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Russian TV in the service of Iraqi Information Ministry

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  • Russian TV in the service of Iraqi Information Ministry

    I've just watched the Russian news reports on 2 major russian channels.

    The TV policy, I remind you, is dictated by the Kremlin, since it has power over all TV stations in Russia, whether direct, through "regulations" or economical control through state-run comapnies.

    The obscenely falsified facts and doctored video tapes, and provided lious commentatorship to present the American forces in a very bad light.

    For instance, a taping from CNN showing white civilian cars with Iraqi militia inside, shooting at US forces, was cut, only to show the US forces firing back at the car and the car swaying to the side of the road, with the commentator explaining "Many civilians are hit, as US forces first open fire and only later ask questions".

    Tapings from FOX/SKY of suspect Fedayin members being arrested at their homes are commentated: "Innocent unarmed Iraqi men are brutally kidnapped from their homes just for having expressed support of Saddam Hussein".

    Tapes from different days and different time frames were edited together, and commentated in a fashion which suggested "heavy iraqi resistance". That included pictures of UK troops destroying left behind Iraqi vehicles (as seen on SKY) being commentated as if they were hit in the middle of a heavy fire fight.

    Saturday's probe into Baghdad was titled "a failed american attack, rebuffed by Iraqi divisions" and a tank whose engine failed, and which was left and detonated by the US (so that not to leave usable weapons behind) was commentated as "The american forces suffered 3 casualties as the 3 troops driving this tank were killed when Iraqi forces blew it up".

    A tape showing a person resisting arrest, and a UK trooper forcing him to submit, was presented as if it was normal procedure of "humiliation and beating up of unsuspecting citizens and random check points through out the country".

    An interview with american renegade reporter (the same who was interviewed by Iraqi TV) was voiced over. The voice over presented it as if the commentator went on and on about how the Iraqis resisted and how the US was not prepared, but are now employing a "no holds barred" tactic to finish the job. A closer listen to the original soundtrack that was not silenced allowed me to conclude that the "no holds barred" part was a russian invention. In reality the reporter talked about the cooperation US troops are attempting with Iraqi civilians.

    Videos of Iraqi trucks fleeing Baghdad were presented as "reenforcements arriving to the scene".

    The incident where Russian ambassadors got in the middle of a fight between Iraqi an US forces was presented as if US forces suddenly opened fire on an unsuspecting Russian concoy. This is what all the broadcasters said, except for one Russian journalist who was interviewed, who was actually on the scene when it happenned, who admitted that they got into a middle of a gun fight, and were infact close to a concentration of Iraqi forces.

    In the recent month, the russian media has made "the iraqi issue" a central one and does it's best to present the events in as anti-american light as possible.

    No one cares about the thousands slaughtered in Chechnya by Russian forces, yet russian TV stations gave special coverages to the issues of "iraqi civilian casualties" where they describe bloody american fighting tactics.

    This is unbelievable. I think that Kremlin wants to create a huge enemocity towards the USA among it's citizens (that have actually been USA's greatest supporters after the fall of communism), and thus justify political steps against the USA.

    Furthermore, this manipulation proves that Russia is not a free country.

    I thinkn Putin hopes to gain a status of the most vocal anti-USA democracy, and thus gain more influence, and hopefully leadership of the Anti-US European block.

    i'm frankly appalled by the amount of lies I've seen in that half hour of russian news. Not since the calbe company terminated the agreement with BBC, do I remember such a bunch of obviuos lies in such a short time span.

  • #2

    My grandfather(in Russia) says that he's watching/listening both Israeli and Russian stations and the differences are huge.

    Remember the pictures of American soldiers near the trucks of food? When the world media was talking about hunger in Basra(or wherever that was) and American aid to the city, the Russians were cutting off the pictures of American soldiers and showing only the children trying to grab some food.
    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


    • #3
      If what you say is true about what the "news media" are saying over there...

      I didn't like Putin the very moment I first saw him, back in '96-'97...
      The cake is NOT a lie. It's so delicious and moist.

      The Weighted Companion Cube is cheating on you, that slut.


      • #4

        CNN has already been exposed to stage "footages" to make the US looks good. No difference there. It's not like Fox and CNN are exactly telling the truth.


        There are no US soldiers in Basra.
        (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
        (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
        (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


        • #5
          "Coalition". Is that better?

          Oh, and yes, Russian TV news are freaking hillarious.


          • #6
            Whats your problem with the BBC ?
            "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon


            • #7
              BBC world news are great, but they took it off the air some time ago. Now all we have is SkyNews, and CNN.


              • #8
                Poor you, I can't stand SkyNews .. everything is breaking news, and they take half the screen up to show you what was just verbally said .. UGH ..

                Maybe I miss understood, but I thought Siro was saying not since the BBC had gone, had such lies been told ?? I was just wondering what the problem was with the BBC.
                "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon


                • #9
                  Don't they have naked news in Russia?
                  To us, it is the BEAST.


                  • #10
                    BBC is ok, but they do present the missives of the Iraqi Info minister as if they should be taken seriously. They sometimes look stupid by not being biased .
                    Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
                    Douglas Adams (Influential author)


                    • #11
                      To us, it is the BEAST.


                      • #12
                        Does american (or british for tha matter) TV shows the hospitals filled with burned children?

                        I have a feeling they do not.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by paiktis22
                          Does american (or british for tha matter) TV shows the hospitals filled with burned children?

                          I have a feeling they do not.
                          yes they put them on in between cartoons for the pre school kids to see.

                          You see we eat children over here so its not a problem
                          Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
                          Douglas Adams (Influential author)


                          • #14
                            Here's an example of American media reports:

                            our earlier reports were false, sorry
                            To us, it is the BEAST.


                            • #15
                              Re: Russian TV in the service of Iraqi Information Ministry

                              Originally posted by Sirotnikov
                              I've just watched the Russian news reports on 2 major russian channels.

                              The TV policy, I remind you, is dictated by the Kremlin, since it has power over all TV stations in Russia, whether direct, through "regulations" or economical control through state-run comapnies.
                              whereas american media are driven by the need of the public to get accurate and timely information.

                              The obscenely falsified facts and doctored video tapes, and provided lious commentatorship to present the American forces in a very bad light.
                              it seems that everyone is doing this except american media. evil al jazeera, evil russian tv, etc...

                              For instance, a taping from CNN showing white civilian cars with Iraqi militia inside, shooting at US forces, was cut, only to show the US forces firing back at the car and the car swaying to the side of the road, with the commentator explaining "Many civilians are hit, as US forces first open fire and only later ask questions".
                              i watched the same tape on sky and saw exactly the thing depicted by russians

                              Tapings from FOX/SKY of suspect Fedayin members being arrested at their homes are commentated: "Innocent unarmed Iraqi men are brutally kidnapped from their homes just for having expressed support of Saddam Hussein".".
                              'innocent albanian men in kosovo are arrested just for expressing their support for KLA?

                              Tapes from different days and different time frames were edited together, and commentated in a fashion which suggested "heavy iraqi resistance". That included pictures of UK troops destroying left behind Iraqi vehicles (as seen on SKY) being commentated as if they were hit in the middle of a heavy fire fight.
                              at the end of GW 1 coalition reported 8 killed. now the tally is at 174. you do the math

                              Saturday's probe into Baghdad was titled "a failed american attack, rebuffed by Iraqi divisions" and a tank whose engine failed, and which was left and detonated by the US (so that not to leave usable weapons behind) was commentated as "The american forces suffered 3 casualties as the 3 troops driving this tank were killed when Iraqi forces blew it up"..
                              whereas you believed americans when saying that they blew up the tank. well, believe in whatever you want to

                              A tape showing a person resisting arrest, and a UK trooper forcing him to submit, was presented as if it was normal procedure of "humiliation and beating up of unsuspecting citizens and random check points through out the country"."..
                              a citizen of iraq being treated by occupation forces. of course it is humiliation when you are occupied...

                              An interview with american renegade reporter (the same who was interviewed by Iraqi TV) was voiced over. The voice over presented it as if the commentator went on and on about how the Iraqis resisted and how the US was not prepared, but are now employing a "no holds barred" tactic to finish the job. A closer listen to the original soundtrack that was not silenced allowed me to conclude that the "no holds barred" part was a russian invention. In reality the reporter talked about the cooperation US troops are attempting with Iraqi civilians."."..
                              whew, and they sacked peter arnett for saying THAT!?

                              The incident where Russian ambassadors got in the middle of a fight between Iraqi an US forces was presented as if US forces suddenly opened fire on an unsuspecting Russian concoy. This is what all the broadcasters said, except for one Russian journalist who was interviewed, who was actually on the scene when it happenned, who admitted that they got into a middle of a gun fight, and were infact close to a concentration of Iraqi forces.."."..
                              russian ambassador said they were deliberately targeted by americans.

                              n the recent month, the russian media has made "the iraqi issue" a central one and does it's best to present the events in as anti-american light as possible.
                              unlike german, french and other media?

                              No one cares about the thousands slaughtered in Chechnya by Russian forces, yet russian TV stations gave special coverages to the issues of "iraqi civilian casualties" where they describe bloody american fighting tactics.
                              unlike israeli media, paying full attention to the sufferings of the palestinians whose homes are bulldozed by israeli army?

                              your outpour is remarkable. why dont you go back to and stop watching evil russian tv?

