The "no-ships" were designed to be invisible to the prescient sight of certain groups, particularly the descendants of Muad Dib. I don't know if there is any evidence that they were equally invisible to the normal methods of detection that the ST, SW and B5 forces would use. Herbert never dealt with space travel in much detail; he was far more interested in the philosophy of his world than the actual technology.
Does the Duneverse say anyting about space Combat? Cause if the Empire, B5 forces, or ST ships can control the araes between planets then Dune has no chance, spcially once planetkillers come into play.
Anyway, if the only objective of the Dunians was to cause as much damage as possible, blowing up Arrakis wouldn't sotp them; they could jsut load their ships up with spice and send them out to attack as many crucial planets as they could. and I expect they'd get quite a lot; pretty mcuhe very major Noble House had enough atmoics to destroy at least 50 other planets, and IIRC, House Corrina had the same amount as everyone else combined. Rather a lot of ruined worlds...