis of Evil? If not i must say you something, Serb.

          Made in Russia-
          Made in parasha.
          Made in China-
          Made sluchaino.
          money sqrt evil;
          My literacy level are appalling.

