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Post Latest Iraq War News Here - Part II

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  • Gaby Rado, the ITN reporter, dead under mysterious circumstances. That's a real shame. I've always enjoyed his reports.

    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service
    I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


    • Originally posted by cronos_qc
      British Ministry of Defense spokeswoman says British soldier killed in action near southern Iraqi city of Basra (Reuters)

      Where is the Al-Faw Peninsular? Is it near Basra?
      Yes, to the immediate southeast.
      When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


      • 23:39 U.S. was HQ: Three Marines dead, one hurt in helicopter crash in south Iraq

        In een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
        In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt


        • Pentagon says three dead when US marine helicopter crashes in southern Iraq.
          BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

          sorry repeated news but this is another website..
          Associated Press
          A helicopter UH-1 Huey of Marine crashed on Sunday while it had just taken off from an advanced post of supply and from fuel in the South of Iraq, killing three persons on board, announced the American army.



          • 23:36 Al Jazeera reporter denies British reports that troops captured Iraqi general, says he met with general
            If this is true... it gonna be like the "surrendered" 51 Division in Basra....
            Last edited by CrONoS; March 30, 2003, 18:14.


            • Originally posted by Olaf HÃ¥rfagre
              40 journalists are currently missing in Baghdad. Most of them have been arrested and abused by Iraqi security forces. Numerous others have been expelled from Iraq.

              Source: Aftonbladet/Swedish Radio News/Red Cross
              The Iraqi government has noticed that it is lossing the propoganda war so they have started to arrest or deport all journalists who are not explicitely pro-Saddam. Nearly all no Arab news networks have been expelled and several journalists have been arrested and no one has seen or heard from them for over a week.
              Try for discussion and debate.


              • Originally posted by cronos_qc
                23:36 Al Jazeera reporter denies British reports that troops captured Iraqi general, says he met with general
                If this is true... it gonna be like the "surrendered" 51 Division in Basra....
                Al Jazeera is known for making claims and then retracting them later.
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • wasn´t this an only-news thread?
                  Ich bin der Zorn Gottes. Wer sonst ist mit mir?


                  • Raw, Devastating Realities That Expose the Truth About Basra
                    by Robert Fisk
                    Independent UK
                    An Iraqi general, surrounded by hundreds of his armed troops, stands in central Basra and announces that Iraq's second city remains firmly in Iraqi hands. The unedited al-Jazeera videotape – filmed over the past 36 hours and newly arrived in Baghdad – is raw, painful, devastating.
                    ...For days the Iraqi have been denying optimistic reports from "embedded'' reporters – especially on the BBC – who gave the impression that Basra was "secured'' or otherwise in effect under British control.
                    ...Of course, it is still possible that some small-scale opposition to the Iraqi regime broke out in the city over the past few days, as British officers have claimed. But, seeing the tapes, it is hard to imagine that it amounted, if it existed at all, to anything more than a brief gun battle.

                    Oerdin: The General was captured Wenesday? Is this is true or not? Just wanted to know, I've forget the source where it says that. But I think it's BBC or Reuters
                    Last edited by CrONoS; March 30, 2003, 20:12.


                    • =The British deny having arrested an Iraqi general

                      Camp As-Saliya Associated Press, Qatar
                      The commander Will MacKinlay, the spokesman of the British army, denied on Sunday the announcement made previously concerning the arrest of an Iraqi general to Basra. " We think that it is not any more the case ", he said in the BBC. He awarded the false report to the " fog of the war ". " We have no war prisoner having general's rank ", made more added the British ministry of the Defence. The captain Al Lockwood, the spokesman of the British forces in the Bay, had declared during a point press during the day that a commando group had arrested an Iraqi general belonging to the Republican guard.
                      Translated with

                      Last edited by CrONoS; March 30, 2003, 20:33.


                      • Here it talk about a General in Nasyria not Basra...????
                        U.S. seizes Iraqi officers in Nasiriya
                        Nasiriya has seen intense fighting for almost a week . (Map of Iraq) Last Sunday, U.S. Army soldiers apparently took a wrong turn and were ambushed in the area by Iraqi forces who killed 10 Americans and captured at least five others.
                        Forces with the U.S. Marines 3rd Battalion, 2nd Regiment have captured an Iraqi general and other officers, as well as several Baath Party leaders, Harris reported.


                        • Saddam takes the advantage in the psychological warfare

                          Whether it is thanks to the exercise of the terror or thanks to a start of patriotism of his people, the result is there. Saddam Hussein escaped the American-British strikings. He maintained the cohesion of his population. He avoided the scattering of his army. He aroused a reflex of sympathy in the Arabian-Moslim world. Opposite, the American, humbled strategists, had to see again their copy. On the political plan, the president Bush was able to take advantage only of the reunification in his coalition of the realm of Tonga and of some other insignificant countries militarily....

                          ...The most unrefined propaganda actions came, at the moment, from Americans and from their British allies. There were the allusions on Saddam Hussein's death before the Iraqi president reappears on the television, the erroneous announcement of the surrender of the 51th Iraqi division, the rumour on the flight of Tarek Aziz which then gave a press conference in Bagdad. There was also a short piece of news of an uprising to Bassora who had hardly consistency. There was still an assertion that a column of 120 tanks left Bassora before we learn that it included only three armored cars.


                          • From CNN: Saddam's personal bodyguard stands behind defense minister in today's news conference. This bodyguard has never heretofore been seen outstide the presence of Saddam.


                            • From CNN: Morale in Baghdad collapsing under weight of Liberation forces bombardment.


                              • From CNN: Red Cross denied access everywhere by Iraqi's. Red Cross denied access to Allied POW's and to Iraqi civilian casualties.

                                Meanwhile, Marines in Nasiriya find shallow grave with four executed GI's who appear to have also been tortured.

